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  Parrotclaw padded through the forest, following the scent of Stonefoot. Her eyes widened as she padded into a clearing. In the middle laid a stone-gray pelt, its yellow eyes looking dazed and surprised.
  "Sorry, isn't it?" Parrotclaw growled at the sound of Strike, and she turned toward him.
  "You won't get away with this, I'll tell them, and I'll have his body to prove it. You fur is in his claws, and your scent is on him!" Parrotclaw growled.
  Strike chuckled and Parrotclaw was temporarily confused. Before she could regain her wits, Strike launched at her, his claws sheathed, as Parrotclaw noticed. He shoved her back towards Stonefoot. He gave one more shove and Parrotclaw felt something warm and sticky touch her paw. She looked down, and she realized Strike had shoved her into Stonefoot, purposely shoving her so her paw would touch his blood. Strike shoved her again, this time making her tumble over Stonefoot.
  "There, no more scent, his blood on your paws," Strike mewed.
  "There's still your fur on his claws!" Parrotclaw growled.
  Strike calmly pulled his fur from Stonefoot's claws, and buried it under the earth. He leapt at Parrotclaw, and Parrotclaw slashed at his shoulder, and her claws raked them, but he didn't flinch. Parrotclaw continued to slash at the tom, opening wounds on his back and side. He bit into Parrotclaw's white shoulder and threw her towards Stonefoot. Parrotclaw felt her fur rip at the spine, she looked back to see her fur locked into Stonefoot's claws. She gasped and backed up. Strike perked his ears and smiled before taking up a defensive position and growling loudly.
  Dapplestar's tortoiseshell pelt leapt from a bush, followed by Jayfoot's tabby silver pelt and Deepfeather's blue-gray pelt.
  Dapplestar gasped as she saw her father's limp body.
  "What happened here?" She demanded.
  Parrotclaw opened her mouth to reply, but Strike was quicker.
  "Parrotclaw killed him! I caught her just as she dealt the blow. The proof is here! Her scent, her fur, and look at her paw!" Strike mewed, faking terror.
  Parrotclaw ducked her front left paw behind her right.
  "I didn't, Strike framed me! He just used Ferretclaw to get into the Clan to kill you, Dapplestar, Jayfoot helped!" Parrotclaw yowled desperately.
  "The evidence is positive, show us the paw," Dapplestar growled.
  Parrotclaw folded her ears down and slipped her left paw out from behind her right paw, revealing the blood staining the otherwise white paw.
  The cats gasped.
  "Come with us," Dapplestar growled.
  Parrotclaw lowered her head and padded forward.

  Cats gasped as Strike explained the fake scene.
  "She tried to shove me onto his body to make my scent be on it!" He exclaimed.
  Ferretclaw ran out of the nursery. "Is it true?" She growled.
  "No! It was Strike, I swear! I'm your sister, don't you trust me!" She yowled desperately.
  "You're just jealous you're not the only one in my life I love now!" Her sister growled.
  Before Parrotclaw could reply, Ferretclaw turned and walked back to the nursery.

  Parrotclaw padded out of ThunderClan territory. She'd save ThunderClan, even though they had done this to her. She heard a twig snap and turned her head to see Malice and Scratch.
  "There she is!" Scratch yowled excitedly.
  "Get her!" Malice growled.
  Parrotclaw looked forward and ran for her life. Weaving through the most dense brambles and bushes with ease, leaving the two toms behind. Finally she spotted a fence and leapt over in one tall leap. She ran to a pond and rolled in it before running into the next garden and jumping into a hollow tree.
  'There will be a day I will come back, and I will save you from Malice's rule,' Parrotclaw swore.


Okay, so let me explain this. This came from an old writing style I had because it was before I became more advanced in writing, but only one thing is changed. Now I know I'm gonna be called out on Parrotclaw's and maybe even Ferretclaw's names, but at the time I needed names and they came to mind. Now I have the story that their mother was patrolling near twolegplace was in her early expecting stages and heard two Kittypet talking about trips they had with their housefolk. One described seeing a gray parrot and the other a brown ferret, and so she took the names and gave them to her kits (As their father had died before their birth due to an illness).

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