Chapter Two: The Councillors

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It was a large room, with a large table filled with food of all sorts. Sitting upon golden thrones around the table were Councillors Oralie, Terik, and Bronte.

"Good afternoon, Lord Kameron." Bronte nodded at Madi's father.

"Good afternoon yourself, Lord Bronte," Madi's father said with a look of hatred in his eyes.

"Have a seat, Kameron. Is this your daughter?" Bronte asked, gesturing towards Madi.

Madi's father took a seat in one of the golden chairs and told Madi to sit next to him. She sat down, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, this is my eldest daughter, Madileyne. She is hoping to be accepted into Foxfire." Madi's father took his daughter's hand. Madi pulled away.

"Hmmm...." Bronte said, raising his eyebrows."Well, I guess we'll have to start the test. Terik, would you like to start us off?"

Terik nodded at Bronte, "Very well," and looked at Madi. "Now Madileyne, I am the one and only Descryer. I have the ability to sense one's potential. Take my hand?"

Madi reached across the table and took Terik's hand. There was a pause. Then Terik said, "Yes, yes indeed! I can sense plenty of potential here." He nodded at Bronte again. "She'd make a fine student!"

"If you say so, Terik," Bronte crossed his arms. "But that's not the only test we need to run." He turned to Madi. "Have you tried using core energy before?"

Madi stared at Bronte blankly. She finally answered in a small voice, "No."

"That's not a problem," The Councillor named Oralie nodded. "It's quite simple. All you have to do is move an object- say, why not this water goblet?"

Madi gave a small nod and closed her eyes.

"Good work, Madileyne. " Oralie told her. You can do anything if you put your mind to it and use your core energy. Now see if you can make the water goblet levitate."

Madi pictured in her mind the water goblet lifting off the table, floating in mid-air. Slowly, gently, she would use her mind to make the water goblet rise...

There was a shout of, "Amazing!" and Madi opened her eyes. It was Terik who had exclaimed, for above the table, the water goblet was indeed floating all by itself!

"Did... Did I do that?" Madi asked.

Oralie nodded. "Indeed you did, Madileyne. You lifted that goblet all by yourself."

Madi beamed. Next to her, her father was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, well," Bronte said, lowering the water goblet so it rested back on the table. "She can use core energy."

"Indeed, Bronte," Terik nodded, "And I think it's time to cast the votes. Oralie?"

Oralie smiled. "Give me your hand, Madileyne?"

Madi hesitated. She didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Madi. Oralie is an Empath. She can sense your emotions, all she wants to know is how you are feeling right now." Madi's father encouraged, "Go on!"

Madi took Oralie's hand cautiously. The Empath closed her eyes and nodded to herself. "Yes, yes. Fear, confusion... That's perfectly normal. I vote yes."

"I vote yes as well," Terik added.

Two votes for Foxfire! Madi would attend the school! But first, Bronte still needed to cast a vote even though it wouldn't affect the outcome.

The old Councillor studied Madi over, his piercing blue eyes met hers. He finally said, "Fine. I vote yes. Madileyne Elsisen shall attend Foxfire Academy."

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