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Warnings: drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and implied sex.

Haechan sat at the booth at the ice cream parlor next to Yukhei and Renjun and Jaemin across from them. All of them chowing down on ice cream and talking about their classes. "All I'm saying is that Ms. Moon and Mr. Kim are together" Jaemin said and Haechan raised a brow.
"Proof" he said and licked his ice cream.
"Oh god here we go" Renjun groaned and took a spoonful of his ice cream that he had gotten in a bowl. Yukhei laughed loudly and took a bite of his cone. Haechan found it weird that Yukhei had eaten the cone first rather than the ice cream. Jaemin's face got serious but Haechan saw the slight smile on his lips.
"One: They talk almost every time they're in the same room" Jaemin said.
"I do that with friends, that doesn't mean I'm dating them" Haechan countered and Jaemin held up a finger and licked his ice cream and then went back to his speech.
"Two: they get way too close together, like very close." Jaemin said and Haechan nodded starting to pay attention. "Three: pretty sure I've seen Mr. Kim's hand go too low on Ms. Moon's back before" he added.
"Key point: you're not sure it happened or not" Renjun said, already finished with his ice cream. Jaemin pouted and Haechan laughed.
"He's got a point Jaemin" Haechan pointed out as he finished his ice cream.
"Whatever, wait until I prove all of you wrong" Jaemin said and the others laughed. Haechan enjoyed hanging with them, he felt free, like nothing could hold him back.
"I kinda wanna do something stupid" Haechan said.
"Oh like what?" Yukhei questioned.
"Anything honestly, I'm tired of my brother always hounding me" he sighed and picked his nail.
"Um, we could go to a club tonight?" Jaemin said. Renjun rolled his eyes.
"We'd have to wait until what? nine o'clock?" he said.
"It'll be worth it" Jaemin said. Yukhei finished the last bite of his ice cream and wiped his mouth before he spoke.
"We can go to that new PC place and play some games to pass time" he said.
"See, Yukhei can have good ideas" Jaemin pointed out to Renjun to which the Chinese rolled his eyes once more as he finished his bowl of ice cream.
"Hey!" Yukhei pouted looking at Renjun. "When have I ever had a bad idea?" he asked.
"When you said we should skip an exam to play basketball, when you wanted to have a garden and ended up killing the plants, when you-" Renjun started naming a few and Haechan listened with curiosity and then smirked at Yukhei.
"Wow, it must be roast Yukhei day, huh?" Haechan joked and Yukhei groaned causing Jaemin and Renjun to laugh.
"C'mon lets get out of here" Jaemin said and stood up and everyone followed. They threw away the napkins and Renjun threw away his bowl. They walked out of the parlor, the bell jingling on their way out. They once more piled into Yukhei's car.

The game center was pretty fun. Haechan was enjoying himself while he played video games with the others, laughing, giving orders to each other, pulling pranks in game. He should get a desktop at Johnny's place. They started doing 1v1s. It was Haechan against Jaemin, both focused and even a bit on edge trying their best to outplay each other. Lucas was sitting at Haechan's side cheering him on while Renjun and Jaemin sat across from them.
"Shut up Wong, you're too loud" Jaemin said as he intensely stared at the screen.
"You're just scared" Haechan snickered and found Jaemin's character. "Bingo" he said before he beat him in the 1v1. Jaemin groaned and threw himself back. Haechan smiled at the "YOU WON" on the screen.
"Good job Haechan" Yukhei said and fist bumped him. Haechan smiled and reached over the desks to shake Jaemin's hand just to rub in his victory. Jaemin groaned but shook his hand otherwise.
"C'mon kids, your time is up" the director said. They nodded and packed up and made sure to log out of their accounts. They left giving a vow and leaving a tip.
"Wanna go back to my place and smoke before the club?" Yukhei asked.
Everyone agreed and they headed towards Yukhei's car, excited to get that amazing high that makes them clouded and content.

Haechan took the joint from Yukhei's long fingers and brought it to his lips. He inhaled, took it away from his mouth, held the drug in his lungs, and then released it slowly. The smoke gracefully falling from his lips. He felt the high it gave him, the dopamine raising higher and higher with each hit.
"That looked hot" Jaemin said as he lit the bowl for Renjun.
"Thanks" Haechan laughed and handed the joint back to Yukhei who took a short hit.
Jaemin was decided to be the babysitter throughout the smoking and the club. He likes smoking but he doesn't like drinking.
They continued talking and laughing amongst each other as they waited for time to fade. The tried doing tricks, Yukhei and Renjun failing to make rings and Haechan managing to do a tiny one.
Johnny hadn't texted him long ago, texting him that he'll be at Jaehyun's working on a project. If only he knew what his little brother was doing.

Time was flying by.


Jaemin got out of the drivers seat and they followed, still high but it was fading. Yukhei had an arm around Haechan's shoulders as they went to the entrance making sure to take out their IDs and showing the bouncer who silently nodded and permitted them to go in. Renjun went straight for the dance floor with Jaemin and Haechan and Yukhei made their way to the bar for a quick drink.
"Look at them" Yukhei said as he sat down and pointed at Renjun and Jaemin who were making their way deeper into the crowd. Haechan laughed and sat down and they ordered a few shots. The younger took in the smell of alcohol and the smell of drugs and a hint of sweat among the perfume. He took in the colors flashing and the bass boosting, he felt high just from being here. Once their shots came Yukhei smiled. "Bottoms up" he smirked and Haechan followed with a laugh. Haechan let the alcohol burn his throat, the taste was still thrilling. Two more shots later the decided to pay and then head to the dance floor. Yukhei pulling the younger into the crowd of people, they bumped into people but they didn't care. People are bumping into everyone no matter what. Grinding, singing, jumping, and drinking. Touching and kissing. Haechan managed to see Jaemin and Renjun dancing not too far away, Jaemin groping Renjun's butt as they danced together effortlessly, not as clumsy as the other's.
Lucas turned back around and they got into a perfect rhythm, moving against each other and laughing, people bumping into them pushing them closer. Haechan looked up at the taller, the rainbow lights hitting his face perfectly, his pupils big from the smoking and drinking, his lopsided smile, and broad shoulders. Haechan smiled to himself and grabbed onto Yukhei's shoulders and continued to dance to the beat. There were a mix of people around them; hets, homos, queer, young, old, and ravers. The ravers bouncing and head banging and using their colorful whips and hoops. Haechan loved it. All of it. The floor trembling and Yukhei's big hands on his hips. He looked back up at the male who was staring right back at him.
Haechan knew what he wanted once he met Yukhei's eyes. He leaned in looking in Yukhei's eyes and then down at his big lips, the brunette doing the same. Their lips met a bit sloppily but just like before, they fell into rhythm. Haechan was getting dizzy with adrenaline, Yukhei pressing harder into him. Haechan pulled away first, Yukhei trying to lean forward to catch his swollen lips once more. Haechan moved towards Yukhei's ear.
"Wanna go to my place?" he asked.
"What about your brother?" He questioned but kissed Haechan's cheek and then jaw.
"He's with Jaehyun hyung" he said and kissed the older's neck.
"I'll call an uber" Yukhei said.
They left making sure to leave a message for their friends.

Haechan was on the counter once more, Yukhei between his legs and gasping onto his body as they kissed like the world was ending, tongues pushing together and lips bruised. Haechan trying to ground himself by holding onto Yukhei's shoulder and then running one hand down his chest.
"You up for it?" Yukhei asked as he pulled away. Eyes dazed and lips slick. Haechan knows what he's talking about, a thrill ran down his spine. He isn't a virgin by any means, well if you count 2 encounters. Donghyuck doesn't know.
"Second room on the left side" Haechan said and let Yukhei take him away.

Afterwards Haechan was leaning against the headboard as Yukhei pulled up his underwear and jeans. Haechan looked at the scratches on the older's back, he smiled with triumph. He knew his hips were bruised from Yukhei's hands and his neck would be too. When Yukhei turned back around to grab his shirt Haechan looked at the red and purple bruises on his collarbone. "I did a good job on your back" Haechan said with a smirk and Yukhei chuckled.
"Yeah, it'll probably itch in a couple of days while it heals" he pulled on his shirt. Haechan got out from under the covers and found his own clothes and threw them on.
"I'll walk you to the door" he said as he pulled on his shirt.
"How gentlemen like" Yukhei laughed causing the younger to do the same.
"Shut up" he punched his shoulder. Yukhei followed him out of the room.
"You look hot post sex" Yukhei said as they walked back the kitchen where their shoes were clumsily taken off.
"As do you" Haechan said and when they made it to the door he unlocked it and opened it. "I had fun, thanks" Haechan said and Yukhei nodded.
"Yeah, we should do this again sometime" he gave a crude smirk and Haechan rolled his eyes.
"No strings attached right?" Haechan asked.
"Yeah, relationships aren't really my thing, well not now." Yukhei said and stuffed his hands in his pocket.
"Me either" Haechan said.
"How about Donghyuck?" Yukhei asked out of the blue shocking Haechan.
"I don't know, I think he has a crush or something dumb like that" the younger crossed his arms and shrugged.
"Do you know who?" Yukhei asked with a curious gaze.
"I think it's Mark Lee, don't say anything though" Haechan said with a glare at the end and Yukhei raised his hands.
"I won't," he let them fall back to his sides, "Mark Lee huh? He's cool" He said and Haechan hummed.
"I don't know, I still don't trust him with Hyuck" he shrugged.
"I guess, also I should go. It's late and I have class tomorrow" Yukhei said and patted the younger on the back.
"See ya" Haechan said and opened the door to let Yukhei out. Yukhei nodded and gave a wave and then left. Haechan didn't bother to watch him walk down the hall. He was about to shut the door but it was stopped by a foot, it wasn't Yukhei's shoe. He raised a brow and opened the door and then sighed seeing Johnny who had a glare.
"Living room" Johnny said and then walked in. Haechan groaned and shut the door.

Now in the living room, Johnny sitting on the single chair and Haechan on the couch.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You smell like alcohol... and weed? Where did you get that stuff?" He lectured.
"Renjun" he shrugged.
"You're really still hanging out with them?" Johnny asked "even after what they did?"
"They apologized and I like them" the younger stated while crossing his arms. Johnny sighed.
"Did you seriously have sex?" He asked and Haechan raised a brow.
"No, I was exercising" he rolled his eyes. "Yeah I had sex. Is that against the rules?" he asked a bit aggravated.
"No it's just—have you even thought of Donghyuck's feelings?" He asked.
"I'm not Donghyuck am I? I'm Haechan and this is what I wanted, not Donghyuck. Always knew you favored him over me" he scoffed.
"That's not it Haechan, I didn't mean it like that" Johnny back tracked. The younger felt his high fading quickly.
"Sounded like it. Can't I have fun without you breathing down my neck 24/7" he spat. Johnny rubbed his temples.
"Not now Haechan" he groaned.
"What? You're the one who wanted to talk to me" Haechan said "don't anymore now that I called you out on your favoritism?" He countered.
"I don't have a favorite, I love you both equally Haechan, I've told the Donghyuck the same thing about considering your feelings" He said and Haechan sighed.
"Whatever John" he said and stood up and walked away, Johnny calling after him. "Fuck off" Haechan said and went to his room and slammed the door, a neighbor shouted from next to them.
He plopped down on his bed and rested his arm over his eyes.
Fuck, Donghyuck has class tomorrow.


Waking up was confusing, an alarm blasting, vision blurred and body feeling tired. Head spinning and stomach churning. It's been a long time since she's been awake. She got up after shutting off the alarm and stumbled out of the messy bed and walked down a hall that somehow seemed familiar. She managed to find the bathroom and opened the toilet and dropped to her knees and puked, coughing and throwing up whatever was in her system. Someone stepped into the bathroom and rubbed her sore back. "You okay?" they—no Johnny? Said with a concerned tone. She pulled her head out of the toilet and Johnny wiped her mouth with some toilet paper.
"Yes" her voice came out light. Johnny seemed confused.
"Donghyuck?" he asked. She shook her head.
"He's not ready to wake up" she said and managed to flush the toilet.
"D-Dongsookie?" Johnny said with utter shock.
"Been awhile hasn't it?" she giggled and stood up on shaky legs and rinsed her mouth.
"You haven't... um... ya know for like 8 years" Johnny said.
"Which one is my toothbrush?" She asked and Johnny pointed at the baby blue one. She nodded and ran water over it. She look in the mirror and cringed at seeing the bruising on her neck.
"Haechan?" she questioned. Johnny nodded slowly. She's the older among them, 24 to be exact. She brushed her teeth and then rinsed her mouth. Dongsookie looked at Johnny from the mirror and then turned.
"Could I get some medicine?" she asked and Johnny nodded and sped walked out and she followed. She looked around. Men definitely lived here. It's a bit of a mess. She walked into the kitchen and Johnny offered a bottle of water and two pills. She thanked him and took them. Johnny took a deep breath and Dongsookie sat down the bottle and looked at him.
"Donghyuck has" he cleared his throat "had class today" he said and then yawned. Dongsookie looked at how tired the older looked.
"You look stressed" she said and decided to make them some coffee. Johnny sat at the kitchen island and pushed his fingers through his hair.
"Work and school don't mix. Plus the boys have been worrying me" He said. Dongsookie nodded and looked at the older.
"You should take a day off from class at least" She suggested and put the cup under the coffee maker and it started to fill it with the caffeinated liquid.
"Can't, got some tests coming up" he said.
"A day off from work?" she asked and handed the now full mug to Johnny who thanked her and took a sip.
"Nope, need the money" Johnny sighed and took another drink. Dongsookie hummed and started making her own cup of coffee.
"I can help around if you want" she suggested.
"You kinda need to show up for classes and take notes" he said and Dongsookie's coffee finished and she took the hot cup and blew on it and walked over and sat it down on the counter and waited for it to cool a bit.
"What about their friends? Or dance class? I can't dance at all" she said and took a drink of the coffee. She shifted uncomfortably, her hips sore. "Plus I shouldn't be awake for long, maybe a day or so" she said. Johnny bit his lip and she circled the top of the cup with her pointer finger.
"Alright, okay that's okay. Stay home" he said.
"I was going to anyways" she giggled and he laughed.
"Alright, I gotta get ready for class" he said and she nodded. He took one last drink of his coffee, successfully finishing it and put the cup in the sink and walked away. Dongsookie looked around. She'll need to clean. She looked down at her pajamas and sighed seeing she was in athletic shorts and a white t-shirt. I wonder if they packed something feminine. She deemed they didn't, they probably didn't expect her to wake up. She finished her coffee soon, she took her time.

Johnny left a while ago and she was as brushing her hair after the shower she took. She let her sore muscles relax in the hot water and it seemed to help. There wasn't much more she could do because they don't have makeup.
Dongsookie decided to wear one of Donghyuck's pink sweaters and a pair of grey sweatpants.

Dongsookie looked around the main part of the apartment and sighed. Time to clean. She quickly got to work. Organizing the shoes, cleaning the dishes and countertops that had coffee stains on it along with other food stains. She dusted the tops of the cabinets and cleaned out the expired food from the fridge, quickly throwing it in the trash. Dongsookie managed to find the dustpan and broom and started to throughly sweep the kitchen cringing at the crumbs on the floor. She poured it into the trash and moved onto the living room and grabbed the vacuum she found earlier and decided to be quick because of the neighbors. Thankfully there were not complaints. She dusted the ceiling fan and the TV and the TV stand. She folded the blankets and fixed the cushions and threw away all the trash.
After awhile she finished, she had gotten hot halfway through and had to change into a regular t-shirt that didn't flatter her figure but it doesn't matter, there won't be guests to see her. She'd cleaned their room and was now on the bed, it smelled like guy and a tinge of sex so she got up hurriedly and made her way to the living room instead. She sat on the couch and put on a movie to pass time.
It's going to be a long day.

A/N: sorry it took so long. Writers block :^(

Yes or no for Dongsookie? I can always rewrite and take her out.

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