Late Entry

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Bonjour mon journal. It 'as been quite a while, non? I feel so bad for neglecting you, mon dieu! Mon journal had been lost for who knows 'ow long, though I am assuming zat black sheep stole it from my drawer!

So much has gone on recently, I do not even know where to start! Looking back at mon last entry, it seems to be zat I was buying a ring for ze beautiful Mrs.Bonnefoy? Ah, I am so glad zat went well. Amara was so happy when I proposed... and oui, so was I! We both cried so much~ I do not know what I would 'ave done if she had said non.

A few days or so later, Amara told me ze gender of our child! She says she will be born sometime in April, which seems too far! But I suppose I need to be patient and calm. Our enfant will be a girl! I could not be 'appier zan before now!

Anyways, I believe I need to start planning out our wedding. I 'Ave never seen what happens when two countries become married, 'owever. Will we both stay ze same? Or will she become a part of France? Honhonhon~

I 'ave been zhinking about some possible places for marriage. I... I think I want to hold ze wedding at the park I got drunk at so many months ago. And I will leave it as a surprise for ma cherie, so she will be in awe!

Oui... No I just need to figure out ze rest of mon plan.

Au revoir for now~!

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