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Donghyuck yawned as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and shut off his alarm and swung his legs off his bed. He stood stretching and grabbed some causal clothes, a cream colored sweater and black jeans, for his first day in college (he had been home schooled before). He walked to the bathroom and heard his older brother Johnny in the kitchen, probably cooking. He decided to take a quick shower, change, brush his hair and teeth, and then apply deodorant and cologne. He stepped out the the bathroom and walked to the main room. Currently he lives with his older brother because they now go to the same college and their parents travel a lot. "Morning" Johnny said and Donghyuck muttered a "good morning." He sat at the table and they ate breakfast together and decided to wash the dishes later not wanting to be late. Johnny is going into the medical field while Donghyuck is studying dance, thankfully the other one enjoys it too. They walked out of the apartment and went to Johnny's jeep and got in.
"Ready for your first day?" Johnny asked putting it in reverse.
"Yeah, just worried if something bad happens" Donghyuck sighed. Johnny patted his head and put the car in drive heading to the building.
"Nothing bad will happen" Johnny reassured him. Donghyuck fixed his hair with a whine.
"Hey! I spent time on my hair" he complained and Johnny laughed. The car ride was silent other than music since Johnny was driving and Donghyuck was on his phone.
A few minutes later Donghyuck speaks again.
"I hope Haechan doesn't take over today" he frowned and looked at his older brother. Haechan was the opposite of Donghyuck, he was dangerous like the sun, he'll burn you if you get in his way. He's sassy and a bit violent--nothing physical, as far as Donghyuck knows. Johnny parked in the college parking lot and gave the younger a sympathetic look. They unbuckled.
"I'm sure everything will be fine" he said and Donghyuck just nodded. They got out and grabbed their bags from the backseat and walked up to the large main doors. Donghyuck gulped looking at the size of the building and all the people. He grabbed Johnny's hand trying to calm down. Johnny seemed to be embarrassed for a second but then gave a reassuring squeeze. "Ready? I'll introduce you to my friends" Johnny smiled down at him. Donghyuck nodded continuing to look around. Johnny led them into the building, some students gave them strange looks, others didn't care. Some were too tired to even look their way, bags under their eyes, clothes way too causal, and coffee cups in a hand and the other has college materials. Donghyuck wondered if he'd turn out that way. Suddenly they stopped and Donghyuck faced forward seeing a group of males.
"Hey Johnny!" One shouted with a big smile. Donghyuck hid behind Johnny, unwilling to face anyone. Johnny squeezed his hand again.
"Hey Yuta" Johnny smiled.
"Johnny who do you have with you?" a guy with dyed blue hair asked. He was extremely handsome.
"Everyone," Johnny paused and stepped aside to show them Donghyuck and the younger tried to smile at them. "This is my younger brother, Donghyuck" he announced. All smiles presented and everyone started introducing themselves.
"Hey Donghyuck, I'm Taeil!" Donghyuck nodded and gave a slight wave.
"And I'm the wonderful Yuta." Another nod.
"Taeyong, nice to meet you Donghyuck" the one with blue hair said.
"Jaehyun" the male waved at the younger and Donghyuck returned it.
"Doyoung" a bunny looking male said.
"Hi! I'm Jungwoo" the last introduced themselves.
"Nice to meet you hyungs" Donghyuck bowed slightly and they all smiled at him.
"You'll probably meet Mark later, he had to go to class early." Johnny said and Donghyuck nodded. Donghyuck checked the time and saw he had to go to one of his basic classes soon. He saw Johnny and the guys talking and hadn't even noticed he let go of Johnny's hand.
"Uh... can you tell me where the calculus class is?" Donghyuck asked and Johnny nodded.
"Yeah, I'll be back guys" he smiled at them and took Donghyuck's hand to lead him through the swarm of bodies. After about a minute they arrived at a door and Johnny lead Donghyuck inside. He helped him get settled, Donghyuck had picked one of the back seats. Johnny soon left and Donghyuck put the supplies he needed on his desk and sighed.
"Jeno come on, it's not that bad" he heard someone say and he looked up from his desk to see a boy with pitch black hair and high cheekbones walking into the classroom with another boy who had dyed blonde hair. They walked over and sat behind Donghyuck.
"It's math! Of course it's bad" the Jeno guy said. Donghyuck watched as many more students came in and then the professor who demanded the class to be quiet.
The lesson went on and on and Donghyuck wanted to fall asleep but he wouldn't, he didn't feel like getting yelled at.

The professor finally ended the lesson and Donghyuck was glad they didn't get homework. On his way out of the class he was shoved roughly, he dropped his bag and fell to the floor bruising his knees and landing on his wrist. "I told you not to play around Jeno!" The male from earlier yelled. Donghyuck watched as they approached him, he was scared and stressed by the occurrence and all of a sudden he felt himself slipping.
Haechan do-


Haechan glared up at the two. "The hell is your problem?" He clicked his tongue and got up dusting off his knees. The two guys raised their hands.
"S-sorry, Jeno and I were just messing around" they put their hands down "I'm Mark. Are you alright?" He asked concerned. Haechan thought the name sounded familiar. He grabbed his bag and shouldered it.
"No, I'm not. My knees hurt like a son of a bitch and I think I sprained my wrist" he sighed and studied his wrist that was becoming swollen.
"Want me to take you to the infirmary? It's the least I can do" Mark said and Haechan rolled his eyes.
"Fine" he said.
"I'm Jeno by the way" the other guy said and gave an eye smile. Haechan nodded and Jeno checked his phone. "I gotta go. Jaemin and Renjun are waiting for me, see ya Mark! Hope you feel better uh..."
Quick say something!
"Haechan" is all he said and Jeno nodded and ran off. He soon followed Mark down the large hallways.
"So your name is Haechan?" Mark asked. The younger looked at him.
"It's a nickname" is all he said and Mark nodded. The taller led him down the corridors and soon to a nice office. A lady was talking to some guy before she faced them.
"May I help you?" She asked, Haechan noticed her dark hair was starting to turn grey, wrinkles slowly forming on her face, and veins becoming more prominent.
"Uh my... friend? Hurt his knees and may have sprained his wrist" Mark said and Haechan looked at the lady. She ushered Haechan over to a small cot and sat him down.
"My knees are fine, but my wrist hurts" Haechan said and the woman nodded.
"May I have a look?" She asked and Haechan offered his wrist. She studied it and he flinched a few times. "Well it's not broken nor strained but very bruised. I'll give you an ice pack, please return it when you're done" she smiled, her wrinkles becoming more prominent. Haechan nodded and she went to the freezer and grabbed the ice pack filled with gel and handed it over. Haechan placed it on his wrist and thanked her and walked out with Mark.
"So... forgive me?" Mark asked and Haechan glared at him and then faced forward.
"Fine" Haechan said and continued walking.


Lunch rolled around and Haechan was still in control. He searched the canteen for Johnny and saw him. "Donghyuck over here!" Johnny said and Haechan walked over and sat down next to him. "What happened to your wrist?" He asked worriedly.
"I fell" Haechan shrugged. Johnny knew instantly that it was Haechan; Donghyuck spoke softer than the other.
"You okay?" Taeyong asked worriedly.
"I guess, just hurts" he said.
"Hey guys" someone said and sat down right next to Haechan. Haechan immediately knew that voice. "Oh, hey Haechan" Mark said.
"Haechan?" Yuta questioned.
"Nickname" Haechan clarified.
"Uh Mark this is my little brother, D- Haechan" Johnny introduced them.
"You're Johnny's brother? Hyung I didn't know you had a brother" Mark said confused. Johnny nodded. Haechan rolled his eyes and took his lunch out of his bag and opened it. Johnny must've made Donghyuck's favorites. Haechan tried to fight it but he slipped.


Donghyuck winced feeling his wrist and set the ice pack aside. How did this happen? He frowned realizing Haechan had taken over earlier, the thing he didn't want happening. He pulled on Johnny's sleeve and Johnny raised a brow and Donghyuck leaned up to whisper. "Did Haechan get in a fight? My wrist hurts." Johnny sighed and whispered back.
"You fell, well that's what Haechan said" Johnny said. Donghyuck nodded and looked around seeing all the guys from earlier, except there was a new one right next to him. Donghyuck found him attractive. He tapped Johnny's thigh and Johnny looked at him and swallowed his food. Donghyuck secretly pointed at the handsome male and Johnny whispered once more. "That's Mark" he said and Donghyuck nodded. They went back to eating, Donghyuck happily munching on his favorite foods.
"Why are you guys whispering so much? I feel like I'm being judged" Jaehyun joked. Donghyuck looked at him and shrugged.
"I just needed to ask h-hyung some questions" he said softly and the Mark guy nudged Donghyuck.
"Why are you acting all shy now? You were sassy earlier" he laughed, his nose scrunching cutely. Donghyuck blushed. Oh boy what did Haechan do? Donghyuck desperately looked at Johnny for help and the giant didn't know what to say either. Johnny started to laugh it off and Donghyuck joined him awkwardly. The group managed to get over it and continued talking about their day. Donghyuck didn't know what to do. Does he tell them that he's not Haechan? That he has different personalities?
"Anyone else have dance after this?" Taeyong asked and Donghyuck raised his hand slightly.
"I do" he smiled and Taeyong smiled just as bright.
"I do too" Mark said and Taeyong high fived him.
"So, since I hear a mix, what do you want to go by?" Jungwoo asked Donghyuck. The younger was stunted. He didn't know how to answer that.
"Uh... either one is fine" he said.
"Wait what's your real name?" Mark questioned.
"Donghyuck" he responded.
"Oh" Mark said and took a bite of watermelon. Donghyuck tried to focus on something else. Doyoung seemed to be doing homework at that time, he looked stressed.
"Anyone have a calculator?" Doyoung asked and they shook their heads no. "What's 36 + 29 + 28?" Doyoung question. Donghyuck thought for a split second before he said the answer confidently.
"93" he said and everyone looked at him.
"Woah dude that was fast" Yuta said and Donghyuck looked away shyly.
"Thank you" Doyoung said.
"You must be really good at math huh?" Taeil smiled.
"I'm okay with it I guess" he shrugged lightly.
"Hyuckie used to help me with my homework" Johnny said and ruffled the younger's hair causing him to pout. They laughed but all Donghyuck could hear was Mark's laugh, it was nice. He blushed and then quickly shoved some food in his mouth and swallowed. Everyone continued talking but suddenly a loud noise came from somewhere. It reminded Donghyuck of a door slamming or furniture hitting the floor or wall. How does he know the exact sound of that? He felt fear creep up his spine, made the hair on the back of his neck stand, and his ears started to feel fuzzy. He looked down at his hands seeing himself tremble. Why did the noise cause him to be fearful? He covered his ears and put his head down trying to breathe. Oh no I can't embarrass Johnny!
"Hyuckie? Hyuckie are you okay?" He heard Johnny's voice, a bit muffled. "Donghyuck" Johnny said and held the younger close. Everyone was looking at them strangely but Johnny had to throw his reputation away so he could comfort his brother.
Donghyuck felt Johnny's strong arms wrap around him and his face was buried in the older's chest as he trembled.
"Hyung I wanna go home" he whispered and Johnny ran his fingers through his brother's hair.
"I-is he okay?" Donghyuck heard Mark ask.

It took only a few minutes for Donghyuck to calm down but he still didn't leave Johnny's hug. The bell rang and Donghyuck jumped slightly

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