Chapter 2

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Shivaani welcomed her Son and daughter in law.She let the red vermilion touch their foreheads and gave them entry.Pranush was sleeping in Varna's arms.He got a light kiss by his grandmother as Varna climbed the stairs to room.

Shivani touched Vivaan's back when he was getting luggage in.He pat his back and touched his head affectionately.

Sh-"How have you been Vivaan?Must be tired because of now.I will call you for lunch."

He gave a nod to his mother.Went to his room.Shivani knew he tried to maintain look if everything was alright.It was not.She wondered for how long it was going to take.

Varna put baby in crib.Soon she took shower and changed to her homely clothes.She was brushing her hair when found a pair of eyes at her.It was her husband.He just came out of shower in his track pants.Wiping his wet hair with towel.

She kept the brush back to its place.Started making the bed.Vivaan had his gaze at her.She checked the baby who was still asleep.Then she went to bed taking her place.A book and resting her back comfortably her eyes got glued to the reading element.Within seconds she could feel his presence nearing her.Her breathes got high and she panicked.

Vivaan stared at her with cold eyes.Keeping his gaze at her he used his hand to get the book in its normal position.It was held by his wife upside down.Varna opened her eyes.It was utter foolish of her to do one such mistake and in front of him.

V-"At least learn properly how to avoid.With better options and.Better ways."

His words hit her like a blow.She threw the book in bed and tied her hair in a bun in frustration.She cupped her cheeks and sat hugging her knees.He was out of the room.

Why can't time never heal things for her.Time and again she has to go through turmoils.Like others why cant she be the easy person.Accepting her fate and moving on.A thing she couldnt do in months.A tear slipped down from her eye.She opened the draw of the side table.A frame came out and she touched the pic with affection.

It was her own shadow.A part of her who went far away now.She looked so beautiful from heart and out.She can never be like her because Ramya was one and she can only be that person.Bracing everyone with love and happiness.

Var-"Why Ramya.You have to leave me alone to fight all this.I can never be you.I dont have strength and courage to live the life you wanted me to.Why do you had to bind me with the promise.You did injustice to me.I hate to love you.

He is yours.This place is yours.I can never be his wife and.Mother of your child."

Vivaan was strolling in the garden.He buttoned up his short and run his hand in his hair.He was tired.The journey did not made him much but the journey he has been trying to start off and continue with made him miserable and impatient each day.

In a state of confusion and helplessness he started smoking.After continuing for a while he remembered something.

"Vivaan if you can do anything for me in this world a favor or so please throw this poison out of your sight and life forever.Remember you get hands on this and.I will be far away from your reach."

It was an illusion of past.She has gone far away from her.He cannot bring her back even if he tries to.He massaged his temples and took another cigarette.His eyes fell on the bricks lying on ground.His life was in similar state.

He has been finding ways to gather those bricks and put them together.A single piece if becomes misfit.It breaks down.He had no fault in all this then why was he punished.

He kicked the bricks in anger and caught his head.

Vivaan and Varna both were in one state.Not being able to express the misery and emotional breakdown they were facing.A person who left them with a promise to be with each other.Who knew she will be one turning their life upside down.When she was never in story itself.And then became a part of story knowingly or unknowingly.

2 years ago.Young Entrepreneur Conference in Sydney.

Vivaan Reddy was delighted to be part of such big conference.He was a straight out businessman in every sense.In work he wanted perfection.Something which always appealed to him.

Many presentations and speeches followed.None could impress him.he was already bored and checked his watch time and again.His PA Kumar was eyeing him to wait for a while.One person was left now.

When he heard it was a girl and he mocked it would be a bad day with zero output.One who would be interested in nail paints,accessories and choosing outfits came here to talk about business.

He had his head  a bit down when the voice hit his  ear drums.He had his hand covering his mouth and nose.His eyes up trying to look for the voice.It carried much strength.When he found out not only the voice the eyes had what he had in mind and what he came for there maybe.Perfection.

The presentation lasted for 40 minutes.It were enough to bowl the business minded perfectionist.He played with the pen twirling it in rounds.Kumar nudged his shoulder and found him deeply engrossed in some thoughts.

K-"Sir.Its done.We can leave now."

Vivaan Reddy had his deep eyes fixed on that one person with so much intensity.The constant nudges forced him to break out his thoughts.

K-"Sir.Are you alright?"


K-"Sir the conference ended.You only wanted to leave earlier so."

V-"Oh yeah.Lets leave.wait."

He looked around and found the person missing.In crowded hall where would he wander looking around for her.He cleared his throat and thought of something.

V-"Kumar.Can we get list of all members who came as participants here.I mean for the conference taking part.You can manage the details."

Kumaar looked at his young boss and was baffled.He gave a nod and followed his suit.Vivaan shaked hands with the top business world names and then headed back to his suite.

Next morning he was sipping on to his coffee.He was checking details he got from his PA.He was an efficient one.A smile braced his cheeks and his heart felt something.The name and picture gave him some unknown relief and known satisfaction.He wondered why and flipped the pages back and fro.Putting the file down.

V-"Ms. Varna Shetty.Young daring entrepreneur.Impressive."

Kumar just came to inform him about the dinner party organized this evening for the people who attended conference.He never fancied to go for one but.She will be there and why cant he miss to take a chance.


I wanted to update Cursed Love but since its new year so we deserve something good.Not gloomy and sad update.

Enjoy reading and a very Happy New year.Be happy , healthy and live your life with joy and love.Don't forget to vote please.


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