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"There's a back door.", Bell's voice suddenly filled the silence. "I'm going in."

You looked up. From the edge of the binoculars, you were able to pick up his movements in the distance.

With a quick glance at Woods you agreed to follow him. Just in case.

All of a sudden, Park made herself noticed again.

"I'm picking up more chatter.", she said. "They are looking for you."

"Do you think they know who Bell is?", you asked.

A strange sound filled your ears.

"They know his face.", Adler said. "But don't worry. He's covered."

Unsatisfied by that answer, you pressed your lips into a thin line.

"Orders when he turns?", you asked.

Next to you, Woods hummed.

"I'll take him down if necessary.", he said.

You let out a disapproving sound.

"I'll handle him.", you insisted.

"You won't do shit."

"He's my job."

"I won't let him be a danger to someone."

With your teeth bared, you squatted behind some boxes and silently told him to keep his dick out of your business.

But Woods was Woods, stubborn and unwilling to back down on his beliefs.

He withstood your anger.

"Cut it, you two.", Adler interrupted. "You're fighting like an old married couple."

Both of you let out a snort.

"Fucking bold claim for a divorced man.", Woods growled.

"Very fucking bold indeed, Ally.", you agreed. "Don't try us."

"Since when are you two together again?", Adler asked in a sarcastic yet displeased manner.

"We're not.", Woods threw a glance towards the door on which Bell was working. "But we'll team up against you any time."

You nodded.

"Agreed. But back to the topic. He's almost in. Orders for the worst case scenario. Now."

Adler let out a deep breath. He was probably smoking again.

"He's one in a million. Try all you can."

"And if we tried it all?", Woods asked. "Then what?"

"Take him out."

With an unsatisfied expression, you locked eyes with Woods.

"Copy that.", you said and slid out of the shadows. "Let's roll."

Bell slid inside the building.

"I'll go first.", Woods pushed past you.

He was quicker on his feet than you were, but also a lot louder.

It would have been smarter to keep him back, so that nobody would hear him announce your arrival.

But before you could open your mouth and a fight could break loose again, a shattering sound filled the silence.

Someone screamed something in Russian.

You exchanged a quick glance with Woods.

He started running, but not fast enough for you to be left behind. In case someone would try attacking you from the back, he would still be able to defend you.

What an idiot, you thought but couldn't help and feel somewhat better.

Woods bursted through the door, which was wide open and kicked a guard a gun out of his hand.

His arms wrapped around the man's neck.

A shot rang out.

Then another.

You jumped into the room. A sigh of relief escaped you.

"You're welcome.", he said and glanced over his shoulder. "You lost something."

He passed Bell his gun back, turned around and shut the door behind you before moving on.

You offered Bell a helping hand to get back on his feet.

"You're alright?", you asked and looked at him from all sides.

He nodded.

"Close call.", he joked and checked his gun.

"You're playing with fire, Belly. Come on. Get going."

Bell walked up to Woods, to help him open a door. He wanted to go first, but made place for him instead and hesitated to go second.

"You'll go after me.", Woods suddenly said and called you to his side with a gesture of his hand. "Bell, cover us."

Without complain, you entered the corridor, but threw a glance over your shoulder to check on Bell.

"He'll behave.", Woods whispered into your ear. "I'll make sure of that."

With a soft grin, you shook your head.

"My reflexes are quite good.", you whispered back. "I'll just put a bullet in his head."

Woods huffed.

"That's my mushroom."

Together, the group started moving through a portly lit underground cellar.

Huge, red metal beams spread through the air to keep the heavy ceiling up and the bridges intact. Everything looked neat and tidy. Not a single crumb of dirt was to be seen.

Somehow, it made you feel like something was off.

Why was a building like this so clean?

It felt like nobody was even using it.

"We don't have much time.", Woods said and pressed his back to a steel beam to throw a glance over the railing of a plateau. "Guards down below... I'll move to the lower deck and engage on your mark. You two stay here."

With a hum, you shrugged.

"Good decision. I'm a better sniper anyways.", you gifted him a teasing grin, but turned away immediately again as you remembered how terrible it was to him.

You didn't want to tease him. You didn't want him to think there was something.

But at the same time you felt like saying this was a lie.

You would have rather put a bullet to your head than get back with him. But at the same time being close to him gave you the idea that a second chance couldn't hurt.

It would. There was no question about it.

But something deep down made you think otherwise.

Without saying another word, Woods walked down the stairs and disappeared.

You and Bell stood behind and hit into position.

"Mushroom.", Bell mumbled.

Irritated, you looked at him.

"What about it?", you asked.

He shrugged.

"It's a strange nickname..."

Huffing, you let out a sigh.

"Don't get me started. But he just won't drop it... he... he did stop calling me that after the breakup. Don't know why he starts with it again."

He let out a hum.

"I want to know the story behind it.", he flashed you a smile.

You rolled your eyes.

"Eyes on the target, Belly...", you raised your gun to aim at one of the guards. "I'll take your side and you my."

"X fire?"


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