Episode 09

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E p i s o d e  09

The group of five departed from the White Dragon village quickly after their feast, which Saya had undoubtedly demolished, and back into the familiar-ness of the tree-protected mountains.

"So.. where next?" Yoon asked curiously, looking to the others.

Hak shrugged nonchalantly while Yona looked as clueless as a hedgehog in a balloon factory.

"No idea!" Saya said, grinning.

Kija raised his head proudly and pointed his thumb to his chest.

"Because of the Dragon blood in my veins I can sense where the other dragons are. Even if it is just a faint feeling we Dragons are like brothers!" He said, satisfied with himself.

"Wow how useful!" Yona and Yoon said simultaneously.

Hak just smirked and said, "Oh, so your finally being useful for once, White Snake?"

Saya snickered softly and put her hand to her mouth with an evil glint in her eyes.

Kija became embarrassed and sad in an instant, pouting as he whined, "Don't call me White Snake! And it's not funny Fox Goddess!"

"Fox Goddess? Heh, I could get used to that." Saya said, dismissing the White Dragon which only made his sadness deepen.

"So cruel!"


Yoon rolled his eyes as the three abnormals in the group innocently bickered again.

"I am not Fox Girl you stupid cat!" Saya shouted at Hak, who had once again disgraced her name.

"And I'm not White Snake!" Kija added in, showing off his sharp claws to the ex-general.

"You guys are so--" Yoon began before a certain Fox Goddess silenced him.

"How many footsteps?" Hak asked her as Kija began to unwrap his bandaged right hand.

"30? No 40.." Saya told him, her Fox ears twitching adorably. "Yona, Yoon, go hide."

Yoon nodded and followed her command by grabbing the Dragon God's reincarnation by the arm and tugging behind a bush.

"Am I allowed to use my bow?" Yona asked suddenly, but was ultimately shut down by Hak which sent her into a sad mood.

"Only if needed.." Saya cut in reluctantly, raising the red-haired princess's energy by a small amount. "Now get low!"

Yoon and Yona obeyed, ducking behind the green bushes, and they watched as a large group of bandits surrounded them.

"Well well! What'da we have 'ere boss?" Said an exceptionally ugly one, giving the remaining trio a toothy grin, most of his yellow teeth missing.

Saya scoffed and rolled her eyes and said, "Apparently not dental hygiene you toothless hyena!"

This made Hak chuckle while the group of bandits began to become frustrated at their victims' lack of emotion.

Another, more brutish, bandit stepped forward, clutching a small, dull knife in his hand. He used the metallic weapon to prod at Fox Goddess's pretty face, sure that he was making her shiver in fear.

"Get your hands off me you brute," she demanded, glaring claw-sharp daggers at the criminal in front of her.

"And what if I say no?" He said, smiling venomously. As the bandit went in for another poke, his face met with the hard heel of a shoe.

"That's what happens." Saya said coldly, ice weaving through her words.

The rest of the bandits shouted out war-cries before charging at the three. In a matter of seconds, 10 of the men were already on the floor dead or dying as Hak swung his spear, Kija lunged with his claw, and Saya became a whirlwind of kicks and punches, not wasting her energy on converting to her Goddess form.

From the bushes, Yoon and Yona watched awestruck at the destruction the three could cause without much effort. The red-haired princess pulled her bow closer to her, clutching it's strong, willow hilt.

"Do you want to shoot?" Yoon asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Yona vigorously shook her head in denial but couldn't help it as her lips pursed into a tight line. "Sae-Rin-san said only to shoot if it was required of me to.."

Yoon looked at her with slight disappointment in his eyes and said, "But isn't that why you took up a bow in the first place? To be able to create an opening?"

The sudden encouragement filled the princess with determination and she nodded, reaching for an arrow from her quiver.

"Based on your aim and distance, I'd go for that guy in the back." Yoon directed, pointing at a bandit with a knife in his hand. "Aim for the hilt of the knife... lower, lower.. annnnd fire!"

Yona fired her arrow, grazing the man's hand, which made him drop his weapon and flee. The two teenagers high-fived, becoming too distracted to sense the blade wielding criminal popping up behind them.

"Be quiet, girls. You'll be our hosta--"

The bandit couldn't finish his sentence as a sharp Dragon claw ripped at his arm, a spear head plunged into his left thigh, and a hard kick met his nose resulting in a disgusting crack.

"Yona/Yona-hime/ Princess!" The three said in unison, reaching out their hands for the fragile red-head.

Yoon groaned and rolled his eyes, continuing on the path and walking away from the carnage.

"Yoon! Wait for me!" Yona called, sprinting to catch up with the 'handsome genius'. Kija soon joined the duo making them a trio and Saya smiled at the scene.

"Hak, lets join them." She suggested to the ex-general, making a move to follow the three in front of her when she suddenly heard a thump and the crunch of dead leaves.

"H..Hak?" Saya asked slowly, turning around to see body laying face first on the ground.

"Yona! Yoon! Kija!" She called. Her three companions rushed to her side and they all stared at Hak's large unconscious body.

Unbuttoning the ex-general's shirt, Yoon saw a slightly diagonal line of blood that ran across Hak's chest.

"Ahh, gosh. His wound opened up again, he shouldn't have exerted himself." The strawberry-blonde muttered, treating Hak's uncovered chest and unwrapping the bloody bandages around his chest while replacing them with a new roll.

"Will he be okay?" Yona asked, while Saya thought it. "It's fine, we just need to stop and rest." Yoon replied, standing up from the ground.

"Kija, hold Hak in your-- Kija?" The 15-year-old said, concerned.

"S-sorry... I over exerted myself, Princess, Fox Goddess. I shall punish myself for my crimes." the White Dragon said, trying to get up.

Violently, Saya shoved Kija's body down so he could take his medicines.

"Yoon, I can't carry both of them to where you're going. Let's just camp out here.." she said, nodding to both the strawberry-blonde and very confused red-head.

I'm so tired... it's 3 AM. Ripperonies.

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