Tag Time!

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I was tagged by Bravesinger, who is an amazing artist and friend! Check her out!

Okay, so you're supposed to tag your closest friends and almost family like Wattpad people, Kay? I'm not very good at explaining.

I'm gonna tag a lot of people since people wer willing to be this girls friend. HGNNNNNNNNN-

Bravesinger (You're always nice to me, even when I'm mad or just plain depressed. I know many Wattpadians have that quality, but there's something that makes you seem like an a,aging person because of it. You're Los an amazing friend, and words can't describe how much I would die rather than seeing you suffer. You're always gonna be awesome, Bravey-boo)

GweenApple (You're my wonderful, kind mom. When I'm sad, you're always the first on who tells me how a,aging I am. I just wonder sometimes how you can put up with me. You also create very good art. Mom, I honestly love you to fucking death. You're an amazing person, Gween, never forget that.)

MimiSnickersDoodles (I can already guess how many people were expecting this one. Anyways, Mimi, you always find a way to put a smile on my face. Your silliness always finds a way to my heart, and I'm great fun for a friend like you. When I first came to Wattpad, I expected no friends. But hey, I have friends, and you're one of them. Besides, in the feels family, you're my little sis. Love you till the day the sun dies, Mimi)

M_Dreamcatcher (Okay, you adorable mess, you have always been a friend I've wanted. You're a great inspiration, a wonderful artist, and a great human being. Remember, I'm always here for you. You're my friendo chum pal amigo bro sis.)

OreoFerret (You're g8 m8. Honestly, I don't know how you like my art. You've always been a good person to me, and I wonder why you're my friend. Maybe it's because you just like me. I don't know why, but what do I know? Anyways, you always make me feel good when you PM me, and you have a wonderful talent that you shouldn't waste. Okay)

GweenSenpai whenever you come on the streams, I always get happy. Well, when anybody I know gets on streams, I feel happy. But you're a random, fun, great person. And don't you ever think otherwise. Once again, you're my little sis in the feels family. And I don't want anyone hurting you. Got that?)

shinyumbreongirl (I know you feel crappy, so I'm just gonna be honest. I don't like you....I LOVE YOU! You're the youngest in feels family, and don't you think that I forgot you. You're an amazing girl with an awesome talent for art. And if anything happens, just PM me. We might not be able to see eachother, and we might not talk all the time. But hey, I'm just behind the screen. I love ya, little sis)

SuperWoman1915 (We haven't talked in a while, but I just want you to know that you're an awesome artist and human being. Never think otherwise about yourself. People love you, including me. Okay?)


PUNZMASTER (You're an awesome artist and person. I always check ya art updates, and I apologize if I forget to vote. You just so cool, I wish I could be like you.)

Okay, I think that's all. I'm sorry if you weren't on here, I'm trying my hardest to find other awesome peps. Okay? I'm not saying you guys are bad, I just didn't get to know you all yet.


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