| Florida's Secret Scar |

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/ Characters Used \
Confederate / Amara • Amara_F_Jones
Florida / Christopher • --Florida--

{ Domestic! Imagine. This is not romantic. }

(Also this talks about skin colors and insecurities, so if you are uncomfortable with that topic, this may not be for you. Not to mention it also talks about slaves, being in the Civil War time period. Just a warning.)

Christopher was always known as the cheerful sort, mainly because of Antonio's influence on him. After Antonio left to go back to his own country, Christopher was left alone in this New World, though he had his people to comfort him. He had never seen someone who was not like him, Hispanic, though he had heard of the brutality that the Whites were unleashing upon their slaves in the other Southern states. Actually, there were barely any Hispanics in his state, with him being almost the only one who was.

Even though the child was the personification of Florida, Christopher was greatly afraid of the new settlers. His big sister Amara always reassured him and told him that these slaves were a good thing, and he agreed with her, but he was just a child and didn't understand any of these situations. He tried to understand, he really did, but if never seemed to work with him.

So, that tiny seed of fear was planted inside of him.

Christopher was still young, and with that being said, he needed a proper family. Ponce de León and Spain himself were the first ones who discovered him, but Florida had found in comfort in another home, a small family living near the present day city of Miami.

"Chris, Chris, c'mon, c'mon, let's go to the Commons, please!" Benjamin Smith, his adopted brother, kept tugging on small Florida's sleeve. Little Florida was in the kitchen, helping his adoptive mother, Penelope, make lunch for their family. She was impressed with his cooking skills, though Florida hadn't told her he was a personification yet, and hadn't planned to.

Penelope laughs, shaking her head while trying to make sure Christopher didn't cut his hand as he chops them into smaller pieces. Christopher swings his head around to meet with Benjamin's energetic eyes, as he wouldn't let go of Florida's shirt.

"May I go with him, mama?" Florida squeaks, looking up at her. Mrs.Smith hesitates and narrows her eyes as she tries to decide.

"First off, Benjamin, let go of your brother's shirt. Second, you two may go if you make sure you're watching over Christopher at all times. I don't want your little brother getting hurt, you hear?" Mrs.Smith warns, as Benjamin energetically nods his head and grabs Christopher's hand, trying to pull him along. Christopher follows him, a bit confused of what was happening.

Benjamin laughs and ruffles Christopher's head. "Come on, little dude! You can ride on my back if you want!" Christopher's eyes light up and he nods, smiling. The boy leans down so that Chris could barely manage to lift himself onto Benjamin's back. Christopher wraps his arms around Benjamin's neck, and his legs around Benjamin's waist, ready for the adventure.

"Onwards!" Benjamin shouts like a war cry, throwing one hand in the air. Florida giggles and holds on, afraid of tumbling off.

Mrs.Smith watches in amusement as she picks up her knife, beginning to cut the potatoes. "And I want you boys to be back here by sunset, understood?" Penelope smiles to herself. "Silly boys."

The two of them rushed towards the town commons, which was less than a mile from their homestead. Benjamin and Christopher laughed as they rush forwards. Benjamin navigates through crowds, dodging people left and right. Christopher grip's went loose as Benjamin collided with a man, knocking them to the ground. The man turns to them, the curves of his lips curved downwards. Florida yelps and jumps to hide behind Benjamin, scared of the man.

"Kid, watch where you're goin'. This ain't the time to be lallygagging." The man scowls at Florida, and Florida was terrified, nonetheless. Benjamin lowers his head and nods in shame, "Sorry sir."

The two trudge off, both feeling guilty. Benjamin was holding Christopher's hand, making sure that he wouldn't lose his little brother in the large crowds. The crowd erupts into loud shouting and the men begin to tell hurtful words.

"What's going on, hermano?" Chris whispers in fear, tightly holding onto Benjamin's hand. Benjamin was just as confused as Chris was, but it finally dawned on him what was happening.

"It's a slave trade, Chris. Mom told us not to mess with those typ-." But before Benjamin could finish, Florida had let go of his hand and squeezed through the crowds. Benjamin gasps and tries to yell for him to come back, but it was too late. He had already disappeared.

Florida's eyes widen and he felt a small part of himself break as he saw how these people were being treated. He always knew what the Confederate meant by this, but he had never imagined it would be this bad. They were still people, and not animals. They had lives like us, and just the thought of this crushed Florida.

Benjamin finally sees Chris, but he stops dead in his tracks when he notices the little boy heading for the slaves. His heart thumps in his chest as he tries to decide if he should rescue his little brother or just let him suffer.

Christopher clenches his fist angrily, and stands in front of the slaves and the men. The men just exchanged quizzical and amused looks, as the slaves were shaking their heads and begging the child not to interfere.

"Oi, kid, get your parents, will ya? This isn't your business." A man spats at Christopher. The others nod in agreement, as Florida tries to puff himself out to make him seem stronger.

He stubbornly shakes his head. "No! I c-can't let you treat these slaves like this!" Christopher shouts, as the men raise their eyebrows. The crowd fell dead silent as Christopher smiles with confidence that he had swooned them over. Instead, the whole crowd explodes with the laughter and Chris frowns, and the men scowl at him.

"I'd be watching what you say, kid. Saying the wrong thing can ruin it for your kind. You might be a nice slave too. So leave us be." The man threatens, but then the other men nod in agreement. Chris shakes his head and his eyes widen as he backs up from fear.

He struggles to manage out his words. "N-no! I can't let you hurt them!" The boy argues, swallowing his fear and stepping towards them. The men growl as one of them takes the leash from his hand.

"Well, you need to be taught a lesson, don't you? If you can't learn how to respect the way our country is, you need to be disciplined." Before Florida knew it, a man with brightly colored blonde hair attacked him with a whip, sending the boy to the ground. It cuts a deep gash in his shoulder, right by his neck. Tears well his eyes and he runs off, snaking his way through the crowd.

Benjamin tries to follow him, running after him with desperation. Florida hid behind a building, crying silently into his small hands as he winces from the pain in his shoulder. Benjamin's eyes soften and he situates himself beside Chris, ruffling his hair. Florida looks up at Benjamin in curiosity.

"You've got some real guts, kid." Benjamin softly laughs as Christopher continues to bawl. Benjamin frowns and pulls Florida close to him, running a hand through his hair in a calming way.

The two sat there, only with the sounds of Florida's cries. Rain begins to pour down on them, being attached to Christopher's emotions. There was a voice that kept calling their names, but neither of them could hear it. His shoulder was now swollen, and Benjamin was in great fright of what to do.

"Benjamin David Smith!"

The loud voice shrieks as two figures come walking towards the boy and his little brother. Benjamin looks up, while little Florida hides his head in Benjamin's chest. As the figure came closer, it revealed to be none less than Mrs.Smith, accompanied with a girl, who looked to be about Benjamin's age.

Before Penelope could speak again, the girl beside her gasps when she notices Chris. The girl rushes to Chris and almost yanks him from Benjamin, holding him close. "Chris! What in the world happened?" The girl demands, a small hint of worry in her voice. Her eyes wander over to his wound with fear.

Chris looks up with wide eyes, only to recognize the girl as his older sister Amara, also known as the Confederate. There was no way he could tell her the truth. Florida instantly attaches himself to Amara and hugs her tightly, resting his head on her.

"I-I got into a f-fight with some m-meanies!" He sniffles, crying into his sister's arms. Mrs.Smith watches with anger, as Benjamin was completely confused. Benjamin finally caught on and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! He did! But he totally taught them!" Benjamin exclaims with twinkling eyes, hoping to cheer the little Floridian up. Mrs.Smith huffs and crosses her arms.

Amara glares at Benjamin with a hint of anger. "And why didn't you stand up for him? He's a little kid for heaven's sake-!" Benjamin narrows his eyes and stands up to face Amara.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He hisses at her, feeling angry at Chris from the blame being shifted to him.

Chris sons and shakes his head. "It wasn't b-big brother's fault! It was mine! I didn't get into a fight with m-meanies, I j-just..." He trails off in fear of telling Amara, knowing she wouldn't react kindly to it.

"You what?" She softly asks, fixing his shirt collar.

He shakes his head, refusing to respond. Benjamin sighs. Mrs.Smith asks again, only for Chris to respond in the same way.

He wasn't going to tell them. If Florida truly told Amara what happened, she would hate him. There was no doubt about it.

Chris just dearly hoped the wound would go away so he never got questioned about it again. However, it left a scar right by his neck where the wound was. Amara used to ask him about it, but he never answered. So, she gave up on it.

He never told anyone about it.

It was a secret, his own secret.

And if she were to find out, it could end their bond.


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