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[Setting: On the basketball court. QUINN is playing with his friends, dribbling, throwing, catching and blocking. It was noisy, the boys laughed, yelled and made sharp sounds on the clay floor as they ran around. CODY was sitting on the stairs by the gates, watching QUINN with a smile on his face. It's been two months since he'd started living with QUINN's family. His skin looked richer, his eyes looked brighter, and he'd put on some weight thanks to QUINN's mother's cooking.]

HOZIER: Be careful! If the ball hits CODY QUINN will have our heads!

THE OTHER BOYS: (Laughs as the game pauses.)

HOZIER: (Walks over to where the ball rolled to before throwing it back into the court.)

CODY: (Smiles when he spots QUINN looking his way.)

QUINN: (Smiles back, waving before he gets distracted by KYLE.)

[CODY watches them play, and when they were done and left the basketball court QUINN walked up to him. The taller boy had stains on his clothes, and his curly hair was a mess, but CODY just laughed, hugging him briefly before taking his hand.

The two started to walk home together.]

QUINN: Are you following JANET to work tomorrow?

CODY: Yes. (Looks at QUINN from the side of his eyes.)

CODY: What's wrong? (Features form a worried look on his face.)

QUINN: Nah, ignore me. I just liked you coming over to the mechanic's shop, that's all. (Smiles.)

CODY: (Smiles back.)

[QUINN had started working as an apprentice at a mechanics shop, and JANET was going to recommend CODY to her boss tomorrow. CODY spent most of his time cooking with JANET, and QUINN's mother anyway, so there wouldn't be a difference if he helped out at a restaurant.]

QUINN: (As they get closer to the local convenience store.) Should we get drinks? We should get drinks. (Tugs on CODY's hand, making him laugh as he followed him along.)

[After a while they both came out with bottles of juice, and they continued to head home.)

QUINN: (Taking out the cap with his teeth.) After I've saved up enough we can get a small place together. What do you think?

CODY: (Smiles.) I'd like that.

[To be quite honest, anywhere with QUINN was home to CODY.]

QUINN: (Smiles.) Great, I want to take care of you. Mum does that a lot, but I'm the one dating you.

CODY: (Laughs as he rolls his eyes.) Don't be ridiculous. Are you jealous of your mum?

QUINN: Yes, sort of?

QUINN and CODY: (Laugh.)

CODY: (Under his breath.) I want to take care of you too.

QUINN: (Hearing him.)

QUINN: (Smiles to himself.)

[The two boys continued their way home, talking as their face mirrored happy smiles. This was the happiest CODY had ever been, and he was glad QUINN had reached out to him when he'd seemed invisible behind the gates.]

Curtains fall.

-----THE END-----

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