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This isn't another part to the story. Simply, I had some thoughts while writing this one-shot and decided to stay awake past 3 AM to get them out.

For all of my followers, content like this isn't new. It's my style to write these dark themed fanfics. This one dug deep, though. It may not come as a surprise that I've had my own struggles with self harm. It'd be pretty damn unnerving if someone without such problems wrote about it in such detail the way I did.

I usually take these past experiences and use them to detail my works. The stories are usually loosely connected, however, and the only thing that really connects them is self harm. For some reason, I found myself truly digging into my memories of how I hurt myself. Using Rin as some sort of doll to reenact my emotions.

For those of you curious, I'm fine. I'm not on any sort of mental tightrope like I'd displayed for Rin. The story was memories. And I'm in a better place than I was years ago. I do struggle however, and I do relapse. But that's the truth about these things, it's not easy to walk away. And for those who have never experienced it, it's not easy to understand.

I know that; for some people, stories like this can be triggering as hell. And to those people, if there are any here, I'd advise you, 100%, to click off this story and exit from my profile. My stories rarely are lighthearted, I believe my only one would be "Potato Chips." So this really isn't the place for those people.

However, there's the other side of the coin. People out there who read these stories for comfort. I know I write about terrible things, and that allows me to vent and get those feelings out. So I understand that some people read about terrible things because they feel terrible things. I do the same thing. It's nice to hear that someone else feels the same anguish, even if they're a fictional teenage boy.

Idk, it makes me happy to know that some followers find refuge in my comment sections. I've read countless confessions about multiple things, and while they make me sad, I'm glad that some of you are comfortable getting it out in my stories.

Am I ranting? Probably, I wouldn't be able to tell. It's 3:30 in the morning and I've honestly struggled to coherently write "Fragile." These parts take so damn long to write, I was on and off of it all day.

Ah, fuck it, I'm going to bed, rant over. I hope everyone has a good day/night! Thank you all for sticking with me. :)

- Shay ♥️

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