Trailer and surprise

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My dear readers.I would like to thank.Each of  you.Who have made Fragile Hearts one of.Best books of mine.I don't know if I will be.Able to do justice.With upcoming chapters.Its your support and love.For this book.Made me write highest number of.Chapters for I have written here.For any book.Yes Fragile Hearts is going.To be longest book of mine.Which I'm not liking at all.I believe in ending a book.Short and simple way.

The story requires a lengthy.Process and time to be taken.For happenings to take place.So I can't help.But have to write.Let's see how far it goes.As token of appreciation.I would like to present.A simple trailer.I made for this book.See if you can discover.Vivaan,Varna and Ramya more.Something new to it.

Another thing I would like to mention.Extremely sorry for delay.With updates but many of you.Dont know Iam going to.Take short or long break.I'm not sure yet.But yes a break.From writing and.Soon going to wrap up my books.Except Fragile Hearts.Which I will continue.Hopefully during break.After that.I dont want to leave.Book hanging in middle.For lovely readers.I have got.

Im going to be done.With Silent Screams.Then other book.After which left with.This one.Hope you will try to.Understand my problem.As writer its very difficult.To write even few words.And I have to keep.On mind expectation.Readers have for me.I have from myself.For my book.Maybe to compensate.I have something for ardent fans.Lovers of this book.Presenting you exclusive.Poster for future track of FRAGILE HEARTS.

Iam not good with editing.Sorry but.Hope this will make it.Till I can be back with.Updates fully.

I hope I dont need.To say much about poster.Lots of love and wishes.From my side.To readers who have.Understood me and this book.You are best.Keep supporting me please.Reading and voting.Of course giving feedback.Matters most to me.Than any rank.


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