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[Setting: A rundown classroom in the local high school's building. Most of the desks were vandalized and wobbly, and most seats had to be sat on carefully, so they wouldn't fall apart. It was the break before the last class period. QUINN was sitting at the right of the classroom with some of his friends.]

KARL: (To QUINN.) Seems like she's heading towards us.

QUINN: (Looks up from the rubix cube in his hands before following KARL's gaze towards LINDSEY.)

QUINN: (Sighs.) Not her again.

KARL and OTHERS: (Laugh.)

[LINDSEY was a special case. She had a crush on QUINN and found a way to pester him all day, and the break was, unfortunately, a very good period for her to do that.]

LINDSEY: (Stops in front of QUINN and his friends as they go quiet.)

LINDSEY: (To Quinn.) Hello! (Smiles.)

QUINN: (In a not enthusiastic voice) Hey.

LINDSEY: (Moves to sit on top of the table before crossing her legs and running a hand through her braided hair with a smile.) So, what are you up to?

QUINN: (Working on his rubix cube.) Nothing really.

LINDSEY: (Laughs awkwardly.)

[Time passed by, and QUINN continues to answer LINDSEY's questions with dry short sentences. Most people would have left after they'd figured out that they were not wanted, but LINDSEY stayed. Her crush on the dark-skinned boy with bright brown eyes made her perch around like an unwanted hummingbird.]

HISTORY TEACHER: The break is over, bring out the essay assignment I gave to you last week. I don't want to hear an excuse as to why you don't have them, so if any of you were planning to talk to me - forget it and accept your zero.

MOST OF THE CLASS: (Complain in low tones.)

LINDSEY: (Jumps off QUINN's desk and heads for her own.)

KARL: (To QUINN as he takes the seat beside him.) Finally.

QUINN: (Laughs.)

[The class was boring as usual. The teacher was a grey-haired man that was properly in his early fifties. The class eventually ended, marking the end of the school day.]

LINDSEY: (To QUINN as he makes to leave the classroom.) Wait up!

QUINN: (Raises brow as he turns to face her.) Why?

LINDSEY: (Picks up her bag before walking over to QUINN) I want to tell you something.

QUINN: Okay, go ahead.


LINDSEY: I like you.

QUINN: I think you're cool too.

LINDSEY: No, I like you - romantically. I want us to hang out - date.

QUINN: (Looks away from LINDSEY, before looking out the classroom door) Oh.

KARL and HOZIER: (Wait for QUINN by the class' door.)

LINDSEY: Is that all you have to say? Oh?

QUINN: (Looks down at his mud-stained sneakers.) Yes.

LINDSEY: (Smiles.) Think about it. I'll talk to you tomorrow. (Touches QUINN's shoulder before letting go and walking away.)

QUINN: (Looks on until LINDSEY is out of sight.)

QUINN: (Walks out the door to meet his friends.)

HOZIER: What as she going on about?

QUINN: Stuff.

HOZIER and KARL: (laugh.)

[The two knew QUINN was the socially awkward one when it came to girls. He dodged them like they were bullets, and they had doubt that QUINN would do the same to LINDSEY.]

HOZIER: With the way you avoid girls I'd think you were hiding something from us. (laughs.)

KARL: Maybe he's into boys?

KARL and HOZIER: (Laugh as all three began to walk towards the school's main entrance.)

QUINN: (Stays quiet - unamused.)

[But something strange happened. Usually, when his friends made the 'gay' joke he'd just be slightly annoyed, but now his mind was just filled with images of CODY - the lean boy with pale skin and a strong voice.]

QUINN: (Frowns a bit.)

[QUINN barely knew the boy. He'd talked to him once, and QUINN wouldn't call what had transpired a conversation.]

[Odd, QUINN thought to himself]

All three exit the stage.

Curtains fall.

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