Episode 12

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E p i s o d e 12
Heavenly Eyes

"Blue Dragon." Saya uttered, a broad smile adorning her lips with stars sparkling in her scarlet eyes.

The Blue Dragon flinched, retracting his hand from her arm as if it was a hot fire, and slowly drew his sword.

"I-intruders... intruders should be killed... killed." He stuttered out, wielding his long blade.

The Fox Goddess's expression softened into a pitiful gaze as she stared at the mask that sheltered his eyes. Reaching out her hand, she attempted to grab the mask from his face but a steel weapon prevented her from getting any farther.

"Leave.. don't-.. intruders should..- cursed eyes.." the Blue Dragon mumbled, his spewed words like mixed alphabet soup letters.

Instead of backing down, Saya inched closer, a determined look embellishing her face. "You don't have to hide." She said, reaching her hands out once more.

The frightened Dragon Warrior backed up and continued to retreat until he felt a solid wall pushing against his back. His hands shook, unable to thrust his sword into the woman, then he dropped it.

Extending her fingers, the White-haired immortal grasped onto his ivory colored mask, and whispered, "You don't need to hide from me... because I know your eyes are beautiful."

The cracked mask fell to the floor with a thump as heavenly, amber eyes, exposed and beautiful, stared into crimson red ones accompanied by a bright smile.

"Your eyes are so pretty... such heavenly eyes."

Shin-Ah's mouth opened slightly, searching for words to say, but closed into a tight, quivering frown as tears welled in his dragon-ish eyes.

"T-they're cursed." He said dejectedly, shutting his eyelids firmly. "Everyone hates them, even Ao.."

Saya herself felt tears beginning to form at the rim of her eyes and scowled bitterly at the thought. "Who is Ao..?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"The previous Dragon." The Seiryuu said, almost inaudible.

The goddess stroked his cheeks softly as she cried and said, "I'm sorry... for being too cowardly to search for you... for not being able to be there for you or Ao. I should've been there to at least guide you or comfort you... please forgive me."

Suddenly, voices aroused and ricochetted off the cave walls. Furrowing her brows, Saya swiftly wrapped her arms around the Blue Dragon and held him, her grip tightening as the footsteps got louder. Then, she hastily got up and sprinted out, leaving the Blue Dragon alone once more with only his chubby, chubby squirrel.


"Where have you been for the past hour?!" Yoon scolded as Saya rubbed the back on her nape sheepishly.

Hak, too, was pissed but hid it behind a rude, teasing remark. "What? Did you go into the hallways and get lost on the way here Fox Girl?"

A tick mark found its way to the goddess's forehead and made shelter there as it throbbed. "No I didn't! I found the... the-.. uhm... the Blue Dragon.."

Yona jolted up in amazement and clapped her hands together proudly. "Where? Where is he?" She prodded, looking around.

Saya pointed in the direction of the hallways and smiled. "He's behind a hidden door in the walls... alone." She informed, brightly, before her voice went low as she uttered the words 'alone'.

Not quite hearing her soft muttering, Yona inched closer to the large, arch doorway and Yoon followed behind. Excitedly, the goddess made a move to follow before a muscular grip pulled her back into a hard chest.

"Hak?" Saya said curiously, looking up and gazing behind her. "What's wrong..?" She asked.

The 19-year-old's vision was blocked off and hidden by his inky-black bangs as he told her, "Don't go.."

The crimson-eyed immortal opened her mouth slightly. She had lived long enough to know what love was, perhaps the ex-general was affected by its inescapable web.

Softly, she said, "I'm sorry, Hak. I must see him.. I'll be safe and protect Yona with everything I have."

Hak's eyes seemed conflicted, like a clashing battle between desire and duty. Hesitantly, he let go and nodded, whispering to Kija.

After a moment, the White Dragon joined Saya and the others, walking down the dim, narrow hallways and back to the dead end.


"You guys go on ahead, me and Kija are just gonna watch the door." The Fox Goddess offered, smiling back at them.

Once the two were gone, her cheerful facade fell and she stared coldly out at the masked villages with knives clutched in their shaky hands.

"Kija.." Saya mumbled. The two looked at each other with understanding and simultaneously turned their heads back to the weapon wielding people.

"We won't let you near them." The White Dragon warned, revealing an inch or so of his scale encrusted claw. The villagers shook and retreated, muttering words along the lines of "Monster," and "Scary,"

Fortunately for the shaken Blue Dragon villagers, the red-haired princess and strawberry-blonde genius returned from their mini journey looking disappointed.

"He refused." Yona said bluntly, small crocodile tears in the corner of her eyes. "I think he's waiting for someone..."

Instantly, Saya's eyes widened, and her mouth formed a tiny 'o'. "M-may I try?" She asked sheepishly.

Yoon nodded slowly and said, "Sure, perhaps he'll listen to you since you've been with the dragons since the beginning.."


The Fox Goddess slinked through the dark hallways once more, intensely searching for the familiar hollowed out room that contained the anxious Blue Dragon.


"Seiryuu!" She called, hope swelling in her veins as she waited for an echoing reply.

"H-here.." a quiet voice said, the soft vocals leading the white-haired goddess to an extremely dark path that opened up into a brighter room.

"Blue Dragon!" Saya smiled, rushing to him as fast as she could. She gazed sourly at the cracked mask that once again adorned his face, covering his dazzling eyes.

"Seiryuu, don't cover your eyes, please. I want to see them." She complained, childishly.

"B-but...--" he replied, trying to refuse. After seeing the sad and strained expression that was displayed on the girl's face he immediately flinched and slowly touched his mask.

With snail-like speed the mask he wore was taken off to show his golden gaze. Relieved, Saya said, "Why did you say no to Yona?" She knelt beside him, "Couldn't you feel it? Feel her? Don't your eyes ache?"

The Blue Dragon's eyes widened largely. He opened his mouth to speak again when suddenly he ground shook and rocks began to crumble from the ceiling.

Startled shrieks flooded the Goddess's ears as a sickly feeling settled into her stomach.

She stared questioningly at the Seiryuu beside her who looked just as disheveled as she was.

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