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[Setting: The Kitchen/living room of QUINN's family home. He was standing by the counter as he watched his mother cook. It was late in the afternoon on a weekend, and the fan above didn't really do much to counter how hot the place had become due to the cooking.]

QUINN: He's little. My age, but small looking. He's also kind of pale.

QUINN'S MOTHER: Then I'm not very sure he ate well as a kid.

QUINN: (Laughs.) Mum—

QUINN'S MOTHER: What? It's probably true. Malnutrition is a thing. (Looks up from the chopping board she was using to dice onions.)

QUINN: (Sighs.) I guess you're right.

QUINN'S MOTHER: Is something the matter?

QUINN: No. (Frowns.) Yes.

QUINN'S MOTHER: What is it then?

QUINN: Cody doesn't really like staying at home—

QUINN'S MOTHER: Family issues?


QUINN: Yeah.

[The kitchen went silent apart from the sound of the water boiling in the pot on the stove, and the sound of QUINN's mother chopping up foodstuff for the stew she wanted to prepare.]

QUINN'S MOTHER: Issues like that are common, but, well, at least now he has you. (Peels onion skin.)

QUINN: (Smiles.) I guess.

QUINN'S MOTHER: Do you want me to dice some carrots for you?

QUINN: (Chuckles a bit before nodding.)

QUINN'S MOTHER: Here (Passes small bowl of carrots to QUINN.)

QUINN: (Takes the bowl before dipping his hand into it.)

[QUINN was soon chewing on sweet carrots as his mum made to pour the diced ingredients into the pot.]

QUINN'S MOTHER: Does Cody eat well at school? Does he bring in lunch?

QUINN: (Frowns.) Now that I think about it, not really. He mostly eats just snacks.

QUINN'S MOTHER: Will he mind if I made some food for him from time to time.

QUINN: I don't think so, he seems to like your cooking.

QUINN'S MOTHER: (Smiles.) I'll start doing that then.

QUINN: (Smiles back, trying to keep his food in his mouth when his mother tickled his neck as she made to get something from the cupboard by the counter.)

QUINN''S MOTHER: Have you been to his place.

QUINN: No. (Shrugs.) I've walked him home, but I've never been in his house. I haven't seen his mum or brother either.

QUINN'S MOTHER: Ah, that's too bad. I wanted to see if I knew his family. What about his surname?

QUINN: Bell.

QUINN'S MOTHER: (In an almost sing-song voice.) Bell. Bell. Bell.

QUINN'S MOTHER: (Sighs.) I haven't heard of it. They're new here though, so that's expected. I would have asked you where his mum works, but I'm sure you don't know that.

QUINN: Yeah, I don't.


QUINN'S MOTHER: You're going to play basketball today, aren't you?


QUINN'S MOTHER: (Smiles.) If CODY's out there you can invite him for dinner, or just ask him what he likes to eat since I want to make something for him.

QUINN: (Chuckles.) Yeah, I'll do that.

[Mother and son continued to talk, delving into other conversations as time passed them by.]

Curtains fall.

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