Chapter 98

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It was late afternoon and Priyam was almost done with lunch.She caught glimpses of her niece smiling to herself.While helping her out.She could make it very well all was well between them now.Relieved from inside as she didnt wanted any more troubles in Varnas life.

Var-"Chitti I had to ask you something."

She took napkin to wipe her wet hands.As they walked out of kitchen.

Var-"You didnt tell me that you still meet Shakthi.I mean.When he comes here."

P-"Oh that.Yeah sometimes.He comes here for some work purposes.I bumped into him sometimes.He is still same happy go luck guy.Im glad he found such lovely wife."

Priyam could see change of expression on Varnas face.She touched her hands.

P-"I know why you are asking this.Varna I knew you were going through a very delicate phase of your life and your married life.I thought its better not to remind you of your past.Now tell me something.Are you still bothered about Shakthi?Shall I speak with Vivaan?"

Var-"No Chitti.Its fine now.I mean.I dont know Chitti.These small issues.Sometimes I feel if Im making this relationship complex.All this is so new for me.Im scared messing up things every time."

P-"Varna.every relationship has a bumpy journey.Not without any issues or problems.And when you both are poles apart.This is bound to happen.I can already see my baby handling all this in such mature way.Just remember one thing Varna.Making adjustments in relationship is fine.But never change yourself.Or neglect your identity.I feel happy seeing you like this.You are mother and someones wife now.Dont hide Varna Shetty inside you.Free her from all issues she was holding on to."

Var-"Do you feel I have changed Chitti?"

P-"Yeah for good.I always wanted to see you living life like this.Love changes person.This glow on your face.Just enjoy this phase of being loved.Spend time with Vivaan.Understand him and let him know about you.Open up.Else these issues will rise.Dont hide real Varna from him.Because I know he loves you for what you are.How you are."

Var-"Hmm.Thank you Chitti.For always being there.I miss you so much.Wish you could join us too there."

P-"Yeah I had plans to visit Chennai.Though Im in touch with Karuna akka."

Karunas mention changed Varnas expression.Priyam frowned as she was little aware how Karuna had problems with Varnas behavior.She didnt tell her what happened between them.But she knew Varna.

P-"We cant make everyone happy in life Varna.Focus on your life now.Let it go.Remember those who love you care for you.You will always find them there for you.Hmm?"

Varna took Priyams hand and they hugged.

Pranush was on bed frowning at teddy bear.Which wasnt talking what he wanted it to do.His frowned deepened and he started talking in his own language.Vivaan was on bed yawning.Last night sleep was still on him and all he wanted to do was.Not let his wife go away from his eyes.Varna came to room with Pranushs clothes and took out fresh clothes for him.

V-"Where were you?"

Var-"I was with Chitti only.Why you need something?"

V-"You think I will look for you only when I need something."

Var-"I didnt say that.You want coffee?"

V-"No.come sit here."

She went to him and he made her sit catching her hand.She looked at him with confusion and could see glint of naughtiness in his eyes.She took her hand back showing him eyes towards Pranush direction.

V-"What.Cant I hold my wifes hand?"

He held again and started teasing her.For change she was wearing loose kurta and pajama.Which he missed seeing her in since they came here.Wet locks of hair and simple kohl under her eyes.These were enough to give him hard time.


Both shifted their attention to little one.Who looked angry trying to grab attention of his parents.From some time.His tiny fists caught Varnas hair but soon he tried to peck her hair.Which made duo laugh.Varna took him in her lap and showered some kisses on him.

V-"Look at this fellow.Stealing kisses after doing this."

Pr-"Ammaa.Paanu play go round."

Var-"Yes me and my Pranu will play now.First we need to wear new dress okay."

Pr-"naii.Naii Pranu no dreshh."

V-"Look at him.Started with tantrum.Come here."


Varna smiled and went to get clothes for him.While Vivaan had to bear brunt of Junior Reddy who was hitting his legs and arms.

V-"Look at his tummy.Oww.Have to put him on diet."

Var-"Please.Why do you keep on saying this.He is baby now."

V-"So what.See his hands and legs.And these cheeks.He has to learn how to be fit from now only."

Var-"Yes why not.He should get abs and muscles.As if you have them."

She was done getting clothes out of little one.Who was in nice mood getting rid of clothes.He stood with fingers inside mouth grinning at his father.Vivaan had his mouth open with remarks of his wife.

V-"Wait.What did you say?Dont I look fit to you?You said I dont have abs and muscles."

Var-"My kanna will wear yellow and orange today.See amma got this for you.Like it?"

He clapped and jumped showing his happiness.Vivaan came to them and kept on urging her.

V-"Varna what did you say?Look at me."

Var-"Vivaan what."

V-"Dont I look fit to you?You still need to figure out my muscles and abs.Even after we."

She kept her hands on his lips.Becoming red and left from there with Pranush.

Var-"Lunch is ready come down.Shameless."

He made face and soon realized how she was teasing her.

The last day for their stay in Sydney.Varna felt blessed and calm from heart that these days she spent there.Sorting out misunderstanding with Vivaan.Both spending enough time trying to discover each other and small momments of joy she spent with Priyam too.But it made her sad thinking that they have to leave tomorrow.Priyam wanted to host last dinner there for them.So they were going out for night.

Pranush was all ready sitting on bed.Varna brushing her hair while Vivaan was wearing his watch.

V-"Varna did you take gift.I got that day."

Var-"Yeah its there.But I took one for Satyam Uncle.Not for Chitti.We can give to her tomorrow."

V-"yeah.By the way this Satyam Uncle.You met him before?"

Var-"Yeah.Few times when I used to come here.But he keeps on travelling for work purpose.He is in town this time so thought to meet him for dinner.He can meet you also."

Vivaan gave nod and thought of something.She could see coy smile on his face.

Var-"What?Why that smile."

V-"You wont understand.Your brain works in business stuff only.Not in case of heart."

She got Pranush and frowned at his words as he went ahead.

The dinner went good with Satyam gelling well with Vivaan cracking jokes.For fun loving person he was in his 50s.Priyam and Varna was used to him but they also couldnt stop themselves from laughing.The dessert arrived and Pranush was sitting on baby chair between his mother and father.He got excited seeing chocolate cake and looked at Varna.

Varna took him on her lap and tickled his tummy at which he chuckled.Satyam adored this sight and exchanged looks with Priyam.All this time Vivaan was having his ice cream and didnt miss to notice looks duo shared.He could feel something was there between two.

V-"Ahem so Satyam uncle.You keep visiting here right."

S-"Yeah Vivaan.Before I used to come here spending weeks.But its been long I stayed for such long time.Im glad I could meet both of you this time.I told Priyam when Varna comes I have to meet her and this little fellow too."

Pranush was enjoying taste of cream from cake.As Varna fed him tiny dots of cream.he got irritated and wanted to have full cake at which all laughed.

P-"Varnaa he will be big foodie.Like mother haa."

Vivaans face sobered bit remembering Ramya.How she used to love food and he could never forget that.Varna just smiled lightly and took baby to wash his face.Priyam felt awkward and she didnt knew why she said that.To make situation lighter Satyam started again but Priyam felt bad.

S-"Okay Vivaan.That was really nice meeting you.All I heard from Priyam you were gentleman but.You are an amazing guy."

V-"Im glad to meet you too Sir.In fact you have to promise me whenever you visit Hyderabad.You have to meet us."

S-"Well I do promise on that."

V-"But not alone.With Chitti for sure."

Satyams face turned red and he looked down trying to hide expression on his face.Priya got meaning but she coughed and diverted topic.

At night Varna was packing her stuff when Priyam came to her giving smile.She helped with things and stopped suddenly.

P-"Varna.Im sorry."


P-"Look I.I didnt knew what happened to me and why I said like that.Sorry ma.Please dont take it to heart."

Var-"I will take your words to heart.You have gone mad."

She shook her head and closed zip of bag keeping it down.Priyam held her hand and made her sit on bed.She saw nothing in Varnas eyes.But she felt guilty.

P-"Varna I."

Var-"You didnt say anything wrong Chitti.Ramya is Pranus mother.No one can change this truth.I know."

Priyam hugged her shutting her eyes.Varna shut her eyes too and smiled.

P-"My baby has grown up.I can see that now.She has learned to handle situations.Im proud of you Varna."

Var-"Leave all this.Tell me.When are you coming back.With Satyam Uncle."


Var-"I know Im not good at these stuff but.I can see love for you in his eyes.And same in his eyes too.I always had doubt but never shared with you because I was waiting.If you can feel you can share with me.Seems like you dont consider sharing your secrets with me anymore."

P-"Varna no.You know that well right.Whom do I have that close except you.Satyam and I.Yeah.Since time I met him I had mixed feelings Varna.I mean I dont know.I do feel good spending time with him.Sharing my thoughts and I do miss his presence in my life when he is not around."

Var-"Why are you still thinking Chitti.Go ahead.Its high time you should settle down."

P-"I dont know.Maybe.Satyam wants me to meet his family next month in Chennai.He said he will take me but.I feel nervous.Its been long time Varna and I havent been around family people.What if I mess things up for both of us."

Var-"You are saying that.You have always asked me not to lose confidence on your ownself Chitti.You need to have that now.He loves you genuinely and if he is there Im sure things will be fine.Now you promise me.We are meeting next month."

P-"Okay fine let this get fixed up then.But dont tell anything to anyone now.I.I feel embarrassed.I feel nervous how to talk about this to your Dad."

Var-"Being in love can never be embarrassing Chitti.I cant tell you how happy Im for you."

P-"Aw.Love you my baby."

They shared a cute hug calling it night.

Sitting in front of dresser she was combing her hair.Lost in thoughts.Suddenly she got up walking to bed.Saw Pranush sleeping beside his father.Whose hand secured him.She went to them and placed a kiss on babys forehead.For a moment she felt something unusual inside.She calmed herself shutting her eyes and wanted to stay like that.Touching Pranushs hands tiny fingers kissing them.She didnt notice Vivaans eyes were on her.

V-"Show some love to your poor husband too."

She was taken back by his voice suddenly and looked at him.He raised his brows fixing pillow securing baby.Gave his hand to her calling her but he could sense some uneasiness in her.After some time lights were switched off but Vivaan didnt give up.



V-"Whats bothering you.tell me."

Var-"Nothing.Im fine."

V-"You want to stay with Chitti for some more days?Its fine."

Var-"No.Nothing like that.We should go back home now.All must be waiting and Nandu needs us too."

V-"yeah.She wasnt feeling well from yesterday.Reyaansh called but shes better now."


Finally they bid goodbye to Sydney taking lots of memories good and bad.Ending this small sweet journey of theirs.Satyam and Priyam dropped them to airport and Varna was relieved to see her Chitti wasnt alone now.Every person deserves to have happiness in life.Now she does believe that.This trip changed their perspective towards their relationship.Making things bit easy as they thought so.Sitting on flight giving smile to each other they knew they have long way to go.

After 6 months

Yet another pleasant morning in Reddy house.With time a lot of changes took place.Be it Vikram and Shivani finally going to their much needed trip and coming back after a month.Nandini giving birth to cute baby boy.Which filled whole atmosphere of house with happiness fun and bit of craziness too.Time flies and we wish if we could only catch it and treasure for life time like that.

Taking look at wall frames.As some special cleaning was done today for whole house.She stood near staircase and her eyes reflected in huge frame.Her fingers touched picture of her sister.

"Love for you can never lessen in this lifetime.Miss you Ramya."

She shut her eyes engulfing pain.Why there has to be some emptiness in life.Which you can never replace with anything else.


Shivani looked at this girl who turned around with smile on face.Felt like it was some time ago when she couldnt imagine her like this.Handling this house and responsibilities.With love for this family.her heart swelled with pride seeing Varna like this.Seeing her like this she could only thank time she took decision to get her in this house.In their lives.

"Again busying yourself with work from morning.And you are still on empty stomache if Im not wrong?"

Varna bit her lips as they came downstairs.Shivani could read her face well and asked for glass of juice.

Var-"I will have late.."

Sh-"No.Have right now.In front of me.How many times I have told you to have something first in morning.Better stop ignoring your health."


Sh-"See your big kid is up and looking for you.Take this glass and better finish it."

She smiled and taking glass climbed stairs.To her husband who has to call out like this for her every morning.

As she entered room he pulled her and closed door.Pinning her to wall and blocked her way from both sides with his hands.His intense eyes and smirk on his lips.Gave her goosebumps.She tried to breathe but his finger touched her cheek which made them burn.She gulped hard as her throat dried up.

"Whenever I look at your eyes.I feel intoxicated.They have something."

His husky voice made her bat her lashes down.With hue covering her cheeks as his thumb traced her lips.Before he could taste them she gently pushed him with giggle.On pretext of running held by him.His eyes gaze at her making her heart flutter from inside.She felt heat on her skin.As he inched closer.Closing distance between them pulling her towards him.

Var-"Every morning this is your drama.Dont you get tired."

He could see blush on her face.While he tried best to strenghten hold on her.

V-"Its all because of you.Who told you to look more beautiful.Every morning that I lose my senses."

Var-Vivaan Reddy you are becoming hero of love stories.Too much romance is bad for health."

She bit her lips finally caught under his spell.He pressed his body towards her more.Feeling her breathe almost.And whispered to her ear.

V-"If you say so."

She shut her eyes with cute smile in his hold.Smirking at her he twirled his thick moustache.Soon enough rubbing it over her cheeks as she felt tickled and sensation.

Var"You are growing old.This demonstrates fact."

She tried to struggle with him in sweet fight.But only he can overpower her with all passion.

V-"Call me old one more time.Will show you.What this old man can do."

She eyed him not to start again and he entwined their hands.He was about to kiss her when they heard chaos from downstairs and frowned.Soon enough widening their eyes.



The little one with chubby cheeks wobbled but took fast steps trying to hide himself behind curtain.His giggles were heard as he found his mother catching him.He gave loud chuckle and hid his face in her arms.Varna laughed too pinching nose of her little chub.With time her baby.Has learnt to walk also and became a prankster.He played with her saving himself from his fathers eyes.Who stood there folding hands watching duo.He couldnt stop himself from giving a smile and reaching his son.He tickled his tummy.His laughters filled their life with love and happiness.He asked them to keep quiet hearing commotion downstairs.

V-"What did you do today chub."

Pranush giggled and Vivaan and Varna both saw empty basket near window.Which had his colorful balls.From that both guessed very well what he did with them.Climbing bed standing on top of it he does this every time.

"Mrs Reddy this is not done.He does it every time.And you promise it wont happen next time but see.Today he threw balls at me.Other day vegetables and oranges.What not.What if I would have got hurt."

Sh-"Please keep quiet.Listen to me.You didnt get hurt right.He is a kid.I promise wont do from next time."

"Better take care else I."

The old man left flaring his nostrils in anger.Shivani took breath of relief.Turning around seeing trip come down.Varna had pranush in her arms who wanted to get down on his feet and as she left him he ran to Shivani.Giving her kisses and hug.

V-"See your son is too clever.Knows he will get scolded so doing this before."

Varna laughed and both went to Shivani.Who was busy pampering her grandson.

Var-"Pranu very bad.How many times we made you understand.Not to throw these things on someone.What if Uncle would have got hurt."

Sh-"That man over reacts.Who gets hurt with fruits and vegetables."


Trio was shocked seeing babys response.How naughty he has become as he ran away from there again.Making Varna run after him.

V-"Mom he is becoming too naughty.See all this stuff he does.We closed window but he opens it.Have to change room only now."

Sh-"Vivaan he is a kid.All kids do same at this age.You were more naughty.Do you know how you made me and your Dad run after you.So your son has gone after you only."

Vivaan shake his head hearing same words from his mother.It was true Pranush was apple of eye of everyone in house.Even though Reyaansh and Nandinis son was born.But everyone including them had special place for Pranush in their hearts.As he was first baby of family.

On breakfast table Vikram was reading newspaper when Shivani glared at him shaking her head.Vivaan was having coffee checing his schedule for day.Varna was busy with Pranush upstairs.

Sh-"I cant bear this anymore.This house feels so empty.Reyaansh and Nandini have gone to Chennai with baby at Nandus mothers place.Lata also followed them in excuse of visiting their old house.Whole day I feel bored.Talking with walls."

Vik-"Shivani its been week only they went.You are saying as if its been year."

V-"Mom why dont you start working again.Its been long."

Sh-"I thought so but.I dont enjoy writing now.Or reading even.Pranu is also growing up.Before I used to keep him.At least that way my time was spent.Now he runs in whole house and plays.Poor Varna had to run after him whole day."

Vik-"I dont see any solution to your moms problems Vivaan.We can go for another trip if you want."

Sh-"Please spare me.You will be busy reading newspapers or magazines.I will be left alone.Better Im here."

Vivaan laughed exchanging looks with Vikram.

Vivaan was going to his room to get his file when his eyes fell on Pranushs room.Which was beside theirs.He stood on doorstep and watched how little one was sitting on Varnas lap.Being pampered by her.As she fed him oranges.He smiled adoring sight.

Pranush tried to grab plate stopped by Varna.Which made him angry.She kissed his hand and took a piece of orange feeding him.he ate it and smiled.As Varna gave him another piece he touched her hand and with hsi tiny fist tried to make his mother have orange.This not only melted Varnas heart but Vivaans too.Truly he fails to understand bond of these two sometimes.

Varna had orange and kissed baby bringing him closer to her heart.

Var-"Amma will have later.You have now okay."

Pr-"naiii.Ammmaa o--ange.And Paanu oangee."

Varna couldnt dare to say no to Junior Reddy.Who was enjoying sour and sweet taste of oranges.Varnas eyes fell on Vivaan as he walked to them.

Var-"What were you doing?"

V-"Seeing you pampering this brat."

He tried to take one piece of orange from plate.When Pranush got angry and shouted.Varna hid her smile.

Var-"Pranu is good boy.Give Appa also one."

V-"All love for amma only.Fine.No more sleeping with Appa from tonight."

As if he understood every word he extended his hand to Vivaans mouth.And fed him a piece of orange.he took him in his lap being kissed by little one.Moments to cherish for life.

Varna was in kitchen preparing lunch.She wasnt pro with cooking but lately she has developed this habit of making lunch dinner herself.Shivani makes sure to help her since she was also at home.She was washing vegetables when Shivani came to kitchen.

Sh-"You could have taken rest for sometime.We both are only ones having lunch.Your Dad went to meet his friend."

Var-"Its okay.Pranus lunch is ready.He liked taste of dal and rice with veg yesterday.I can add something different today."

Sh-"Kids are like that only.Easily get bored of same taste and then act fussy to have food.See now your whole time will be busy figuring out what to give him for breakfast.Lunch and dinner."

Shivani saw Varna busy working and thought about something that has been going on her mind.For some time now.She has seen Vivaan and Varnas relationship was in good track now.And she feels a kid can complete their relationship making it more strong.But she was on two minds how to convey it to Varna.She was not only concerned as mother for her son.But for Varna too.Pranush will be her baby always but as was her right too to give birth to her own baby.She felt she shouldnt be deprived of this right.This feeling.She went to Varna and helped her with smile on face.

Sh-"Varna.This house feels so empty right."

Var-"Yeah.Missing Lata Aththai.Reyaansh and Nandu.Ansh used to keep us all busy."

Reyaansh and Nandini's baby was named Ansh.

Sh-"When we have baby at house.It happens like that only.Remember during Pranu times.Whole house felt so lively."

Var-"Hmm.Now he is busy only with his toys and coloring.Doing pranks."

Sh-"I was thinking.We cant get those moments back also.Can get another Pranu.Another baby in house."

Varna was busy doing something and did not pay much attention to Shivanis words.

Sh-"If you and Vivaan give us gift.Your baby will bring more happiness to this house."

The bowl dropped from Varnas hands and she froze almost.Shivani picked up bowl while she could see Varna stealing eyes from her.She held her hand making her face her.

Sh-"Im not saying this as your mother in law Varna.But more as a friend.Frankly speaking a husband and wifes relationship becomes more strong when a baby comes.Its like brining a new life and new emotions.To your bond.I can see you both are at stable point now so why not.Think about having a family.Im sure Vivaan would love to have daughter.He wanted to have one.Even I want to see a little Varna.Hmm?"

She touched her cheeks with affection and kissed her forehead.Varna gave faded smile.Shivanis words left her into deep thoughts.

Vivaan kept his specs on side table and kissed Pranush head.Who was sleeping in middle of bed.Since he knew how to walk now.It was difficult to handle him making him sleep on bed.So he is shifted to this big crib at night.Varna was oiling her hair sitting in front of dresser.Vivaan darted his eyes at sight.Which wasnt unnoticed by her.She got up and went to bed fixing things.He has seen her bit off than usual days.Even during dinner time.Maybe running after Pranush whole day and house work have made her tired.He insisted one or two times to get another helper in house but she refused for that too.She made bun and looked for her book.

Even reading book couldnt help her to get sleep today.She changed sides on bed.Feeling restless and got up.Shoving blanket away she made sure not to disturb Pranush and Vivaan.Went in balcony and sat there on chair.After some time she felt his palm on her forehead.The massage felt like magic and a light smile craved on her lips.

She opened her eyes to see her husband giving her longing look.He understands her now.Can read her face and emotions.Taking her hand in his he took seat facing her.

V-"Whats bothering you?"

Var-"Nothing.Just headache.Much better now."

V-"If I didnt knew you well.Wouldnt have been able to say you are lying.Varna."

Var-"Ahh.Too much tired I guess.Not sleepy."


She stared at his eyes boring into hers intensely.She shut her eyes as if giving up.She cant try to hide anything from him.

Var-"Mom said something today.Unexpected."

He listened to her calmly.

Var-"She feels we should.I mean we.We should plan a baby now."

V-"Hmm.So this is bothering you?"

Var-"I think its her wish.The way she said looked like."

V-"What did you tell her?"

Var-"Nothing.I.Didnt knew what to say."

He remained silent for sometime which irked her.What she said wasnt something normal.At least for her and should be for them too.That reaction from him was unexpected."

V-"Well.Its not wrong on her part too.To bring this topic now.Its normal."

She didnt meet his eyes but he smiled.He caught her hand and kept on staring at her.Knowing Varna well.He could see change of expressions on her face.

Var-"When its us.Its not normal anyways."

V-"And why do you feel so?Dont you wish to have our baby?A symbol of our love?"

Her eyes met his and wave of emotions hit her.She couldnt control her heart.If only he knew how his words evoked emotions inside her.

V-"It will be our decision only and Im sure Mom knows that.Pranu is also growing up now.We are almost stable.Cant we think about this now?Varna?"

Her silence made him raise his brows.She looked down avoiding his gaze and got up walking to other side.Holding railing and staring at dark sky.She shut her eyes as she knew.He is there right behind her.

Var-"I dont want.A baby."

She turned around to look at him.He didnt knew how to react at moment.It was shock or confusion.Her words made him froze in spot.She hardened her face and felt lump in her throat.


How was chapter?Well I do feel greedy being writer.As your feedback gives me boost.To write next update.Hope you all are doing good.

Thank you.


And its 18K Votes for Fragile Hearts.This book keeps on surprising me with something.or other every single time.Credit to my beautiful readers.

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