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"I" used to see a little thing trapped in that birdcage.

It wasn't an abnormal sight, as there were thousands of other birdcages lying around, holding captive of other small "creatures". But for some reason, that particular one was what I see most clearly.

Inside, lay a little fragment of soul. A gleaming, everchanging one. And every beautiful despite whatever shape it took. 

Many times, "I" asked: "What's your name?"

Most of the time, it remained silent and kept on doing what it does best, changing itself to fit in with the trend, or simply just to look nice, abandoning my question.


"They called me your creativity." It told "me" after a while, wearing a goofy smile on the not-so-perfect circle presenting its head. 

"Why are you locked up?"

"Not always. You let me out quite a lot these days."


The little fragment nodded, then changed itself into a flower with big, colorful petals.

"Why would I lock you up in the first place?"

"I don't know. That's the question you have to ask yourself."

"But...I do not know the answer either, do I?"

The piece of soul shrugged, painted a red sun with awfully long rays of light on the floor of its jail cell.


"Ah, I thought you would never come back for me."

"Sorry. But the exams were coming and you know you are no help for me, aren't you?"

"Yes, I suppose I am not. And that's humanity's fault too. Why don't they try to accept my idea?"

"Putting that aside, now that the tests are over, mind joining me on a new adventure?"

The fragment smiled at "me", grew an enormous pair of wings before coming out of its birdcage proudly and lifting "me" up from the invisible ground. As the cold wind brushed violently on "my" face, "my" creativity laughed:

"Thought you'd never ask~"


"It's been a while don't you think?"

A pair of red eyes rested on "me", an eye color that "I" adored so much. Despite all that, "I" could still sense the sadness lingered in the fragment's eyes, in its low voice. The pair of wings attached to its back, but no longer proudly raised as they used to be. 

No, they sprawled hopelessly across the bottom of the birdcage, littered the place with white feathers.

"I" said nothing this time, waiting for it to continue. The little fragment showed "me" its hands.

"Transparent, see? I hope you like looking through glasses, there's usually nothing good when these things happen to our kind."

"What will happen I wonder?"

"You better not. You don't want to be a robot all your life, do you?"

"What does this have anything to do with being a robot?"

The transparent part seemed to increase in size. After several minutes, the fragment looked at the now see-through arms, sighing in defeat.


"Here lies "my" creativity". 

Those words appear inside "my" mind every time "I" look at the empty birdcage as if it was etched on "my" memory. 

The cage door didn't even open. The soul fragment just...disappear, leaving behind a stone-cold feather laying on the metal surface.

Till this day, "I" keep wondering if "I" can see that piece of soul ever again

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