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"You two are awfully silent...", Mason noted as he joined you and Frank in the last row. "Did you fight again?"

Quickly, you and Frank exchanged a glance. You had settled on the idea that it would be better to give things some time, after all, a decade of fighting couldn't be fixed with a one night stand. It was a relationship, but you agreed on baby steps to change for the better.

That also included the decision to keep the changes to yourself.

You shrugged and turned your gaze back to the blackboard.

"We talked it out.", you said.

Agreeing, Frank hummed.

Unsure what to make of it, Mason nodded and let out a sound that was something between relief and fear that hell would break loose any moment again.

The poor guy had played the ref for far too long now. It was about time he would get some time off from listening to fights and insults.

At the front, Adler was talking while Sims cared for Lazar's wounds.

He was heavily wounded. His chest was wrapped with bandages, together with one of his hands and an arm.

Hudson was present, a rare sight to meet him in a safe house.

You frowned.

"Wait...", you looked around. "Where the fuck is Park?"

Frank seemed to notice as well.

"Is she on a mission?", he asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Before Adler had ordered you back, Frank had changed into new clothes. Now, he was wearing a brownish red flannel on top of a white t-shirt, of which the collar was only visible, and a brown leather vest with his usual pins on the right pocket. His huge hands were covered in fingerless leather gloves as well.

You had managed to snatch his old shirt and put it on underneath your jacket. It still smelled like him.

Nobody had noticed yet.

With a grim expression, Adler shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Park didn't make it through the last mission.", he said and gestured towards the room in the back. "And Bell... well, he's your job."

Your eyes jumped to Frank.

Confused as well, he just shrugged.

You pulled a face.

"Why the fuck did you take her out on a trip anyways?", you asked, angry, but also aware that being mad at Adler wouldn't bring her back. "She was MI6."

Adler let out a sound of annoyance.

"That's not important.", he said. "Bell can turn into a problem any minute."

You looked through the glass window of the room.
The Russian was laying on a gurney, not moving at all. The only thing that indicated that he was still alive was the slow and barely visible movement of his breathing that made his chest rise and fall.

"The brainwash?", you asked without tearing your eyes off him.

"He still doesn't suspect a thing...", Lazar said but pulled a face not a second later.

He looked like he was in a rougher condition than the bandages gave away. His face was swollen, probably from some sort of impact and deep circles were visible around his eyes.

"Did you get checked for internal damage?", you asked.

He shook his head.

"I'll be fine. But we need to take care of Bell first."

Your eyes wandered back to Adler.

"What's the deal?", you asked him, chin raised.

Adler lit himself a cigarette and took a deep, long breath. But this time it was different. He was visibly getting impatient, maybe even nervous. Usually, he smoked out of a habit. But this was different, you noticed. He smoked to calm his nerves.

"Time's running out.", he let out a deep breath, awfully close to a sigh. "You did a good job winning his trust, I have to give you that. But some infos are still in the dark. He needs to tell us where the nukes are. And Perseus."

Sighing, you squeezed your eyes shut to massage the bridge of your nose.

"Goddammit, Russell!", you jumped from your seat and turned towards the window. "I leave you alone for one mission and everything goes to shits. How's his physical condition?"

"Unconscious.", Sims said. "But that's nothing the drugs can't fix."

You shook your head.

"Keep that stuff out as long as possible. He'll hate you if you use any of that shit."

Adler frowned.

"It's the usual procedure.", he insisted.

You pulled a face and let out an annoyed sound.

"Just keep your dick out of my business for once, Adler.", you hissed and walked away.

Sims followed. He wasn't a doctor by no means but intelligent enough to know what chemicals kept someone alive long enough to drain some infos from them.

With your teeth clenched and arms crossed in front of your chest, you exchanged a glance with him.

"Don't be mad at the doc.", Sims shrugged. "But time really is running against us."

A soft sound escaped you.

"Fucking hell...", you cursed and bend over the gurney to check on Bell. "How bad is it?"

Sims started searching through some glass bottles filled with coloured liquid and prepared a syringe of each one.

"Bruises, maybe brain contusion...", he turned around and pulled the leather tighter that kept Bell tied down. "He'll be confused."

"Is that really necessary?", you pointed at the handcuffs.

He shrugged.

"Adler's order."

Groaning, you rolled your eyes.

"Of course."

"Just for safety."

"He'll wake up and panic."

"He's a trained spy. He'll handle it."

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head and placed the back of your hand on Bell's exposed throat to check if he was experiencing some kind of shocks or high temperature.

His skin felt a tad warm while goosebumps covered him all over, but it wasn't anything alarming yet. Instead, the blood flowing through his veins felt alarming.

You checked his pulse.

"Sims?", you frowned.


"He has high blood pressure."

Frowning in confusion, he put his stuff aside and checked.

"Adrenaline?", he asked but was audibly unsure since he wasn't medically trained either.

You slightly shook your head.

"When unconscious, it serves to keep the body alive. Maybe a shock."


"We should be careful when he wakes up. Could be confused and aggressive."

He nodded.

"The usual procedure?", he asked carefully.

For a moment, you thought.

"Prepare some for the worst case.", you sighed. "But keep it back."

"Got it."

"And don't tell Adler. I don't want him to have the satisfaction..."

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