Chapter 100

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Varna was terrified seeing anger in Vivaans eyes.He wasnt saying anything.His eyes were.He was hurt broken.Bleeding from inside.Her words did enough damage way more than before.She was quiet but tension inside her wasnt at rest.It was still building up.She shut her eyes and tried to move from his hold but he caught her tightly.It seemed her lips were sealed by the rage in his hold.He could hear her heartbeats as he came closed to her.Her breathe fanning her face.With each moment it became for difficult for her.

V-"Every damn time you cant.Do this to me.Varna.Im not a thing to be played by you.You have to take back your words.Every word."

She shivered by his hoarse voice.As he was sticking to her body.Pressing her more towards wall.She felt difficult to breathe.

V-"Speak up.Now."

Till now he have been taking everything from her.Be her harsh words or actions.Who disturbed him but he knew where those were coming from.Today her words triggered him to hell.How can she even think of suspecting him.His love for her.He slid his fingers upwards on her arms.Playing mercilessly with her.He wanted to torture her.Give her back what she deserved.He digged his nose in her cheek.Pressing it hard feeling her breathe.Varna had no escape.Tears rolled down her cheeks.More than his strong hold.Proximity was killing her.She failed in her attempts to escape from there.She was scared of him today.Her lips quivered as she tried to speak.


He moved to her neck now.Creating havoc in her body from inside.Making her shiver.His hoarse voice which was charging her.

V-"What.I said.Speak up."

Var-"Please.Let me.Go."

He came back to her face.Her eyes lowered and his thumb traced her lips.She felt lump in her throat.As his eyes didnt leave her for second.His thumb rubbed her lips and then cheeks.She could no longer take torture and shouted.But he wouldnt let her go.At any cost.She broke down crying.About to fall but he held her up strongly.He didnt sympathize her today.All he wanted to do was break her completely.

V-"Why.You think.You will get away every time.Accusing me.Pointing fingers at me.Speak up damn it.Just look into my eyes."

Once she dared to look there.She found them wet with tears but not solemn.She winced in pain as he cupped her cheeks with his one hand.Hurting her in way he was hating.She just shut her eyes.

V-"You think its joke.Doing this to me every single time.Why should I take this shit tell me.What did I do.Your silence just ruins it.Always.I thought we were sorted now.Living life which always wanted.Maybe not perfect but perfect in our own way.What did we lacked.Nothing.But I was wrong because you have this.Shit in this brain of yours.You cant rise above your insane thoughts and insecurities.You can never come out.You wont be at peace.Wont let others also be at peace.You are."

Var-"If you hate me this much.Better you end this.For good."

V-"What did you say?Right."

He cupped her cheeks tightly giving her pain.She was stabbing him through her words wasnt she.So he was justified in his mind doing that to her.

Var-"ahh.You are hurting me."

V-"Am I.Really.Does it pain?How can you feel.When you are heartless.You are Varna.And for once if you start thinking from heart.Your stupid brain wont let you do that.It devastates everything."

She caught his hand losing her strength.Giving up.He kept on pushing her to edge.Not knowing where this was heading to.

V-"Finding me close to someone else.Burnt your heart your ego.Did you ever thought how I feel.What I go through when you dont give importance to me at all.Dont find it worth to sharing whats on your heart with me.Im your husband damn it.Im tired for saying this again and again.But you know what.I dont think you will ever get this into your head.You cant think above what you want to think.Thats why you have reached this point today that you are.Mistrusting our relationship Varna.How could you.Do that.Tell me."

Her heart was equally bleeding.Truth was that she said all that to him.Yes she did.But on what state of mind even she didnt knew.Deep down she was aware his closeness with Kriti was not on that level.Still her heart and state of emotions was too weak.They all triggered her so hard.She had mental break down.

V-"I never gave up on you.Because I knew one day.You will understand how I feel for you.All this while I could see love trust in your eyes for us.When everything is going smooth what happens to you.I cant understand.Why does other things effect you so much.When what we share.Both of us do.Its way beyond those things."

He left her cheeks relieving her from pain.Soon catching her head from back and pulling her closer to his face.She was in his hold without protesting.He choked on his words and she knew she have taken him to his saturating point today.

V-"If you had right to ask me to leave you.Free you from this relationship.Then so do I have.But I wont ask you that ever.Thats difference between us Varna.You never respected my love for you.But I do.I know that you love me.Im the only man for whom you ever felt this emotion strongly.And I swear I wont free you from us.Ever.So get this thought out of your mind.You fight with me.Torture me with your words or show me this shit attitude.Get this thing clear.I wont leave you.By any means.Your are Mine Varna.Mine."

Even after conveying so much to her.Though harshly he thought he made it clear to her.She is only one in her life who has that place and no one.All he could see her standing like statue there.It infuriated him more and he banged his fist on wall.Which startled her.The knob of shower turned on and both were standing there getting wet.

Both were getting drenched in silence only water making noise.She felt as is storm just passed while he wasnt able to calm himself.She wasnt feeling strong enough to face him so she moved her face away.Which didnt go well with him at moment.He waited to get at least some response from her.He shooted daggers at her though his eyes and laughed in tears.He kind of left her and turned away running his fingers through his wet hair.

He turned back to her again with red eyes.Closing distance between them.

V-"You know what.You will regret doing this to me.And I will make sure of that."

He approached her like wind and capturing her face in his palms he kissed her hard on her lips.Her breathe hitched as he kissed her ferociously.Holding her cheeks with one hand and his other hand holding her waist not letting her fall down.She was balancing her whole weight on him.Her knees feeling weak and whole body giving up.The cold water cutting her skin and from inside making her shiver.His kiss was venting out strong emotions which she couldnt resist.Though she wasnt kissing him back but she wasnt stopping him either.He entered her mouth getting access.Letting taste invade and his hand on her waist touched her like never before.He was torturing her whole body.her every inch was shouting.

If she only believed this was ending.He left her mouth giving her moment to breathe.Both were out of breathe.He didnt spare her next placing his lips on her neck.Her stole was thrown away.He marked his territory by his lips on her neck line.Almost tearing her shirt.She didnt resist just stood there moaning.This ignited him more.If she wants to test his patience level then be it like that.She hissed his pain as he teethed her skin.She held him for support as he continued deeply kissing her.Marking his possession.He sucked onto her skin even though he wasnt in senses.All he wanted was to give her pain.His hand touched her back inside her shirt.He was about to touch her inner when something strike him.

He pulled away and saw her face weak and pale.Her eyes closed and she was shivering.He felt dizzy too carried away in moment of anger and passion.He turned off shower.When she opened her eyes and her face was blank with no emotions.tear rolled down her face.Both tried to catch their breathe till he carried her in his arms.To room and placed her on bed.She felt too weak to open her eyes.He was shocked to see her collapsing soon.He tapped on her face twice.

V-"Varna.Varna look at me.Open your eyes."

He rubbed her palms and feet trying to keep them warm.All he could hear was her mumbles.They had some sort of hint which he needed.

Nandini had her milk as she watched her husband.Rocking their baby putting him to sleep.He placed him on crib and joined her on bed.She smiled at him.Alot have changed between them for better.Being parents their relationship developed in mature way.Reyaansh pressed her back and she raised her brows at him.

N-"Its okay Rey.Im fine.You must be tired too."

R-"Not more than you.Little one is keeping whole house busy."

N-"Yeah.Remember when Pranu was born.We were all so worried as handling him wasnt an easy thing.I cant imagine if Varna wasnt there then what would have happened."

R-"Whatever happens.It happens for best.See evrything is sorted now."

He took her hands in his and placed kiss.Nandini smiled with frown on face.He noticed that and asked her through eyes.

N-"Is everything alright between them?I mean Varna and.They seemed off to me today."

R-"Maybe tired.Doesnt mean they are having some issue."

N-"Not like that Rey.I have been noticing Varna from some days.She seems upset and low.For some reason."

R-"You ask her.Im sure she will share with you now."

N-"yeah.Even I hardly get time now because of Ansh.But know one thing from time Kriti came.I have been seeing change in her."

R-"Rubbish.Why will she be affected with her presence.She is just a guest and she seems like nice girl to me.To everyone else also."

N-"You wont understand Rey.Did you see her closeness with Vivaan anna?"


N-"Come on.Not that way but.Other day when I went to get something in kitchen after dinner.Found them conversing till late night over something.Varna wasnt there.That girl seems too chirpy but little immature to me."

R-"Why does that sound weird to you?"

N-"Its a girls instinct.You wont understand.I mean imagine if you found me talking with guy.Who is my friend say.Getting close with him and all.And without your presence always.Will you be alright with that?"

R-"Well if I trust you.I will be alright surely."

N-"Thats a different thing.I have noticed Kriti.Maybe she has this soft corner for Anna."

R-"Are you serious?"

N-"Look Im not sure but as wife.Maybe Varna noticed that too."

R-"You should speak to her then.I just hope they dont face anymore issues now.Didnt they had enough."

As Reyaansh switched off light Nandini thought to have word with Varna about this tomorrow.

He was staring at her weak and pale face on bed.Finding her already so weak he knew he had to change her dress first.If she catches cold that would be another problem.All this while he could hear her saying same thing.It shattered his heart and pained him.No matter how harash he tries to be with her.He couldnt do that seeing her so weak and helpless.Fighting with her own self.This wasnt happening first time.He had lost his patience.This time crossed limits too but was he wrong in his place.He cuaght his head holding up tears in his eyes.Then stared at her again.He made excuse Varna was not well so they will have dinner for night in room only.From there he also got to know.How she didnt had anything from morning.He misse dout that yes.He was so annoyed with her silence.He tried to ignore her.Only his heart knew how this ignorance had cost him.He somehow made her drink glass of milk forcefully.Gave her medicine and she dozed off to sleep in weakness.

Switching off lights of room he lied down on his side of bed.He had his eyes open and looked at his side.She was taking slow breathes.He felt lump in his throat.Will it ever be easy to understand what she wants.How she thinks.Why she was again confining her thoughts to herself.Locking them up.Instead of sharing them with him.He never forced her for anything she didnt have will for.Then what made her take this drastic turn again getting back to her old self.He cant let this happen.He has to think of some way.To make her speak.What made her break down to such level.She had to see him with Kriti not as friends but something else.Was he wrong on showing hostility towards her.From his point of view he wasnt.He was like this to his friends and people he was affectionate towards.Kriti was young lively girl who mixes with people like that only.Then what made Varna so uncomfortable about their friendship.He couldnt think of anything but her voice in her ear.As she pleaded him in drowsy state.

Var-"Dont leave me Vivaan.Please."

The morning rays entered room with Varna opening her eyes.She felt better than yesterday.As she moved on bed scanning room.Pranush wasnt there nor Vivaan.Then it strike her what happened day before.She was sitting now catching her head.Some corner of her mind guilt was there to face him.Because she knew she wrong him yesterday.Accusing him by her harsh words.Something which she could never think of.But was she wrong.She has been feeling weak mentally and broken down.Least she could expect his support.And here they were on verge of at loggerheads again.

Shivani and Lata were on breakfast table trying to feed Pranush.While Vivaan Reyaansh and Kriti were on lounge area playing cards.Nandini was watching them and handling Ansh at same time.As soon as Pranushs eyes fell on his mother coming down.He started making noise and threw his arms asking her to carry him.

Pr-"Ammaaa.Ammaa Paanu."

All shifted their gaze to Varna and smiled.As she took little one in her arms.He felt at ease being in her hold and warmth.She also felt peace closing her eyes.

Sh-"Varna good you came down.I will get your breakfast.How is your headache now?"

She opened her eyes with frown.Exchanging an eyelock with her husband who was rather interested on game.More on her with all his attention he was shuffling cards.She knew he must have handled situation last night.So she gave smile and nod to Shivani.After forcefully fed by Lata and Shivani she felt too uneasy.But it was all their love and she felt much better today.Her eyes didnt fail to keep glancing at other side.Where loud game was on.

R-"Anna you cant win every time.Come on Kriti lets get him."

K-"Yes he cheats also.How can he win every game.Vivaan be fair."

Vivaan had calm and stern look on his face.From morning he was thinking how to strike conversation with her.After last night when things went heated up.He was aware he cant force her to speak up.Knowing well what she would do.

N-"Varna come join us.Lets see who wins last round."

Giving smile she had to join them sitting beside Nandini.She played with Ansh who gave grin to her.Though both were stealing glances of each other.They made sure other person wouldnt notice that.It was when Shivani noticed something.

Sh-"Varna why are you wearing Shawl in this scorching heat weather?Is your health alright?"

And this was enough to take everyones attention towards her.Except Vivaans who played with cards and smirked.Because he knew reason.Being questioned and embarrassed was last thing she expected in this situation.She fumbled as she couldnt obviously tell them real reason.How she had to drape shawl only covering the hickies on her neck and shoulder.Nandini touched her forehead and felt her temperature normal.She spoke glaring at Vivaan from corner of her eyes.

Var-"Im fine.I was feeling bit cold so thought to wear this."

Sh-"You sure?You will take rest today.No work.I will handle Pranu."

Though topic was forgotten but Nandini could sense tension now with surety between duo.She thought to ask Varna later.Not with everyone around.

Later in evening Varna was in room playing with Pranush.He was throwing balls on floor and clapping his hands.She shook her head asking him not to do this.But he was turning more naughty.He threw ball and made cry face going to her hiding his face in her shoulder.She laughed with him kissing his cheeks tickling him.He was truly ray of sunshine in her life.Every time he makes her forget all pain.He jumped on bed and threw all balls together.

Var-"Pranu very bad.Not listening to me also.Not I wont get ball."

She tried to scold him keeping stern face but he pouted his lips.Knowing well how to convince her.She looked at door and her face almost lost smile seeing Kriti there.She came inside getting balls and passed them to Pranush.Who for change had his fingers inside his mouth.Smiling at Kriti for first time.She cooed his cheeks.

K-"Ah Sorry I barged inside like this.Without asking you."

Var-"Its okay.Please dont be sorry."

Varna didnt look at her face.Not because of her dislike for Kriti.But guilt inside her which couldnt let her do so.She felt pathetic of herself every time remembering.How she accused Vivaan saying something like that.She played with balls as Kriti took seat on bed.Carrying Pranush on her lap and cuddling to him.She looked at Varna and smiled.

K-"I just wanted to meet you.Last time before I leave."

Varnas expression changed to shock.


K-"Yeah.Im leaving tomorrow morning for Chennai.Have my relatives there and my brother will come there only so.Wanted to say proper goodbye to everyone."

Pranush tried to pull Kritis hair at which she made cute face.Melting little ones heart and she kissed him.Finally he was easy with her.Which made Kriti happy.

Var-"How can you leave so early.I mean.You were to stay.For few days more right."

K-"yeah.But I gave you all enough troubles.Now its time to go."

Var-"Please dont say like that."

Varnas face fell and she looked down.Playing with her fingers.Kriti saw that and adjusted Pranush on her lap.

K-"Hey dont keep that face please.I had more fun than I imagined would have here.Getting to see such big family.So much love and understanding.I had some best moments here.Will always cherish them."

Varna felt lump in her throat.She felt horrible for her behavior towards this girl.And she was still been so nice with her.She bit her lips and spoke in broken voice.

Var-"Im sorry Kriti."

K-"For what?"

Var-"It must have been not easy for you.To get such cold behavior from me.I.I apologize.Please dont leave like this."

K-"Varna.Hope I can call you by your name?I feel that right on Vivaan to do so you know.Because with him equation has always been different.My Anna is protective towards me and we spent some real good time with Vivaan around.For me it was Anna and Vivaan.That rapport I shared with him.Never felt any age difference between us.Yes only thing his guidance and advise held importance to me.Maybe because of this reason I came all way here."

Var-"Im not this bad to ask for clarifications from you.I have been very bad host.Wasnt I?"

K-"If I say no will you believe me?ha ha.I like you Varna.Because you dont pretend to be someone you are not.From time I came here we didnt get to talk with each other.But you never misbehaved with me.In fact you made sure to look after everything so nicely.With this much patience.Bet any wife would do that."

Varna raised her brows at her and Kriti gave coy smile.

K-"Come on.Any wife wouldnt bear an annoying girl getting into personal space of her husband.You saw us many times but I liked it.How you never got between us.For me you didnt gave me cold shoulder.This is what makes you different from others.Now I understand why your husband said Varna is not like anyone but only her own self."

The mention of Vivaan sparkled her eyes and Kriti didnt fail to miss that.She gave her gift box giving last kiss to Pranush on his cheeks.

K-"This is for Pranush.I wanted to give this before itself but sir was angry with me it seems.Now he is okay so."

She unwrapped gift and it was a very cute teddy bear.Pranush smiled getting excited and grabbed teddy in his tiny hold.Both couldnt stop themselves but smile at little ones antics.

Var-"This was not needed but thanks.He has started bonding with you too.Now stay for more days."

K-"Wish I could.But I need to go now.Alot of things are not needed in life but they have to be followed.She got up and Varna shifted Pranush on his crib letting him play there.Both came out of room walking.

Var-"So you have decided?"

K-"It was decided from before only.Our share of happiness and pain in life are always limited.We cant be greedy."

Varna saw Kritis eyes and for some reason she could see an emptiness there.The girl who came here with so much energy and spark looked down today.

K-"Varna I know Vivaan wouldnt have told anyone about this.I.Had break up with my fiance.My engagement broke because he was found cheating on me.It was when I realized how you feel when trust is broken."


K-"Im happy it did.Else would have regretted my whole life.Thats why my brother thought if I come here.Change of place would make me feel better.As friend Vivaan kept it to himself and thats why I think so high of him.I respect him and admire him.I wish to get husband like him.Hope I can say that."

Varna didnt say word but smiled.She caught Kritis hands and Kriti gave her hug.That hug felt weird but peaceful one.Opening her eyes Kriti shunned away tears and smiled.As she left for her room Varna felt deep pain on her heart.She couldnt control tears recalling how harshly she has accused Vivaan.Adding to her misery was the way Kriti poured out her heart.And she felt insecured of this girl.Who was already in bad state.She couldnt make her feel better in any way.As sun set in that evening the sky embraced darkness slowly.Some hearts bled but this was end of another chapter.A much needed one.


I would love to avoid negative feedback and hate the last few chapters.Of this book have been getting.As I appreciate my readers to express their views honestly.So I take that also in nice way.Many left reading so it is their wish.Thank you for being with me till now and if you would like to have glimpse.Of my other books in my profile.

To all those who are still with me.Reading and leaving feedbacks.Who have understood every emotion of story.Thank you from bottom of my heart.I have no words to express how Im feeling.As its my first story reaching 100 chapters.From beginning my readers have been like strong pillar to me.Yes its been3 years for this story but time never settles for any creativity.I dont want to rush and ruin essence of this book.So before I end this I want to do it in way I have been doing.Thank you for all your patience and love.Those who are still being strong for me.Love you all.

Celebrating 100 Chapters of Fragile hearts.🥰🧡Forever be thankful to all readers.Love from Vivaan,Varna,Ramya and Pranush.🤗So lets go back to some beautiful moments cherishing them before we say goodbye to this story.

1) From which point of story did you feel.Fragile Hearts is must read for you or this story attracted you as reader?

2)Which is your most favorite track so far?

3) Which character are you going to miss most when this book will be wrapped up?

4) Do you feel writer have dragged this story and ruined essence?

5) In reality what would you prefer to be?Varna or Ramya?

6) What do you think is special about Fragile Hearts?

7) Your most favorite scene from 100 chapters?

Please do not forget to vote and comment.


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