Chapter 32

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Ramya has been restless since morning.Sitting on bed.With a sad face.Vivaan came back to room.Seeing his wife in a broken state.her face covered with palms.Weeping.

V-"Ramya what's wrong.


He could see her eyes.And cheeks red with tears.She pouted and gave into his arms.He consoled her with confuse face.

V-"Look at me.Tell me why are you crying."

She wiped her tears.Looked at him.

R-"Vivaan I cant find.My chain.Was wearing last night.

Can't find now.Searched everywhere."

She again started crying.Tugging at his shirt.Vivaan felt amazed.Trying to console his wife.At same time.Holding on to his inhibitions.He stole glances at her and himself.Rubbed her back.

V-"its okay.Ramya look at me.

You are such baby.What chain.Must be here.Dont have to cry heart out.We will get another one."

He was taken back by the way she retorted.

R-"No.There is no replacement for that.


She started looking for it once again.Vivaan shook his head.He went to side table.Took her hand.Gave it back to her.Her face beamed with happiness.Tears changed to big smile.As if she got her life back.She clutched on to pendant.Wearing it.

R-"Help me Vivaan."

He made her wear chain.Looking at her rubbing tears off her face.She gave sheepish grin.

V-"Happy now.


He made her sit on bed.She sniffed.Holding the chain.Two hearts.

R-"How did you know its there.

Vivaan.Last night.You changed my clothes.Then.Did you."

He lowered his gaze.She was confused at him.

V-"I am sorry.I kept it there.Thought you might get hurt.

Its okay you got it back."

R-"very bad Vivaan.Dont do this next time.I almost skipped beat from my heart.Thought of losing this."

She closed her eyes feeling the chain.Then looked at him.Vivaan had never seen his wife.So serious.

V-"I am sorry I made you angry."

R-"You didnt.This.

This is precious to me.Most.I dont know how to.Make you understand this.

Its a gift from Varna.for our wedding.Vivaan being twin is not easy.My whole life have been connected with her.I never knew how.Live without her.Just because this is with me.I can forget.How its been hell time.I get to talk with my sister.

Varna and Ramya are not identical twins.They are connected with souls.She is other half for me.Who completes me.In many ways.I am sorry if I hurt you.But I cant let this.Go."

Her words left him in deep thoughts.She soon let herself.Embrace him.he smiled and kissed her head.

V-"I should be sorry.Ramya I love you.You are my wife and.You held most importance for me in life.So whats important to you.Shall also held importance to me.I was being jerk.Trying to judge.Your importance.

Maybe.Went overboard.with being possessive."

She smiled through tears.Rubbing his cheeks.He kissed her hand.

R-'Did you feel jealous."

He scratched his head.She lightly smacked there.Giving him shock.

V-"Did you just."

R-"Smacked you.Because you are.Dumbo."

She placed his hand near her heart.He could feel it beating.Ramya's eyes spoke to him.More than her lips.Both were locked in deep moment.

R-"You feel this.Ramya's heart beats.will always be incomplete.Without you.

Can never think of.Parting from you.You taught me how to.Feel love.How to love.Insanely."

She kissed his forehead.While he looked at her.He must have misunderstood.Or being possessive to share his wife.With someone else.He knew what he meant to her.Her words gave him strength to love her more.He bumped her head with hers.Lightly and both smiled.

V-"Enough play of emotions for day."

R-"Lets continue with our honeymoon."


he picked her up.Both played around.That day something came out.Which both weren't aware of.It gave a light picture.What may come around.Sooner or later.

Varna came home a bit early than usual.She had to meet Shakthi in evening.Which she missed willingly.She could hear noises from kitchen.To her surprise Prakash came out.Wearing an apron.Karuna blabbering and following him.The helpers were smiling.

Prakash kept the pan on table.Varna was hungry and.Smell of dosa did no good to her.She stole glances at dosa.And tried not to give them idea.Of her presence.

K-"Prakash enough.You are better with office work.Leave kitchen stuff.Look at mess you have created."

P-"Akka you have forgotten my skills.Remember I was a complete chef.Dosa is my speciality.Ask ramya and varna when you were away.I used to give them good treat with these."

Karuna slapped her head.

K-"Yes I know.I will ask how well you."

She stopped seeing Varna.Standing in a corner.Looking embrassed.Prakash looked at her and then.Varna.Father and daughter had an awkward moment of silence.Karuna broke the ice.

K-"Varna good that you are here.See your Appa.Is busy reliving memories.Tell me was he good cook.back then.I want to know how.he made my kids suffer."

Varna rememebred childhood memories.Some were so good she wished.To get them back.To be same Varna again.Karuna cleared her throat.Prakash kept the dosa on plate.Karuna nudging him to ask Varna.

P-"I know.My daughter will side me.what say Ramya."

He bit his tongue.Karuna shut her eyes.Varna's smile could last for second.She gulped down bitter.Truth of her life.Excused herself.From there.Prakash cursed himself over his act.

K-"She is dear to you.Dont let these differences create.A big gap.Prakash I am telling you.Varna needs you now."

P-"I also need her.

Does she know how.Ramya's absence has affected her father.House.She doesnt feel like spending an extra minute here.Be it sitting with her own father.Sharing her good and bad day.I never wanted her to.Drift away from me like this Akka.She is as dear to me.As Ramya."

Karuna touched his shoulder.She could see love both had.Well in their eyes.Just a wall to break.She believed on to it.

Varna came out of shower.Brushing her hair.Her phone beeped for.She lost count.She rolled her eyes making face.She had it.

V-"I will kill him."

K-"Kill whom."

She dropped the phone almost.Out of her hand.Finding Karuna at door.

V-"Aththai.I.No one."

K-"You are this mad.At your father."

V-"Aththai No.

This was for.



Why.He is such a lovely boy."

Varna cringed her face.hearing word lovely.

V-"LovelyAththai are you i bad health today."

K-"Shut up.I am not.

Why.he is nice boy.Do you know he talks with me alot.When comes for lunch.Last time.He sat for an hour or so.With your father.They had good talk."

V-"I see.

he has sugar coated tongue."

K-"It takes something special.To be too nice.For someone.Without any motives.Varna.

Look at guys of this generation.He is not like them."

V-"good for him.

I need to sleep now."

K-"Not before having dinner.Come."

V-"I dont feel hungry Aththai."

K-"Your Appa is waiting for you.In dinner table.

He cooked specially for you.In his madness."

V-"Did he.I thought he did for ramya."

K-"She is not here.Why would he.Come now."

She got her out of bed.Dragging her on dinner table.Where Prakash was sitting with.Nervous face.

The dinner was nice affair.It was time Varna ever thought.She would sit with her father.Have normal conversation.Prakash broke ice and so did Varna.Sharing childhood memories of her.Father daughter duo talked.Prakash filling Varna's plate with food.Forcefully complaining about her carelessness towards.Health started showing on her face.

Karuna mostly remained silent.Letting the two people.Talk and share what was in their heart.She believed one day would come.When all would be okay.

P-"I was thinking.Why not call Shakthi for dinner.This weekend"

Varna choked on her food.Karuna passed her water.

K-"Why not.He is a nice boy.So well behaved.

Have been of great help.To me.Last week.When I fell sick.Luckily he was on same department of store.Found me and helped me back home."

V-"When did this happened.

You haven't told me."

K-"I was about to.

Prakash you ask him.I will arrange for dinner.Wait.

You dont need to.Varna you call him."

She gave a knowing smile to Prakash.Varna sensed something wrong.What were these people.Upto.Out of all.She have to call him.For dinner at her place.Why was her family showing.Fondness towards him.

V-"Why?I mean.

I met him through.Business deal at our place.Then.It will be awkward."

P-"No varna.I have known his father.From early days.He was a good businessman.Such hardworking man.He has taken after his father.Well cultured.Got chance to meet him.Few times in office.

How is your work going on."

Varna slowed down with food.


We have to leave for.Workshop soon.Will you be able to.Manage.


K-"Why not.Prakash is here.

I have helpers.You should go.Shakthi will be with you?"


She frowned her brows.Sensing something fishy.It was fixed Shakthi will be called for dinner.Before they leave for Australia.


The book has slowed down a bit.Once in a while happens.With me.

Please bear with this chapter.

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