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Haechan woke up to an alarm clock. Ugh college. "Why does he even want to go?" Haechan whispered and got out of the comfortable blankets. He saw all the small stuffed animals Donghyuck has on his bed; he knows they give Donghyuck comfort. Haechan's comfort is food. At that moment his stomach growled. He grabbed some clothing and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

He entered the kitchen and saw Johnny leaning against the counter drinking some coffee. Haechan went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and then to the cabinet for cereal but he didn't see any left. "Johnny where's the fucking cereal?" He asked and Johnny raised a brow.
"You're here" he said slowly.
"Donghyuck is taking a break, you know how he gets" Haechan shrugged and put the milk away and grabbed some yogurt instead. He grabbed a spoon. He felt Johnny's eyes on him. "Why are you staring at me John" he said and took a spoonful of the yogurt in his mouth and turned so he was leaning against the counter parallel to Johnny's counter.
"You didn't come out that often" Johnny said carefully. Haechan looked up at him and swallowed the yogurt.
"He moved to a new town, was put in a public place where he was forced to meet new people, he had to go to a restaurant without you because he felt he needed to grow up, and he got hurt a couple of days ago. So tell me Johnny, would you want to leave the comfortable place you had, where you felt safe and secure?" Haechan threw the half-empty yogurt cup away. "I'll walk" he said grabbing he sweatshirt and throwing it on.
"Haechan come on, I didn't mean it like that" Johnny said putting his empty coffee cup in the sink. When Haechan shoved his phone in his pocket and went towards the door Johnny quickly followed and ran to get Donghyuck's backpack.

They were sitting silently in the jeep. Haechan could feel himself shaking from anger. "Haechan talk to me" Johnny said.
"You don't get it" he said gritting his teeth.
"You're right, so tell me" Johnny turned on his turn signal. Haechan sighed and readjusted his hat.
"I'm trying to protect him. He can't go through this alone" he said. "I know you love us but Johnny he can't just go in blind, you—you fucking know that" he rubbed his eyes getting frustrated.
"It's good you know I love you both, my little brothers. You always will be" Johnny took a deep breath. Haechan turned to him shocked, he's never talked like this before "I'll be a better brother, I promise. I'll take care of you both" Johnny pulled into the parking lot. Haechan smiled and then covered it with a smirk.
"If Donghyuck were here he'd cry" Haechan said and Johnny laughed. They got out of the jeep and walked towards the school. Another main difference is the way Haechan and Donghyuck walk. Haechan walks with confidence while Donghyuck tries to make himself small. They walked inside and immediately saw the group just chatting by some lockers. Johnny waved as did Haechan and they walked over.
"Oh" Taeil said.
"What?" Johnny asked and Haechan raised a brow.
"I know we only just met but you changed your style Donghyuckie" Taeil said softly. Haechan looked at him and shrugged. He then looked at his own. Red shirt, leather jacket, black jeans. He should've dressed like Donghyuck.
"I like to try other things" he said.
"Looks cool little man" Yuta said and patted his shoulder and Harchan smiled.
"Thanks hyung."

First period is calculus, Haechan sucks at calc. Donghyuck is good at it though. He was just doodling in Donghyuck's notebook while the lesson continued. Sure he wants Donghyuck to pass but he never understood the need to go to college. He droned out but soon felt something tap his shoulder. He turned and flicked the pencil off it his shoulder and out of Jeno's hand. Some people looked over and the professor paused and then went back. Haechan raised a brow. Jeno looked confused but leaned in as Mark picked up the pencil for him since it landed on his side. "Do you understand any of this?" Jeno whispered. Haechan shook his head.
"No" he said back.
"But Johnny said you're good at math?" Mark said coming back up and handing the pencil back to Jeno. Haechan shrugged not wanting to talk any longer knowing they'll get nowhere. They didn't talk to him for the rest of class.

When lunch rolled around Haechan already had met some people new who he really enjoyed being around; Na Jaemin, Haung Renjun, and Wong Yukhei. He by passed Johnny's table only stopping to tell Johnny he's sitting somewhere else. He didn't let his brother speak before he made it to the three. He sat down with his lunch and smiled. "What's up" he said and they smiled back.
"Not much, you Haechan?" Jaemin asked.
"Bored as hell" he groaned.
"Wanna skip for the rest of our classes?" Yukhei asked.
"Does this look like high school?" Renjun asked.
"Oh come on, it's gonna be fine" Jaemin said.
"I'm down" Haechan said. So they headed out, Haechan telling Johnny he's going to class early.

So here they are now, at some mall, a theatre. It's dark and they're watching a crude comedy while throwing popcorn at each other. Some middle-aged mom shushed them and they giggled but calmed down. "It's been awhile since I've had fun" Haechan whispered.
"Let's all go out this weekend yeah?" Jaemin whispered while he held Renjun's arm.
"Sounds great, I need some fuel to survive this hell called college" Yukhei said and laughed loudly causing some others to turn and curse him. Yukhei took a drink of Haechan's pop and the younger shoved him playfully.

After the movie they went to Yukhei's apartment and drank a bit. They're watching some cartoon and drinking beer that Yukhei bought a few nights before all of this. Renjun, although he doesn't seem to like it, is curled up on Jaemin's side. Yukhei has one arm wrapped around Haechan's shoulders as he points at specific scenes and the other is holding his beer. He grabbed his phone to check the time but saw it was dead and set it down taking another drink. "You know what, I don't know whether or not I want to date Mulan or Shang" Yukhei said.
"The bisexual king speaks" Jaemin says dramatically and Renjun pokes him for moving too much.
"Shut up gay god" Yukhei said back. Haechan smiled and laughed with them.
"All of us are gay, wait Haechan are you?" Renjun asked.
"Well yeah D- I am" he said, cutting himself off from saying Donghyuck.
"Hey, I am not gay" Yukhei said with a smirk.
"We get it, you suck dick and eat pussy" Jaemin said back.
"You're not wrong" Yukhei said and everyone cracked up.
"I gotta pee, where's the bathroom?" Haechan said and Yukhei pointed to a door. He removed himself from Yukhei and walked down the small hall to the bathroom. He shut the door and went quickly and started washing his hands. He looked into the mirror and checked his teeth. He then shut off the faucet and went back to the living room after drying his hands. He sat down and yawned.
"Tired already?" Jaemin asked. Haechan rolled his eyes.
"Tell your boyfriend that" he laughed and everyone looked at Renjun who was sleeping against Jaemin, cuddled up to him. Haechan scoffed at the lovey-dovey scene.
"You look like a love-sick puppy Jaem" he said and took a drink loving the taste of beer, it's been awhile. Donghyuck hates the stuff. He soon fell asleep with Yukhei's hand resting on his thigh, it was friendly enough.


Donghyuck woke up groggy and confused. There's a foul taste on his tongue... beer maybe? He heard a movie playing, not sure which one yet. Then he heard talking from an unfamiliar voice. He rubbed his eyes and batted them open. "Haechannie did you fall asleep?" Someone asked and he raised a brow.
"Hm?" He asked in his confused and tired state. He heard a laugh.
"You drank too much didn't you?" Another voice said. He looked around and saw a very unfamiliar place. Someone's arm around his shoulders and two bodies framing him. The one on his right is tall, broad, and chinese maybe. The one on his left has pink hair and a pretty smile. He noticed a third, a smaller guy curled up against pinky. He looked around but didn't see Johnny. Johnny, where's Johnny?
"Hey, hey are you okay?" The tall guy asked and tried to calm him by rubbing his back.
"J-Johnny" he whispered.
"What?" The pink haired guy said. Donghyuck started shaking a bit as he stood pushing the tall guy away from him. He stumbled a bit and turned to face them. "J-Johnny, Where's Johnny?" He asked looking around feeling dizzy.
"What's happening?" The smaller guy asked pulling away from pinky.
"Where's Johnny" he said once more. He couldn't breathe, he felt like he was drowning.
"Haechan, Haechan relax man. What's got you so fre-" the tall man started talking again but Donghyuck could barley hear.
"Where am I? Who are you guys?" He questioned frantically. The tall guy stood and Donghyuck took a step back. He raised his hands to show Donghyuck he wouldn't hurt him.
"Haechan, are you joking with us?" the smaller Chinese asked.
"I-I... I can't-" he started heaving and they all stood "J-Johnny" he sobbed and looked at them. "D-don't touch me" he whispered and looked around. He saw an open door and ran towards it. He slammed it and locked it. He slid down the door and curled up. There were knocks on the door, loud, pounding like it was in his brain. Faint voices.
"Idiot call Johnny!" One shouted.
"I can ask Mark if he has it" another.
"Hurry up Xuxi" another.
And then a bit of silence, the knocking stopped. Someone else slid down the door.
"Haechan" he heard the tall guy's voice. "Haechan what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked softly.
"Johnny" he whispered.
"I know Haechan, Jaemin is calling him now okay? He's gonna be here soon" the tall guy whispered. It went silent for a few moments. "Do you know who we are?" He asked and Donghyuck bit his lip and picked at his nails.
"N-no" he whispered trying to take deep breaths.
"Well, I'm Y-Yukhei or Xuxi or Lucas, you can use any of them" he said. Donghyuck found the name 'Xuxi' cute, sounds like sushi. He smiled lightly.
"X-Xuxi, I'm lost, h-how did I get here?" He asked finding comfort knowing the man has a name.
"You skipped school with Jaemin, Renjun, and I" he said calmly. Donghyuck still had tears running down his face.
"I really wanna go home" he weeped and he heard Xuxi sigh.
"I know, I know just... can I come in?" He asked. Donghyuck took another breath and slowly sat up and unlocked the door and scooted away on the tiles.
"C-come in" he said. He watched as the tall handsome guy crouched in and gently shut the door. He sat down against it. Donghyuck wiped his eyes with his sleeves.
"You okay?" Xuxi's voice bounced off the walls and Donghyuck flinched. "Sorry" Xuxi whispered.
"N-no" he whispered and started breathing heavy again.
"Hey hey shh, it's okay, can I come over to you?" Xuxi asked and Donghyuck nodded. He crawled over and sat against the tub and opened his arms. Donghyuck watched this. "I'm not gonna hurt you" Xuxi whispered. Donghyuck nodded and sent himself into Xuxi's arms, curling up on his crisscrossed legs and holding onto his neck with his arms as he started sobbing. Xuxi immediately held him close. "Shh it's okay... it's okay, Johnny is on his way" he said.
"T-thank you Xuxi" Donghyuck whispered.

A/N: I know it's shorter than usual, sorry! Also I promise this is a markhyuck fic

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