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"Adler...", with a strange feeling inside your stomach, you clawed to the wall of the helicopter. "Why did you call us out here without any warning?"

Bell sat next to you, fully geared up and ready to take down some men that once were his own. He didn't even know.

The weight of a bulletproof vest was pressing down on your shoulders. You were carrying a machine gun and a small handgun, even though only thinking about using them made a cold shiver crawl down your spine.

The impression of that dead man was still fresh. But you knew it was no use crying about it.

Killing was part of the job. It was time to get used to it.

A crackling sound filled your ears.

"Shouldn't you know your job?", Adler asked in his usual bossy tone.

You frowned.

"Remind me why I need to be part of a field trip."

"Because Bell is part of this field trip."

Your eyes jumped to Bell.

But he didn't respond. So Adler used another channel to communicate with you. That clever fucker. If he wanted you to do something specific to Bell, nobody would ever know except the two of you.

You let out a low sound.

"Any more surprises? And don't keep anything back, Ads.", you growled. "Or I'll tear your ass wide open."

A sound filled your ears. It was the closest to a chuckle you've ever heard from Adler.

"Woods will lead the operation.", he said and left the channel.

Your heart skipped a beat.

Somehow, it felt like you were excited to see him. Yet again, it made your chest feel heavy.

"Tzk!", you pulled a face.

Bell looked up.

"What?", he asked, while his hands kept working on his gun.

You shook your head.

"Never mind."

"The old man?"

You huffed.

"Goddammit Bell, you're getting too good at this."

He smiled.

Behind you, the pilot signalised that it was time to land.

You threw a glance out the window.

The helicopter was flying through the night, deep enough to melt with the treetops of the forest. Not far from the edge of the trees was what looked like a military camp.

The helicopter landed and the doors jumped open.

"Welcome to the Soviet republic of Ukraine, Bell.", you jumped up, eager to get out of this flying metal prison of your nightmares.

He followed.

The helicopter took off again.

Your eyes jumped through the darkness.

"Old man, you copy?", you asked.

A shadow moved.

"Shut up.", Woods hummed.

His face was covered in dark green paint. He wore his usual tactical gear, a parker and some trousers. A bandana covered his forehead, pushing the tip of his hair up a bit and making it look like a triangle.

With a grim gaze, he eyed you.

You sighed.

Why did he look at you like this again?

"I'm here for backup.", you said in a calm, soft voice.

You didn't want to anger him again.

But he slightly shook his head.

"Fucker...", he growled and turned away to press his shoulder against a tree for cover.

You frowned, but didn't comment on it.

He was an ass, as always. But it was bothersome that he insulted you out of the blue. Again.

So there really was no progress in this relationship.

A crackling sound filled your ears.

"I'm not picking up any extra chatter. You're in the clear, Woods.", Park announced.

"Copy that, Park. Stay on comms.", Woods did a gesture with his head to notify Bell to get going. "Keep Mason and Adler on standby."

Your eyes jumped up.

The helicopter was almost out of sight.

Woods started moving.

"Let's go.", his eyes fell onto you again.

You shrugged and walked past him.

"Keep your bad mood away from me.", you mumbled while he was still in hearing range.

He curled his lips but swallowed a comment.

It surprised you that he tried to stay civil for once.

Maybe he did have the ability to change. Maybe all he needed was time.

In a line, you three moved forward, thorough the forest.

You wanted to go first, bravery suddenly rose to your head.

But Woods grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you back.

Bell took the lead instead.

Confused, you glanced at Woods, who now walked behind you.

For the breath of a second, his eyes locked with yours. But he quickly looked away again.

You just let out a huff of disbelief and walked on.

As a small wall rose into the sky before you, Bell climbed up first and offered you a hand.

You took it, to pull yourself up, but almost lost grip as you felt someone pushing you up from below.

It was Woods. With frightening ease, he grabbed you by the hips and brought you high enough for you to climb over the edge yourself.

Then he followed.

The way he moved so easily hardly suggested that he was already fifty years old. His torso looked a bit less muscular than it did a few years back. He once had a six pack, but now it was probably a bit more loose and less trained. Still flat though. And his arms and shoulder were just as perfectly thick as they were back then.

No, the years really didn't do any harm to him. If any, he looked better than before.

Without examining him further, you turned away and walked on.

As Woods was at the same height as Bell, he gave him a bump to the shoulder.

"Don't touch what isn't yours.", he warned and looked at him with an expression that left little room to misinterpret.

Bell shrugged.

You were too far ahead to notice Woods strange behaviour.

Again, Park made herself noticed.

"The base is just over the next ridge. Get in, learn what you can, and get out.", she said.

Woods snorted.

"Shit, Park. I planned to stay a while. See the gulag.", he joked.

Groaning softly, you rolled your eyes.

Of course he was joking about it. As always. That was just a normal Woods thing to do.

But deep down inside, you were mad. Because thinking about the possibility that he'd end up in a gulag one day for real scared the living hell out of you.

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