Chapter 8

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Ramya was running fever.In morning doctor was called.Karuna ad Prakash looked worried.Seeing Ramya moaning and taking Varna's name.

They knew its not possible to get the person she was asking.She already left for Delhi.Wont be fruitful to argue with her.Karuna stayed with Ramya keepig a hand on her head.Prakash left to see off the doctor.

R-"Varna.Please.Come back.I want to see you.

Dont leave me."

Karuna felt helpless with poor girl's state.She had no way to console her.She covered her with another quilt and went to get something.

Ramya could see herself in somewhere dark.Darkness around.She was scared.No one was there and she was running.The place where she could see nothing.She started crying.Looking for someone.She felt hard to breath.Ran as fast as she could.She was sweating.

R-"Varnaa.Please.come save me."

Ramya was moving restlessly in half unconscious state.It was a dream.Her mind had such effect on her conscious state.She started crying and taking her sister's name for help.

But her sobs soon subsided.Feeling a hand on her and she gripped on it tightly.Not letting it go anywhere.she felt at ease.

Karuna came and was shocked to witness the scene.Her heart felt relieved.She left to inform Prakash that Ramya will be better now.

Ramya opened her eyes lightly and a small smile came on her lips.With weakness she made sure to clutch the hand so tightly.The same pair of eyes she had and same face.Same features.She was seeing her own reflection.

She cried and Varna wiped her tears.She was sitting in front of her with a calm face.Varna touched her sister's head.Shut her eyes and spoke.

V-"Sleep.I am here.Okay."

R-"You wont leave me.Promise."

V-"I wont.Promise."

R-"Cross my heart.?"

V-"Idiot.Should be.cross you heart."

R-"Either cases.We have same heart.?"

V-"We dont.Silly girl."

R-"Meany sister."

Both sisters felt much better and Varna patted Ramya to sleep.She kissed her head and adjusted the quilt on her.Then rested beside her in sitting position.

Prakash and Karuna witnessed this.Both felt it necessary to give sisters some privacy.


Reddys reached Chennai morning flight.It wasnt first time they were visiting place since business purpose they often had to visit the city.So they owned bungalow there.

It was decided a day before they will be there.Vikram and Shivani wanted to meet some relatives who stay there.Lata was waiting for her husband who was to arrive same day.Vivaan stayed indoors.


R-"Enough.I cant have more.It tastes yuck."

V-"does not have to taste good.When you are throwing up almost every other thing."

Varna wiped her mouth with the hanky and then passed on glass of water.Ramya gave a pout and looked at her strict sister.

The helper took bowl of soup away.

V-"have this medicine now.And rest.Fever is in better condition."

R-"I wont have any medicine."

Ramya took the quilt and hid herself inside it.Varna rolled her eyes.She pulled her sister out of it and made her forcefully have her medicine.

R-"You are such a meany.Varna.Dont you feel sad for me.My condition?"

Ramya sneezed twice followed by Varna who sneezed thrice.Ramya rubbed her nose and then Varna did the same.Ramya clapped her hands then getting a glare from Varna.

V-"Look like a joker with that red nose."

R-"And so do you.ha ha."

Varna couldnt help but smile.She pulled Ramya's cheeks who then hugged her.It felt so nice to get a warm hug.

R-"I missed you.Why do you leave me alone.always."

V-"Stop being dramatic.

Alone?really.You have people here who are always busy.Adoring you.Baby girl."

R-"I am not a baby.Yeah they are here but.Varna is Varna.After Amma I gave you the place ok.Should be considerate for that."

Ramya now played with the chocolate wrappers as she gobbles them up.Varna brought them for her.

R-"Shit.I had appointment with parlor."

V-"I will make sure you are not moving from this bed.Today.Atleast for such lame reasons."

R-"But its important."

V-"Rest.?Its more important."

After some time.Varna was having juice and reading a magazine.Ramya closed her eyes for some time then couldnt stop herself.She didnt feel sleepy.

Ramya and Varna did not have separate rooms for each other.They wished to stay together even after growing up.Because of their wish a spacious room was designed for them which was big enough for both of them.The room had pink interiors as per Ramya's wish.Which Varna couldnt help but oblige to.There were two separate beds as per Varna's wish.But Ramya was always the one rushing to her at nights be it because of her nightmares.Or attempts to bug her.


V-"Sleep.Rest rest."

R-"Aha.I dont want to.Listen."

V-"Then dont bug me.I am busy."

Ramya got up and threw pillow at her sister.Varna didnt look at her still busy reading.

R-"fine.dont pay attention to me.When I will leave you will feel my absence then.No one will be there to bug you."

Varna kept the magazine down and looked at her over dramatic sister who was sitting with crossed arms.She shook her head and went to her.

V-"What is it?"

ramya made space for her and both settled together.

R-"They are coming tomorrow.I feel nervous and weird.Not like how I felt during my board exams.worse than that."

V-"Why.are they going to eat you up for lunch?"

R-"Varnaa.Be serious.What am I going to do.Say.How should I behave.What if they reject me and Appa.I dont want to disappoint him.Because of my weakness he shouldnt be insulted."

V-"Ramya.?Stop saying rubbish.

What makes you think they can reject you?And who will give them right any way.Disappointing a person has nothing to do with our weakness or strength.When will you throw away such lame thoughts from your head."

R-"I dont have any strength.I am not beautiful like you intelligent like like you and list goes on."

V-"yeah.Intelligent I agree.You are an idiot."

R-"Say what.Huh."

Varna held her sister's hand and made her face him.

V-"Hear me out ramya.A person can be her own strength and own weakness.You dont have to acquire some different quality for pleasing people.Whats the need even.If someone likes you then that has to be based on how he has given you acceptance.Provided he gives in to your every weakness.We cant let those people be part of our life.Who will judge us based on what they think.It has to be real.Show what you are in real.Not being fake."

R-" do you talk so maturely."

V-"rest now.Or else Aththai will come and smack you."

Varna got up and turned back when Ramya held her hand.She gave a soulful look to Varna and asked.

R-"varna.Will you miss me if I get married.And go away from here."

Varna paused and then replied with attitude.

V-"Please.Why should I.

This whole place will be mine then."

She winked and Ramya made an angry face.

R-"Meany.I.I.Cant hate you."

V-"I know that sister."


At night Varna was brushing her hair when found Karuna on doorstep.Ramya was sleeping due to medicine effect.Varna slowly came out of room closing the door without making noise.

V-"She is sleeping.What did the doctor say?"

K-"Seasonal fever.Nothing to worry about."

Both were walking.

V-"I thought so."

As she sneezed Karuna smiled at the bond the twins share.From time time they were born.They had some strange connection.Not only being identical.The effect of one's state was visible on the other.Be it fever ,cold,or any other sickness.If one has to go through it the other cannot be spared from it.

They were in Karuna's room now.Varna sat on the floor resting her head on Karuna's lap.She felt peaceful.After so long she came home.

K-"Come.let me give you head massage."

V-"No.Already have this stupid cold."

K-"Because of ramya.Ha ha.This wont harm come."

She took some oil and gently massaged Varna's long hair.They were beautiful.Varna possessed same features like Ramya.Unlike Ramya,she had something different.No one can deny that.

K-"Rare got chance to oil your hair.See they have become so rough."

V-"Hm.When do you have chance.Always busy attending to your brat."

K-"See now.Whose talking.Ms Varna Shetty occassionaly stay at home and then.Lock up yourself either your room or busy with work.All my fault ha."

Varna smiled and felt much better.With the massage.It helped her to relax.

V-"Atthai.Wanted to ask you something."

K-"I know."


K-"About those people who are coming tomorrow.Family and all.They are nice Varna.Your father knows them.For years.They are established and more importantly.The boy is nice.Looks handsome."

varna couldnt help but chuckle.Karuna smacked her head lightly.

V-"Cool.If it satisfies dictionary of being perfect Prince of Ms Ramya's dreams."

K-"Just want her to be happy.Lets see how it goes.Good you are here.Prakash is also happy."

V-"Is he?"

K-"why wont he.Ofcourse.Talk with your father."

V-"Dont want to invite troubles.Everything should go well tomorrow."

K-"Talking with your father is inviting trouble."

V-"He was mad at me for taking a decision regarding his company.I realized later.Hope he is okay with it now that.I signed back the deal."

K-"You both are a like.Impulsive.Good.ramya is like her mother."


I cant bear anyone hurting Ramya.Be it anyone.With her health issues or any other matter.I hope you made it clear to them.?Aththai?"

K-"Dont worry.Told you they are good people.Ramya's health condition has improved.Will be fine soon.Her medicine does has also been reduced."

V-"I know.I do stay away mostly from home.But keep an eye on such matters.

She will be fine.She is.No hazard now."

K-"Its your responsibility to prepare her for tomorrow.If everything falls on place then she will get married.Next is your turn.I will be relieved of your responsibilities."

V-"Marriage.Me?You think there is anyone who can bear with me."

Varna tied her hair in a plait.Karuna shook her head.

K-"Why not.There must be someone made for you too.In your fate.Like Ramya is my fragile princess.Varna is my warrior princess."

V-"Who is any time not waiting or weaving dreams of any prince.ha ha."

Varna left after showing her teeth to Karuna and she thought.At times it becomes difficult to judge both sisters.The bond they share from Ramya's side.She cant live without Varna who is possessive for her.How will these two survive.Manage to live a part from each other.She prayed to God.If things become good for both of them.

Varna had some water and was ready to go for sleep.When her eyes fell on the envelope kept on Ramya's bedside table.She remembered Karuna forgot to give it earlier in day to Ramya.It was snap of the guy whose family coming tomorrow.

She wanted Ramya to be first person to have a look.Any case she had right to see.If it was worth for her sister.She took the envelope and opened it.A pic came out and her eyes widened as she recalled the face.She has seen somewhere.Top of envelope it was written "Vivaan Reddy."

She couldnt believe her eyes.She looked back at her sister sleeping with a smile on face.Then at the picture.From the snap he looked like most innocent guy on earth.

V-"I see.So this idiot wants to get hitched now.And target is my sister.Unbelievable.Reddys?

Lets see.I wouldnt let this happen at any cost.Will talk with Aththai in morning itself.Wont let this idiotic monkey  ruin Ramya's life.Never."


Varna is determined.Vivaan well confused.Ramya on the other hand busy dreaming about her Prince charming.Lets see what happens.

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