Chapter 11

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Varna's voice made them both come out of the eye lock.Ramya tried to balance herself.Vivaan made her stand properly only when he came in contact with the eyes spatting fire again.He gave her equal competition.

R-"Varna.aththai is calling you inside.She is angry with us."

Varna heard voice coming from inside.She knew her aunt's temper so rushed immediately.Before leaving a glance at Vivaan.

Ramya played with end of her saree.Vivaan checked his watch and waited for time when they will head home.He was in two minds what discussion might be taking place inside.He have to rush Hyderabad for next morning.An important meeting was lined up.

He found Ramya staring at him with hesitant looks.


For Varna's behavior.She may sound harsh but.Its all for me.She is protective and possessive.Thats why she was being loud with you.Right?"

Vivaan paused for a moment and then looked at Ramya.From face she looked innocent and sweet but.Was he going to fall for this second time.He was damn confused.What to do and with whom.He should be blaming himself for the mess he was facing.

R-"I am sorry.If you felt bad.Please dont take it to heart.I hope you wont say truth to Appa.If he comes to know he will be very angry.You wont ?"

V-"One second.What truth?"

R-"That night.You found me in pub and saved me.From those bad boys.No one knows not even Varna.She will be mad at me.Please dont spill this out."

V-"That was you?I mean.You."


Vivaan caught his head.and tried to think everything from beginning with clear mind.ramya stood with pout on her face.He broke the silence.

V-"Its ok.I wont tell anyone anything.

But yes.Why didnt you tell me that day itself that you are."

R-"I am?What."

V-"forget it."

Ramya was relieved of the tension.The man was not only handsome and good looking but a good human too.Her trance was broken by Aththai's loud voice and she tried to run again.When Vivaan's voice stopped her.

V-"Easy please.Or else will fall again."

She gave a nod to him and left.Turning around and looking at him.


P-"Stop being immature Varna.Just keeping this deal and professional term on mind you are passing verdict on him.And asking not to go ahead with this alliance."

Prakash was very loud with his words.Karuna was standing trying to stop the war of words taking place in front of her.The father and daughter engaged on a heated argument.

V-"I dont care about business and stupid deals.Its about Ramya and her life.That guy is not good enough for her.he is.Damn arrogant and.Pathetic.I have met him and I know how."

P-"Please at least I am alive to think about good and bad for Ramya.What do you think you are perfect or fit enough to judge someone.One who never stops being arrogant calling some one else by that name.Not surprising."

Prakash showed his back to her.Karuna tried to stop Varna.She was on verge of breaking down.Her eyes could stop blinking for a second.But she calmed that down.

K-"You both please calm down.I agree.Both cannot be right at same time.Its about Ramya's life so you both can never think ill for her.Sit and talk calmly.Things can be settled."

P-"Things can never be sorted out Akka.Specially with this rude girl.Look at how she talks.I have met the family today tell me if you find anything wrong.Vivaan seems to be nice guy and the values he has been raised with was clearly visible.Do you have doubts tell me?"

Karuna's silence gave Varna the answer.It was fruitless to argue with them.

K-"Varna.Maybe you are being too fast judging Vivaan.Give him some time."

V-"I dont need to."

P-"yes you dont need to.And let me tell you.Till I am alive well enough to take decisions regarding my daughter's life.Dont need any advise."

V-"She is my sister too.I can think for her.If it has to do something with her life."

P-"Thats the problem.because you look like her.But surpass her in everything.I.

Cant take chance.With you.You wouldnt ever take risk of.Letting her have upper hand.If she is getting."


Stop this.What are you saying."

Varna felt broken from inside.It wasnt first time she had fight with her father.It was first he openly let out whatever was in his mind.Her fear came true.She heard what she had been thinking all this while.The face had become hurdle for her to be close to her own sister.Her talent and success is a hindrance for her own father when he was assessing his both daughter.What more can one expect.Not to have such ill fate.

She kept on staggering backwards.Karuna held her but it was late.Varna wiped her tears and climbed up stairs.

V-"I am sorry.

I wont intervene.Anymore."

Prakash fell to take a sit catching his head.He knew whatever he said as a father was wrong today.He was at fault.At the moment his concern was Ramya.He wished if someday Varna could understand his plight.

Behind all this happening.Someone overheard and witnessed the brawl of words.It was Ramya.She was too sad and felt weak not being able to help her father and sister.From childhood she has sensed a distance between them.She couldnt figure out the reason.As they grew together both being dear to each other than life.Why cant world accept them the way they are.Why do comparisons matter.

That night Varna didnt talk with Ramya.She switched off her side light and pretended to sleep.Ramya knew she was acting.Under the pillow was her.Shedding tears.But thats how Varna was.She wont let world see her in tears.


Vivaan was packing his bag.He has flight to catch in few hours.Others were to leave next morning.Vikram and Shivani came to him.

They coughed trying to take his attention.

Vik-"so.All ready Vivaan."

V-"yeah dad.I will be leaving and listen.You guys can stay if you want I mean.I can manage there.Dont worry."

Sh-"No we are also coming.I have been missing out my work also."


Shivani nudged her husband.

Vik-"so.Me and your mom we were having discussion.About Shettys.Decent family.Arent they."

Sh-"yeah.I liked them a lot.Quite similar to us in many ways.No show off and they gave such good values to their children.Varna and Ramya are like angels."

Vivaan stopped at the zip of his bag and hurt his finger.Angels.Why not.If they came in disguise of an evil.

Vik-"yeah both daughters.So.Vivaan you hearing us?"

V-"yes.I am."

Vik-"What we wanted to say.Actually."

Vivaan came to his parents and had his both arms on either of their backs.He walked with them.

V-"Mom.Dad.You know how I am right.Once I like someone or something its very hard to let that out from my mind.And if someone has to make place in my heart.It takes lot of time.Not so easy."

Sh-"you didnt like the girl."

Shivani's face fell.Vivaan took a deep breathe and continued.

V-"Look.I dont know.Its too early for me to take decision.I dont.

Think so.I mean."

Vik-"You are confused?"

V-"I dont think so Dad.I.i mean there is nothing so special about them.Why cant we look some other family.You can."

Vikram and Shivani looked at each other then back to their son.Vikran adjusted his glasses and then patted his son's back.

Vik-"I understand you Vivaan.Its a big decision for you.We dont expect you to say yes in first meeting and when hardly you got chance to have few words with her."

V-"few words.Right.Fiery words and exchange of.Only kicks and punches were left."


V-"Yes Dad."

Vik-"You have no pressure from our side.We can always see other alliances.But.Take this as consideration for us.I have known the family and there is something special.I would request you to give it a thought.Maybe last time.Taking your time."

Sh-"At the end decision will be yours.You are leaving now.But do make a come back and try to know the person in better manner.We cannot reach to conclusion before giving it chance.Can we?"

Vik-"See now.You cannot win from a writer when it comes to twisting and decorating words in perfect manner.Your mother is one."

Vivaan thought for a second and looked at endearing faces of his parents.

V-"Okay.I will think about it.But as of now please.Let me work.I have flight to catch.You two sleep.its late."

They left after wishing him night and giving instructions well enough.Vivaan was in some serious thought.He was never this much confused with his life.He always thought to have a blank image about his life partner.With few things fixed.She have to become the ideal person fit in his family.To become a part of his life.She has to be a family person.Who will spread love and give acceptance.

He didnt want to indulge his mind further.It was better to let go for a while.


Next morning Prakash was having tea.Ramya sat with a dull face and Karuna served them breakfast.

R-"Aththai.Again she left without telling me."

Varna left for Australia next morning.For some conference to attend.Truth is she wanted some time for her own self.Karuna knew why she went there.Because Priyamwada was the one with whom she shares everything and feels at ease with her.

K-"You were asleep.She didnt wake you up.Now have breakfast.Then medicines.

Prakash I want to visit temple today.Will take Ramya."

Prakash gave a nid and was too busy with newspapers.Ramya finished her food somehow then medicines.She made a face and left pretext of some call.

K-"this girl.Had thiese oily things in morning when I asked her to.Now her drama with medicines."

Prakash kept the paper down.Karuna felt him lost in some thoughts.

K-"What happened Prakash?You look disturbed."

P-"No.Nothing to worry about.Reddys called this morning.

They asked for some time.We are already doing this project so.Will be meeting somehow."

K-"Good.Such things do take time.Marriage is about whole life."

P-"Have you asked Ramya.Did she like Vivaan?"

K-"How can I.I shouldnt.You know what happened last time and.I dont have courage."

Earlier a proposal came for Ramya.The guy was very good looking and family was well off.When they came to meet they liked Ramya alot.Even Ramya liked the guy.But when the family and guy himself came to know about her medical conditions they backed off.

P-"Akka.That guy was not up to mark for Ramya.Idiot.

I have full faith this time.Plus they have not said no.Asked for some time.Meanwhile you also ask Ramya."

K-"did you tell them.I mean about Ramya.Everything?You sure they want Ramya for their son.Not Varna?"

P-"I have told them everything.I wont lie in this matter.What made you think that they were here for Varna?I mean it was clear from beginning.Ramya."

K-"Still.I mean Vivaan met Ramya so maybe.He liked her.Both look alike so."


Do you think someone will fall for Varna by the way she treats the other person.Or talks.After getting Ramya married.My tension wont lessen.

And yes one more thing.Varna can be wrong in judging but I can never be.They didnt treat medical condition of Ramya as a major thing.This shows.How I am not wrong in making decision for my daughter's life."

Karuna moved her head sideways.She prayed and wished the differences between father and daughter to resolve.Has been waiting for that day when it will happen.


I updated last night too but no one got notification.Again problems started here.Took me hours to update this chapter.Please check previous chapter for those who missed.

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