Chapter 97

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Movie last night and time spent with Vivaan gave her enough memories to cherish from this trip.Waking up in morning she couldnt stop remembering moments.And smile while having her breakfast.Priyam coughed trying to take her attention but she raised her brows again.

Var-"Sorry Chitti I.You were saying something?"

P-"Ahem yeah.It happens.Last night couldnt catch sleep?Looks like."

Varna shook her head.As her aunt burst out laughing.Every day she was getting to see new side of Varna.Girl whom she has been seeing running away from life tired of problems.Her twisted fate.She was in all smiles now.Varna finished her food and checked time.Vivaan have gone out to meet his friend who stays there.Pranush was busy taking his nap.

P-"So whats plan for today.Your husband is out alone."

Var-"Yeah he went to meet his friends.No plans.Staying at home today."

P-"Thats good.We can have some more time alone.Lets do something.Baking?"

Var-"Yes its been long.Brownies?"

Priyam was baking Varnas favorite brownies.While Varna checked on Pranush and came to help in kitchen.When she saw Priyam looking tensed on some call.

Var-"Chitti whats wrong?"

P-" Age is taking over me.Varnaa I had this parcel with me of this friend of mine.She informed me earlier she will come to pick this.I had to meet her today and look at me.I completely forgot about this.Now she called me that she already started for place."

Var-"Still not late.You can go now."

P-"But brownies and lunch?I was making our favorite things."

Var-"I will handle.Dont worry you go."

P-"But.Ah.Wait you are free right?You can take this parcel then.It wont take time."

Var-"Me?But Pranu."

P-"Im here only.He is sleeping.You will be back by time he wakes up.Here is her name and number.Do this favor for your oldie Chitti."

Var-"You and your dramatic dialogues.Fine.I want my brownies with some extra chocolate."

Her eyes sparkled like little one.Priyam cooed her cheeks.

Varna felt quite weird taking stroll of street.She went back to time thinking about how.She used to come these places.Alone and with Priyam too.Time has changed and her life has changed too.She smiled taking a sigh.She checked her phone to see if there was any message from her husband.Quite disappointed on not finding any message or call.She made small pout and continued walking her way.

Var-"Must be busy with friend.Could have sent message at least.Shall I inform him Im out?"

Just then she heard this girl calling out her name.The girl was in hurry and left after taking parcel.Thats when Varna realized where she was standing.Inside cafe where she used to make frequent visits.Memories gushed back to her.Everything was same even the setting.She shook her head and was about to leave place.

"Varna Shetty.I cant believe this."

She turned around to see person standing in front of her.With smile on face just how it used to.She couldnt move her feet as it stayed rooted to spot.Her past was standing there.As he took steps towards her.

Vivaan felt good meeting his friend after long time.Though he wanted to cancel plan.He couldnt do so.But he was glad he didnt.He realized how in these years he hardly interacted with any of his friends that much.He got so busy in reminiscing old times that he didnt check his phone for once.It was in silent mode.After lunch he and his friend came to this cafe which was quite famous there.His friend went to order for himself.While he was sitting looking around.He realized time and checked his phone.Seeing so many missed calls from Varna.

V-"Vivaan Reddy you are gone today."

He immediately dialed her number.But she didnt answer.He tried few more times but no use.He cursed himself for being so forgetful.He thought to make some excuse then as it was quite late also and head back.Varna not answering his call did meant she was angry.He got up and started looking for his friend.

Vivaan felt weird frowning his brows.Shaking his head he walked ahead but stopped in his tracks.He could recognize voice from bit far.Turning around he could clearly see his face.That smile and he couldnt believe his eyes.Shakthi was sitting there.Vivaan wanted to speak to him but then he didnt do so.Next moment  he clenched his fist and didnt dare to move.Smile on Shakthis face and the person he was sitting with burnt something inside Vivaan.He wanted to go to them but even he didnt knew what stopped him at that moment.

He left from there in anger without informing his friend too.He couldnt rub off image of them sitting together.The smile and Varna not answering his calls.He tried again but his anger rose to another level now.He was clueless what his wife was doing there with Shakthi.More than that their presence together made him feel insecure.He couldnt bear it.

Back to present:

She was having soup with no appetite.Priyam joined them on dinner table after putting Pranush to sleep.She could sense change in couple from yesterday.Specially from Vivaans side.She smiled to them passing them dishes.And ate silently.She wished from inside everything to be alright.They dont need any issues at least at this point in their life.

Varna was making bed and her eyes looked for that one person in room.Only she knew how low she has been feeling in this one day.She couldnt say it out to anyone also.She caught her head and tried to calm herself down.Having some water she could still feel pain on her head.On not finding him anywhere she saw him downstairs in garden.

Taking slow steps towards him.She hugged him from back wrapping her arms around him.But soon she could feel strong smell hitting her nostrils.She felt difficult to breathe.Something she wasnt familiar with.As he hold loosened he took deep breathe.

V-"You dont have to do something.Which you dont feel from inside Varna."

She frowned at his words as he turned around facing her.He was smoking and his face looked lost.In some deep pain or sense of reluctance.Though she knew about this.But she havent seen him smoking in her presence ever.

Var-"Vivaan please.Lets get inside and talk."

V-"I dont think.Theres anything we can talk about.In this matter.I dont want to."

Var-"Throw this thing away.Its not good."

V-"I need some space Varna.Please."

Her eyes teared up.She couldnt take this behavior from him.He felt bad himself for doing that to her.What to expect from his own self when their relationship have been nothing but roller coaster ride.Every time he thinks things were fine now.Something has to be done by her and this time.He was strongly hating on this fact.

Var-"I cant bear your silence.Please."

V-"You should think about this.before doing what you shouldnt.Or rather hiding things from me.I have always respected our relationship Varna.Never hide anything from you but I guess.You still have long way to go trusting me."

Var-"Dont say like that."

He left from there himself.She stood in tears cursing herself.Things wouldnt have been same if only she would have acted little sensible the other day.He wouldnt have reacted like that.If she told him about meeting her past.She was troubled by her own fate.Why she had to face her past again when she was at content with her present.Meeting Shakthi yesterday wasnt a plan.Something she could never think of but it had to happen.Worst Vivaan wasnt aware of this

On reaching room she found Vivaan was already on bed switching off lights.She could feel Vivaan was awake though facing other side.She never wanted this trip to end up like this.It was all her fault.Her eyes teared up.She was in trance.

Awhile later Vivaan opened his eyes.Found side of bed empty.Varna was staring at sky outside.Standing on balcony.Sleep was far away from her eyes.She felt pain in her heart.A guilt she cant explain.She knew she was wrong hiding her meeting with Shakthi from Vivaan.But she also believed being strong headed person she was.She didnt do anything wrong.Her intentions werent wrong.She was flaring up from inside.

V-"You are not sleeping."

She wiped tear that slipped from her eye.Didnt look at him but heard his voice.He sobered down little.Still angry with her.He tried many times.Couldnt get image of her with Shakthi out from his mind.Getting no reply from her it fumed him more.She turned around not meeting his eyes.When he caught her wrist.Stopping her from leaving.

V-"You cant face me.Right."

Var-"Vivaan please.I dont want anything now."

V-"Yeah.Sorry.I forgot its your choice always."

He left her wrist and punched on wall.He felt frustrated not able to control urge inside him.He wanted to ask her.Something was stopping him.Varna stared at him standing there.

Var-"You still think.Its my choice.Always."

V-"You make me say such things.You do."

Var-"No.I dont.You cant blame me always.Whats my fault."

Suddenly he held her from shoulders.His eyes filled with rage blazing into hers.He could see them red.

V-"You want me to tell you your fault.Really Varna.You want me to."

Var-"Vivaan dont shout."

He realized place and situation and shut his eyes.

V-"Varna.Tell me what I should do.What you expect me to.Say or behave with you.After what I have seen."

Var-"What have you seen."

V-"Amazing.Now you dont even remember.Or trying to play with me."

Var-"You are twisting words."

V-"Yes Im because I.I."

Var-"You are doubting me Vivaan.I thought you trust me."

V-"Trust.Do you trust me Varna?Do you trust your husband enough that you can tell him that you.You met your ex fiance and.You hid this fact from him.What do you expect me to do?"

Var-"What do you think I was doing with him.You think I.You are having doubts on me.You dont trust your wifes character enough."

V-"Shut up Varna.You are speaking shit."

Var-"Isnt this what you feel.Couldnt say to me."

He held her again this time softly.His eyes conveying pain.He went closer to her face.She could feel his breath.He shut his eyes and spoke.

V-"I trust you with my life Varna.I do."

Var-"You dont.You dont.Why do I see doubt for me in your eyes Vivaan."

V-"You are mine Varna.Mine.Mine."

He cupped her cheeks and she shut her eyes in pain.His words soothed all bad thoughts she was having revolving their relationship.He pulled her ferociously.

V-"Moment I saw you with Shakthi that day.I.I cant explain what I was feeling.I.It was hell for me.Not easy to see you there."

Var-"So much that you lost faith on me.You thought I."

V-"Never.I can never think of raising doubts on your identity Varna.Because thats what you are.Im helpless."

Var-"No you are not.I have become helpless.Im tired of life.Of giving justifications.Proving my feelings again and again.I cant anymore."


She broke down completely about to fall on her knees.He held her and crushed her in his arms.He shut his eyes absorbing pain anger.Wave of emotions troubling him from time all this happened.All he wanted to do was take her in his arms.He could feel her sobbing hard.She was broken and he was reason for it.He wrapped his arms secure way around her.Not letting her go.Patting her hair.

The kiss took everything to another level.Vivaan didnt knew what he was doing.He only wanted to feel her close to him.She belongs to him.Nothing  can change that.While Varna felt weak in his hold.She tried to break kiss.Only when he deepened it.Both tried to catch some breathe.As they opened their eyes.Heat of moment which melted them both.Varna left to room followed by him.Her back facing him and she shut her eyes feeling him behind her.It took him second to turn her around.

Her eyes reflected pain which he hated.He hated himself for doing that to her.But he couldnt help himself either.At this moment he wanted to take away all her pain.He kissed her forehead.Both eyes one by one.Moving to her whole face leaving damp kisses there.She breathed heavily.


He didnt hear her and she couldnt stop him.Her heart fluttered inside.As he picked her and softly dropped her on bed.He wasnt imposing himself on her.She wanted to be consumed by him.The tension that was built inside them.It seemed only love can soothe it.Her hands made their way to touch his face.He couldnt take it any longer and she dropped her head on pillow.Shutting her eyes.Drenched in tears and consumed by his passion.Varna felt difficult tonight to match him.His every touch made her moan.As he panted making his way to her.Sealing their lips again and again.Claiming her.This is what he wanted to do tonight.As their bodies moved restlessly inside quilt.Vivaan made sure to give her back trouble of emotions.Sweet pain of love.By his every action.She accepted with all her will and it eased fear inside her of losing him.She knew he loved her.She belonged to him and no one else.She took deep breathe feeling him dropping his head on her bare shoulder.

His lips left kiss there and he raised his head to look at his beautiful wife.He wanted to say a lot.But the silence felt appropriate for moment.She was too tired with run of emotions.He rested beside her and took her in cage of his arms.Hiding her there and both drifted off to sleep.

Vivaan was awake for some time.Both were wrapped inside quilt.The curtains of room still down.No one was in mood too call it morning.Or rather he wanted more of night to heal both of their souls.He felt her body against his.As she stirred in sleep.Rubbing her bare arms and giving her warmth.He tucked her hair and softly kissed her head.He let his chin touch top of her head.Not letting go of moment.He wanted this to stay.Them to stay like that.But still many questions were running on his mind.He wasnt sure if he will have answers for her from them.She has gone through alot in this journey.Will it be justifiable on his part to emotionally drain her more.

After some time Varna moved bit.She felt at ease being wrapped in warmth soon realizing where she was.A faded smile came on her lips.Finding herself in arms of Vivaan.She closed her eyes and shifted more towards him.Soon before she remembered the situation they were in.Smile left her face and she took deep sigh.She remembers last night and how they ended up like this.She bit her lips as Vivaan massaged her hair.All she could hear his hum voice.

V-"Morning.You alright?"

She gave nod which he understood.He could feel she must be in thoughts of last few days.He wanted her to tell him but not letting her go through any pain or emotional trauma.He pecked her head.Tried to move when she stopped him.

Var-"Please be like this.For some time."

He was taken back by her words.He has always seen stubborn Varna.Who may have been broken emotionally but she never showed it to others.Keeping it to herself.He loosened his hold on her and she hid her face in his neck hugging him.He shut his eyes feeling her.He could feel her breathe as she faced him.Eyes down and he touched her chin raising her face.When their eyes met.He loved her eyes.They had so much to say.He couldnt stop himself from pecking her lips.Letting them linger on hers for some time.It deepend with passion taking over them and he pulled her more towards him.Both felt breathless and let silence speak for some time.

Var-"Im sorry."


Var-"I.I always end up messing things for both of us.This relationship."

V-"You dont."

Var-"I do Vivaan.I shouldnt have hidden this from you.Every relationship is based on trust."

V-"Its okay it happens.I shouldnt have reacted like that too."

He slipped hair behind her ear and gazed at her beautiful face.His long fingers smoothing her cheeks softly.His eyes dint leave her for once.

Var-"I would have told you this.But I wasnt sure how to.The day I met Shakthi it was coincidence not a planned meeting.Can you trust me?"

He pulled her bit closer to him and whispered.

V-"With my life."

Var-"That day I.I went to drop Chittis parcel and I found Shakthi there."

Both were sitting on a table.Varna playing with her hands.She didnt knew how to initiate any conversation or run away from there.She wanted to avoid this but seeing approach from him.She couldnt do so.Shakthi smiled and behaved casually.

Sh-"You can relax Varna.Before anything we were friends.If you still do remember that."

His words as if soothed her tension and nervousness.A smile from her side made him a nod.

Sh-"If you dont mind.Can we sit for some time.If you are not in hurry."

She wanted to leave from there.Wasnt this meeting weird.Sitting with your ex fiance like that.Can she expect herself to behave normally.She thought when did things became normal for her.In this life.She gave nod unknowingly and cursed her mind.She was about to check her phone.

Sh-"So.How is life?"


Sh-"Just fine?Dont think so.You look way more than fine."

Var-"Your sense of humor still same.What about you?You here I mean?"

Sh-"Life is awesome as it is.Never knew such small moments can make life so beautiful.They do.After marriage and companionship I came to know.How we fail to understand such small things in life.Which may give us happiness.Oh I shifted back to Melbourne but here for some work.I met Chitti too few times.Didnt she tell you?"

Varna thought why Priyam hid this from her.Maybe not to bring back her past again.She shtugged off thoughts and smiled.

Var-"How is your wife?and baby?"

Sh-"Both are doing well.We are enjoying every moment of being parents."

Var-"Nice to hear that.Your happiness is visible on face."

Waiter came with coffee and smile faded from Varnas face.Shakthi shook his head staring at coffee mug and smiled.

Sh-"Seems like he recognized us.We used to visit this place many times."

Var-"People dont forget things easily."

The smiley on coffee made with chocolate was something.Shakthi used to do for her.Whenever they came for coffee.Waiter didnt forget to recognize them and sent same order.Situation was different and their lives were on different path now.Varna felt uneasy with time running.She didnt inform Priyam or Vivaan also.

Sh-"I dont know Varna why I stopped you today here.I mean.Its been while something was disturbing me.And I find myself at fault."

She frowned not getting his words.There was guilt on his face.

Sh-"I hope you dont remember this.But I wanted to meet you once if I get chance.To apologize."

Var-"For what?"

Sh-"Sending you those pictures and letter.Which may not have been wise on my part.Im sorry."

The pictures those memories.She remembered everything.How she was broken and later confrontation with Vivaan.But this time there wasnt pain invading her.A calm look on her face and smile.Which assured Shakthi things have changed.

Var-"I have left behind my past Shakthi.Honestly I dont have anything against you on my mind.Even for sending those things.They dont push me to anywhere now.I cant erase my memories but my past.It can never get me back."

Sh-"Im glad.When I saw you from your face.I could feel you are in best moments of your life.He has always been one for you."

Their eyes met for a second and Varna could see his eyes moist.From time she have known this guy he has always.Tried to bring happiness to her and nothing.Being on her side as a friend.She finds herself at fault for not being able to give him back what he deserved.Shakthi smiled.This was something he waited for.To hear from her see her like this living her life.But there are some feelings which you lock in your heart safely.Away from everyone but you fail when your emotions trigger.Their past.Maybe this was beautiful and deserving end.He was glad.

Before things would get awkward both ended meeting letting it be sweet experience remaning with them for lifetime maybe.

Var-"It was nice meeting you Shakthi.I.Im sorry if I have ever hurt you.But I will always remember you.As a friend who wanted me to be happy.Could do anything for that."

He laughed as they walked out of cafe.One last time facing each other.

Sh-"Varna Shetty I do believe now.You have changed.Your words reflect change in you.You found."

Var-"Love found me.Like you used to say that one day."

Sh-"It will happen and it did.Take care Varna.Give my regards to Vivaan too.Wish you both happiness for lifetime."

The shook hands and as she parted her way he stood there.Looking at her walking ahead.One thing he was sure of today.She has moved on reaching place she deserved in life.She have found one who always had right on her love.Whom she loved from beginning.He smiled shrugging off thoughts.Some things arent meant to be in life.He felt some weight lifted off from his heart today.He hurt her he felt so.But did he ever meant anything to her.Still her happiness mattered to him then now and maybe forever.Because love is an emotion.One cant let go that easily in life.Not everyone can get back love.Shakthi and Varna were always closed chapter.But moments engraved in his heart he cant erase them.She will stay in his memory for lifetime.

A moment of silence prevailed before Varna hugged her husband.She could no longer feel tightness in her heart.From time she met Shakthi that day she was guilty.She didnt knew how Vivaan will react.If he will take this meeting on positive way or some other way.But she was sure she would tell him.Sometimes you are too scared to lose happiness.In those moments you end up losing your mind.Thinking of any way how to let it out.

Var-"Are you angry with me?Did I do anything wrong staying back that day?"

V-"No.You did right.everything needs closure in life Varna.Maybe this was closure you both needed."

Var-"But.You were angry because I met him.I.You thought I went to meet him because I still."

V-"I can never think of having any doubts about you.In this way at least.I know you love me but."


V-"I dont know Varna.You have become so precious for me that I.I cant afford to lose you now.Its just that thought of you meeting your past shook my world.I shivered with thought of what if you get back to those memories again and leave m."

He felt her palm on his lips and taking them in his hand.Kissed them softly.She bit her lips and thought how unknowingly she hurt him.A bridge of confusion and insecurity or possessiveness made matter come this far.

Var-"We are still insecure in this relationship Vivaan.But why."

V-"Maybe things need time.We should leave everything on time."

Var-"You think so?"

V-"Hm.Just remember this thing.Never hide anything from me.I can bear any pain but your silence.It disturbs me."

She gave nod and whispered on his face.As both came closer.Their eyes had pain and love mixed.He consumed her again with deep kiss putting an end to insecurities and fear.Today another realization dawned upon them.Maybe good and bad experiences make relationship complete sometimes.


I missed you all.Hope I  still have readers for this book?

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Thank you :)

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