Chapter One

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     There was only one thought on Quicksand's mind as she glared in front of herself. 

      Kill them. You have to kill them. She stared at the black curtain. It was waving it's fabric dancing from the wind and the energy of the hidden crowd. Cheers of excited SandWings rung in her ears, words and chants arising from the unseen dragons. Quicksand wished she could focus, focus on the thrilled cheers. The cheering was the good part, so why couldn't she focus on that? But that question answer would just have to stay as "but that never happens, when you about to kill a dragon, that all your think about". Being happy and optimistic just wasn't what you did in this life.

      In this life, there was only 10 words your mind. 10 simple, but terrible words.

You are going to kill them, no matter what happens. This had been what the dragon had been her whole life. She couldn't remember doing anything else but challenges, and that's it. She put her head down towards the sand as she thought this. Why does this have to be what I'm doing?  please the guests, get the money, stay alive. Simple enough. Quicksand rolled her claws in the dust, letting the sensation on warm sand on her talons fill her. 

     She put her head and all she did was look forwards at the curtain. The black curtain wavering around in the breeze and glittering in the light. Lets just do this... okay? Quicksand put on talon on the ground in front of her. 

      And then came the signal.

     "Here comes...." Said a regal, deep voice. Quicksand, of course, knowing who this was, and what he could do to her if he got angry, always got somewhat paranoid whenever he mentioned her. Thoughts like What if I mess up? What if I fail him? Always raced around in her brain. And to stop him from doing that, she just had to try her best and be entertaining. If she failed him, failed Morass..... she didn't want to think of what he would do to her.

      Why am I thinking about this right now? Quicksand questioned herself. Just do what you always do. Quicksand tried her best to smash her thoughts, clearing her mind to ready for the fight. You are going to kill them, no matter what happens...

     Quicksand ran out from behind the curtain right on cue. The sun beat down on her scales, making her both happy and uncomfortable. Why do I  always feel bad in the sun?  I'm a SandWing, right?  Still, no matter how much squashing was involved, she couldn't stop thinking and worrying. Quicksand cringed as she though this one thought, shame starting to fill her. She shouldn't have thought that. She knew only reason she felt happy was because she didn't feel completely uncomfortable. But the desert often just made her feel... hot. Nothing happy or joyful. Quicksand had a tendency to try to convince herself the false was true. That's why she often thought the words, I'm a SandWing.

      However, even as she thought all of this, thought of stuff that really didn't want to think about, she had a smirk pasted on her face. She had to look smug, powerful, mean. If not, well, Morass would do something. Quicksand had found a good enough way to be miserable but look completely battle-ready. 

     "QUICKSAND!" Morass shouted, finishing his sentence. Quicksand whipped her head around. She lashed her tail. "The most fierce, furious  dragon in all of Pyrrhia!" Quicksand was used to this speech, though she was skeptical that it was true.  But then, she thought for a second. No.... that's true. She bristled as she thought. She was planning on continuing that thought with some sappy, like, "Oh, I wish I didn't have to be furious and mean,  I wish I was a normal SandWing that was venomized and content in the sun, my life is so mean to me!" but she immediately stopped herself from thinking that. That is, because it was wrong. Yep, 100% WRONG. She was happy being powerful and mighty. Everything was fine. 

     Quicksand started wondering why she was even thing about this. Seriously, I do this everyday... her thoughts we running around in a circle, screaming things like "HAHA YOU'RE DISTRACTED!" and "YOU ARE A WEIRD TERRIBLE DRAGON YOU FILTHY LITTLE MUD-" SHUT UP RIGHT NOW BRAIN, YOU WENT TO FAR. Quicksand scolded her head. She would not allow her brain to go that far.

     Did I just think that? Quicksand suddenly questioned. She really wished she wasn't in the middle of a performance right now. She knew she was just a poor little hyb- NOOOOOO! brain STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP Quicksand screamed to herself. She looked up just in time to jump out of the way and watch the other dra-- creature lizard thing (Not a fellow dragon), fall face-first into the blood-stained ground. For the first time in a while Quicksand realized how bloodstained the ground really was. stop thinking like that! Quicksand ordered herself as she threw her talon on the lizard things snout as she charged towards him. "how did I miss when the fight had started? When they let my opponent out of his cell?" Quicksand wondered aloud in a whisper. "why am I so distracted?" the dragon shook herself, clearing her head. 

Quicksand, as she stumbled around the flying lizard, heard as Morass announced the spar. "WATCH! As Quicksand engages in an epic battle against the all-mighty DUSTY!" Quicksand didn't think it helped her to know the name of the flying lizard she was fighting. 

     Right as Quicksand had regained focus, another tried to steal her attention. Something that looked strangely like a rainwing in the audience, and not many RainWings often were in the audience... NO PAY ATTENTION! SHUT UP YOU STUPID BRAIN OF MINE! 

     The brown- gold dragon locked eyes with the her opponent. Her talons fell on the other dragons, and where she had tore at his back it instantly drew blood. He turned his black eerie eyes to her for a split second, and Quicksand finally got a good look at him. REALLY Light tan with a slight silver (silver?) tinting. His scales where mainly the tan color with some lighter in places.

     Quicksand threw her frazzled brain into a different mindset.  The one of being the killing little monster that found joy attacking lizard guys. She whipped in front of him, seeing his eyes. 

     Looking into his fear-filled black eyes, Quicksand found herself wondering what he did to end up here. In a place like this. She seemed to remember Morass mentioning her opponent today was a criminal, which was interesting. She fought criminals rarely, for usually they would have more formal, quicker executions, and not a "chance to be set free" here in the Onyx Auditorium Circus. However no one ever  won against her... Quicksand figured it was pretty much the same as execution then, just much more entertaining for the audience.

 He blinked, the white-tan of his scales glimmered like Ice.... ICE?! wait, no! he had a tail barb! This was just a SandWing.... JUST A NORMAL SANDWING!

     Quicksand starred at the dragon she was about to kill. He had pale scales, silver tinted wings... and then she noticed he didn't have a SandWing frill on the start of his neck... Instead was Small silver spikes spiraling in every direction.  Also on his tip... his tail barb was long and white, and three long spines behind it.

     Dusty is a Hybrid... just... just like ME. 


Please comment what you think is happening! I can't wait to hear your ideas!

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