Chapter 2

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As I padded across the clearing I heard purrs of welcome and Rosepetal padded up to me. "Glad to see you recovered." she mewed shyly. I nodded in acknowledgement.
Cherrypaw and Molepaw raced over to me. "Molepaw said you almost died!"
"No I didn't!" her brother huffed indignantly. He tackled his sister and they tumbled across the clearing.
Bramblestar padded through the sea of cats swarming around me. "Good to see you well again." he mewed. He leaned closer to Foxleap and in a lower tone he added, " Half the Clan didn't think you'd make it." Foxleap leaped back, a bit startled. Why would they think that?
"Err..It's to be well..again?" I answered back, feeling a bit awkward. Then I padded towards the fresh kill pile again, aware that I was being stared at. I could feel the eyes burning in my pelt. I grabbed a thrush and hurriedly walked to the medicine cat den entrance. I ducked under a bit of bramble and into a slight hollow where nobody could see me and tucked into the thrush.
I didn't realize how hungry I was until I had taken my first bite. I ate the rest sloppily, only hoping nobody noticed me. After I finished my fresh kill I padded towards the elders den. I figured if I couldn't hunt I should be as much use as possible. Purdy saw me immediately and looked at me, still hollow-eyed.
He was still sad about Mousefur's death but he refused to say it. "Hey, Foxheap isn't it? I have this tick at the base of my tail, you see, and I can't reach it. Do you mind?"
I sat beside Purdy and began to search for the tick. Once I found it I got it in between my teeth and cracked it. When I spat out the bug I looked at Purdy. "For once, I wouldn't mind hearing one of your stories." I meowed to the gray muzzled tom.
Purdy looked surprised. Then he thought a few moments. "There was this one time.." I closed my eyes and imagined the story how I had heard it.

A gray tabby stalked a mouse from a few fox lengths away. There was a large upwind breeze, giving the tom an advantage. Just as the tom jumped a gust of wind blew him into a rabbit warren. The tom was stuck headfirst in the tunnels. He tried to back out but couldn't so he crawled forward.
The cat squeezed through the tunnels to find a nest of baby rabbits. Their mother lay beside it it. The tom picked up the baby bunnies one by one and left them by a Twoleg nest. After all the rabbits were by the nest the cat yowled as loud as it could. A twoleg came out, ready to yell at the cat but then saw the bunnies. The twoleg carried the baby bunnies inside.
After the rabbits were inside, the twoleg came out and gave the tabby tom a bowl of some sort of pinkish fish. The tom accepted it gratefully.

"It was the best meal I had ever had," concluded Purdy.
"One of your shortest stories yet." joked Foxleap. "Hey, how about I sleep with you tonight?"
Purdy's eyes clouded with grief. "It's been a bit cold since Mousefur left.." Foxleap nudged the elderly tom as to say, 'It's going to be okay."

Foxleap had begun to hang out with Purdy more and more, growing fond of the old cat. Other cats teased him saying stuff like, 'Retiring early?' or 'Want me to pick out your ticks?' Foxleap went along with it, knowing they would only tease him more if he gave them the satisfaction of annoyance.
Bramblestar leaped onto the Highledge. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Cats streamed from the dens and Graystripe, Dustpelt, and Sandstorm leaped to a ledge lower than Bramblestar's. "Today, three loyal warriors wish to retire to the elders den. These cats are Graystripe, Sandstorm, and Dustpelt."
The three warriors edged closer to Bramblestar. "You have served your clan many moons, and for this we reward you. No longer will you take care of the clan, the clan will take care of you. May you shade your wisdom with others. Now, do you all wish to retire?"
Graystripe responded first. "I do." Dustpelt and Sandstorm replied with a nod.
"Clan dismissed." Bramblestar leaped down to the clearing. Cats swarmed the new elders, congratulating and thanking them.
Foxleap padded to the elders den where Purdy was resting. "I guess we can't hang out anymore."
Purdy nodded solemnly. "You reminded me so much of Mousefur.." I padded out of the den before K could see the old cat become any more depressed.

A/N Sorry for the sudden change in 1st person to 2nd, I got confused

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