Episode 00 | edited

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E p i s o d e 00:
Notice : These are the events before the main story. It tells the story of Saya, Hiryuu, and the original dragon warriors (plus Dao-yi).

<Edited 04.26.19>


"Hiryuu! Don't leave me here!" Called the Fox Goddess.

The Dragon God turned to face his friend, offering her a gentle smile. "Then come with me." He said.

His companion's eyes grew wide as she stared at the red dragon, who held out his significantly larger claw. She took his claw in her own white-furred paw, flinching as the two immortals traveled through realms before arriving in their destination: the human world.


"Oomf!" The Fox Goddess yelped. Her body felt foreign, like her surroundings. She was perched on soft, vibrant green grass with trees growing around her from every direction.

She shivered as a breeze blew past, confused. "My fur should be warm enough to...-"

Saya shrieked in shock as she saw untainted, pale skin replacing her usually pelt-covered body. Gulping deeply as she stared at her paws, once having four toes, now boasting 5 slender ones.

The only 'fur' she could feel was on the top of her head and flowed down to her chest. They covered the two fascinating, round, soft fleshy mounds attached to her just underneath her collarbones, and the fur on her bottom which was just her glorious and healthy white tail.

Ah. The immortal's memories once again began to jog in her mind as she remembered her predicament.

"Hiryuu...," the albino goddess called, checking around the bushes for her red dragon companion.

The only entity she found was a creature that resembled herself but was bigger and more masculine. It also had long flowing fur like hers but it was wavy instead of straight and it was a pretty fuchsia color.

"Hiryuu..?" Saya called out again, her eyes darting around once more before turning her face to the animal.

"I suppose you two look similar enough," she muttered, squatting down in front of the unconscious body and prodding at it with her index finger. The goddess shrugged her lean shoulders and grasped onto 'Supposedly-Hiryuu's calf, dragging his dead-weight body across the ground


The creature, who indeed was the Dragon God she had been looking for, awoke a day later. He grinned up at her like a child and Saya couldn't help but sigh in relief that he was alright.

After all, they weren't in their normal bodies and this was a new realm; a realm they were not accustomed to. Anything could happen. However, the two immortals didn't allow those thoughts to settle as they gathered their courage and set off.


Together, the duo journeyed through the wilderness, adapting their newfound bodies for survival and learning skills such as hunting and cooking along the way. Their meals consisted of most commonly rabbit since Saya was the person who hunted most often, but the goddess would never forget the day they learned that human bodies were not accustomed to raw meat or consuming dirty water. They were sick to the stomach for days but survived through their godly heritage.

As the days progressed, eventually they found a village.

"Hiryuu, there are more he-yoo-mans," Saya informed him, albeit she was stating the obvious. Hiryuu, however, was too indulged in fascination to acknowledge his friend. They rarely saw any humans in the wild but the large quantity of them that currently moved among themselves and were scattered around the rows of buildings were quite a sight to behold for him.

"Hey, you airheaded goof!" She called once more, irritated at his lack of response.

"Ah, my bad." He replied, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck with his 'hand'.

Saya let out an exasperated sigh as she fixed her gaze on the carefree immortal. "You're way too vulnerable, y'know. Ever heard of the saying 'Curiosity killed the Cat Goddess?'" She said, eyeing her companion.

"Saya, that's not a saying. It's a fact. Kyoriousity did kill Juuri-san." Hiryuu sweatdropped.

The mentioned Fox Goddess face-palmed and turned around, unable to face the air headed god. He could be exasperating to deal with at times.

"That's not what I meant."


The bustling village was alive with energy as the villagers moved throughout. The courtyard was especially busy as people walked in, out, and around the numerous shops lining the square.

It, however, quieted down as people stopped to stare at a unique couple that passed by.

One was a lovely young woman, seemingly around her late teens. She was most definitely a rare sight since most people weren't used to seeing an albino. Her eyes were a striking crimson that accented her flowing silver locks. The uniqueness of her looks turned heads, both male and female, as she moved, but the most surprising of her features were the fluffy fox ears protruding from her head and the swaying tail that hung from her lower-back.

Beside her was man with curly, flaming fuchsia hair that shone brightly in the sun. His bangs slightly covered his eyes but anyone could see how astonishingly beautiful they were. They were a muted purple, more mauve, and they twinkled with cunning intelligence. Quite the sight if they'd say so themselves.

Though, only one thought was running through the minds of everyone at that moment: "What the hell is happening?"


After entering a tailor shop, randomly picking out clothes for the both of them, and changing into said articles of clothing, Saya and Hiryuu made their way out of the shop and back into the square where a curious crowd of villagers was steadily forming.


Something was approaching. With a keen sense of hearing (thanks to her goddess fox-ears), Saya was able to pick up on the slight change of the vibrations in the air.

"Hiryuu-sama!" and "Sae-rin-sama!" could be heard from above, male voices calling out desperately.

In an instant, five beings hurtled down from the sky, parting the clouds as they descended, landing heavily on the ground with a 'thud'. The impact caused the dirt on the ground to fly into the air, creating a dust cloud.

After it settled, four large, multi-colored dragons and an equally giant snowy-pelted fox emerged.

"Master!" Called all of the beasts, four referring to the Dragon God while the lone fox called for his goddess.

"Sae-rin-sama! We're returning to the Heavenly Realm immediately! Everyone has been worried sick about you after you and the Dragon God suddenly vanished!" The fox said.

"Calm down Dao-yi, I'm alright. And I don't intend on leaving here either." she said sternly.

"W-what- but master, why would you choose to stay in this awful place with all these lowly humans?"

('Okay that was low,' the humans in the
background thought, sweat-dropping.)

"I, too, choose to stay here," Hiryuu said, smiling up at his dragon subordinates. "I'm sorry but I just couldn't help falling in love with the humans."

". . ." The fox and dragons were silent, considering their next moves. "Then we'll stay with you."

Hiryuu's eyes widened at their statement. "You mustn't, though. Your magical bodies weren't made for this realm and it'll be dangerous for you to stay here for prolonged periods of time. Saya and I had to give up our heavenly forms in exchange for our current bodies."

"Then let us transfer our magic to humans in order to serve you." The dragons insisted. They were unbelievably persistent.

Hiryuu contemplated for a moment, weighing his options. He felt happy that his subordinates cared so deeply for him and he wanted to acknowledge their feelings. After some time passed he gave them a nod, giving them the OK. The dragons cheered.

"What about you Dao-yi?" Saya inquired, looking at her own subordinate.

The giant fox rolled his eyes at the four dragons. "Unlike you ignorant dragons, I'll keep my body by sacrificing a fraction of my magic so I may have a semi-beast form instead."

"What did you just call me?" The White Dragon spat.

"Nothing you stupid snake!"

Saya just sighed, a small grin adorning her face as she watched Hiryuu try to break up the two.


Over Five Years Later

"Gah you stupid snake! Look at what you've done." cried Dao-Yi, gesturing to his dirtied kimono. His fluffy fox tail swishing angrily, reflecting how he felt.

Saya snickered a bit at him from the side as Gu-en (the white dragon) started laughing.

Dao-yi blushed in embarrassment as he tried to hide his face with the back or his hand. "Sae-rin-sama, you're so mean. Why are you laughing at me," he whined, ashamed.

"BAHAHA! The look on your face right now is priceless!" the White Dragon said.

The Fox Goddess directed her attention towards him. "At least he only looks funny right now. Your face is hilarious all the time, Gu-en."

"H-HEY- not cool!"

This time it was Dao-yi's turn to snicker.


"Abi, your eyes are so pretty!" Saya muttered for the fifth time that night.

Her cheeks were flushed from all the sake she had been drinking but the blue dragon's face was pink for a different reason.

"S-Stop saying that Sae-rin-san!" Abi stuttered, embarrassed and feeling butterflies in his stomach. He knew she was only saying this because she was horribly drunk but it still caused heat to rise to his face.

"Aww? But they're so..- so pretty..." she cooed. Drowsily, she lifted her hand to cup his cheek, turning his face so he'd face her, before she grinned at him. A moment later, she let her hand drop back down as her head fell softly into the seiryuu's lap.

Abi had to cover his face with his hand just to block the deep red that bloomed all over his face.


"No fair Shu-ten!" Saya whined as the Green Dragon threw her to the ground.

"Oh? How so Sae-rin-chan~?" Shu-Ten teased, gripping his spear with his right hand.

"You have a weapon so I'm clearly at a disadvantage," she answered, gesturing to her empty hands.

"I think not! I'm pretty sure I'm just better than you, Rinrin~." He said before realizing his mistake.


"U-uh-... I didn't mean to-"

"BAHAHA! That sounds so stupid!"





"Zeno, you are my soulmate!" Saya cooed, shouting into the castle's courtyard.

The rest of the dragon warriors raised their heads in alarm (as well as Hiryuu and Dao-Yi who were just passing by at the time).

"No. You are my soulmate, Sae-Rin-san!" Zeno yelled, holding her hands in his.

[ This was before Zeno called himself Zeno. I won't go into detail for anyone who hasn't read the manga or watched the OVA. Poor baby ;; ]

The two giggled, letting go of each other's hands as they shoveled delicious food into their mouths like pigs.

The three other dragons (and Dao-Yi) sighed in relief as they realized they were just bonding over food.


Saya watched as another woman slapped Dao-Yi in the face for not being a good lover and giving her the attention she wanted. 'Poor him,' she thought.

"Ah, Sae-Rin-sama!" The fox called cheerily when he spotted her. His expression immediately brightened.

"I do not understand. Why do these women leave me? Don't I pleasure them enough?" He confided, venting out his confusion.

Saya's cheeks flushed a bit at the word 'pleasure' before covering it with a cough to regain her composure.

"It's okay, Dao-yi. Women just don't understand your affection for them. They don't feel loved and cherished even though I know you try your best. But I don't think you should change. I think you're great just the way you are and you should find someone that appreciates you like I do."

"Appreciate me? Like you do?" He said slowly, thinking over the words.

Dao-yi's eyes widened as he felt a soft hand caress his white. The feeling was warm and comforting but it made his heart tight. He didn't understand the feeling. It was painful, but he was happy.


A Few Years Later

"Hiryuu!" Saya wept as she stared at his lifeless body on the table. The Fox Goddess reached for his hand, cringing with disgust at how cold and limp it felt. She hated it, absolutely despised the feeling.

"Wake up! Wake up, you goof!" She pleaded. Dao-yi and the other dragon warriors surrounded her, watching with pained expressions.

Gu-en pounded the floor with his fists while Abi cried into his long sleeves. Zeno was kneeling next to her and Shu-ten stood solemnly with Dao-Yi beside the table.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was shaking violently. Her heart felt hollow, her soul weeped, her eyes stung.

She was too stunned to realize Dao-yi had lead her outside for a breather, trying to help her calm down.

Saya didn't think she could.


The next day, teary-eyed and pink nosed, the goddess watched sorrowfully as Gu-en, Shu-ten and Abi departed from the castle. After their master passed, the three of them had decided to venture elsewhere and start new lives.

Zeno helped her stand by supporting her body since she felt too distraught to stand on her own.

Shu-ten turned to face Saya, giving her a courteous peck on the cheek before ruffling her hair. "Stay strong, Rinrin."

"Come visit me, okay?" Gu-en said tearfully to Dao-yi.

"Yeah," he replied, offering the man a smile. "Good luck, stupid snake."

The white dragon returned the smile with a grin. "Stinky fox," he muttered before walking away.

Abi was the last to say goodbye, cupping Saya's cheeks as she had done many nights before, forcing her to look at him. As they stared into each other's eyes she began tearing up again.

"I'll miss your pretty eyes," she chuckled.

The seiryuu's eyes lined with silver but he forced the tears back, nodding at her.

As the three dragons disappeared into the distance, the woeful albino couldn't help but feel like each of them took a piece of her heart with them.

"It hurts."


It had been many years since Zeno had eventually left and Saya sent Dao-yi off to make a name of his own, and her hope was swiftly thinning.

Until now.

The Fox Goddess stared blankly at the handsome young man in front of her. Her hollow eyes scanned him from head to toe and she couldn't help it as they slowly glistened with tears.

He didn't have the exact same feel but the likeliness between their faces was uncanny.

"Hello, my name is Su-Won. Who are you?"

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