[all i want for christmas is you.]

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28 | All I want for Christmas is you.

"I am not wearing this, I look ridiculous." I told both Miranda and Heidi, looking in the mirror.

Since it was Christmas the two had decided the three of us, should wear something sporting of the holiday. In easier terms Miranda was dressed as an elf, Heidi was Santa, and I was Rudolph. Rudolf. Really? They couldn't give me something better?

I pulled the hood of the onesie off my head with a small huff. "You could always wear this one." Heidi told me with a smile, pulling out an extremely short brown dress - alike to the two they were wearing.

Heidi wore a Santa dress, with six inch stilettos, and a Santa hat to top it all off. I honestly didn't understand how she could wear something like that. Miranda wore something similar, except the dress was green, and she had red and white leggings on underneath. If I tried wearing the heels they were - I think I'd die. Again.

"Okay fine." I gave in, not too keen on wearing that short of a dress.

"Oh, come on Frankie, cheer up! You look adorable." Miranda walked over to me pulling the hood, back over the pigtails she had put my hair into.

Since I refused to wear a dress like they were, I was forced into a pajama Rudolph-the-reindeer outfit. I had to admit it was comfortable, but it was so embarrassing to be seen in. I don't even think I'd let Aro see me in this.

"Come on, everyone's waiting for us. I can hear them complaining." Heidi said, using her very good hearing.

"You're right, I can too." Miranda nodded along, tossing me a pair of brown fuzzy socks.

"I can't even wear shoes?" I sighed slipping on the fuzzy socks.

"Nope." Miranda popped the 'P', the three of us leaving the room.

Lucky for me the other two travelled at human speed, so I didn't need to make the trip myself.

"So, are wanting to catch the attention of my dad?" Miranda rose an eyebrow at Heidi.

"I always catch his attention." Heidi flipped her hair over her shoulder with a smirk.

"True." Miranda said and I laughed at that.

"What about you? Trying to get Alexander excited?" Heidi waggled her brows.

"Goodness no. I just like dressing up, though we'll probably end up going at it tonight. Because well Christmas sex." Miranda said earning a nod from Heidi.

"Oh yeah, Christmas sex is the best." Heidi agreed. "You and Aro should try it, Frankie."

I spluttered at that. "What... but- I mean... We haven't even..." I stumbled over my words, my cheeks furiously flaming.

"Hey what was that you said to me? Sex is perfectly healthy in a well." I jumped in finishing the sentence with her. "Functioning relationship." I looked at her. "It is normal, but I mean - Aro and I haven't gone all the way." I explained.

"Well I wouldn't put it past Aro for him to decide that tonight he wants you in that way, because once he see's you in that - you can bet he's gonna be a little turned on." Heidi said pointing to my outfit, earning a nod from Miranda.

"It's literally pajama's, like a full body baggy reindeer pajama suit." I deadpanned, not understanding how that was suppose to 'turn him on'.

"Yeah, but Aro's weird." Miranda picked at her green nail-polish. "Like it's pretty obvious when you make yourself look all cutsie and innocence, it really turns him on. I mean all guys are like that, but Aro - he's on like a whole other level." She said, Heidi agreeing with her.

My eyes widened as I hadn't ever noticed that about him before. "Really?" I was in slight disbelief.

"Oh yeah. Why do you think he enjoys babying you so much? It's not even the personality of being innocent, he just likes it when you dress like that. I bet it makes him feel powerful, honestly." Heidi shrugged, casually.

"How do you two even know this? And why are you so casual with this, you just learned your master has some sort of kink!" I exclaimed, at a loss for words at the them.

"Eh, you pick up on a few things when you see the same people everyday, you'll see, soon enough you'll be able to tell too. Plus, everyone kind of has their own kinks here - it's pretty normal. I'm pretty sure Caius and Athenodora are into BD stuff, Aro and you obviously have some sort of daddy kink in simpler terms, Marcus probably masturbates to a painting of Didyme, my dad likes a dominant women - gross." Miranda paused shuddering, Heidi tossing me a wink. "The twins are virgins, Chelsea and Afton are into all sorts of mechanisms, Corin and Santiago are the only 'normal' sex people here, and Elijah - well so far I'm pretty sure he's into torture sex." Miranda finished, my mouth hanging open at the end.

How do you even pick up on stuff like this?

"What you mean I have a 'daddy' kink?" I questioned, shaking my head. I most definitely did not fancy the idea of calling Aro, 'daddy'.

"Well obviously not literally. You don't call Aro 'daddy', he's way to old school for that. But the two of you have obviously established that Aro is one who takes care of you, like the dominant." Heidi pursed her lips.

I immediately began denying it, only to be stopped by Miranda. "Deny it all you want, but we all know it's true. I bet Aro's eyes darken with lust as soon as we walk in there." Miranda motioned to the throne room door which was coming up.

"Okay fine." I smiled, thinking I was going to win the bet.

As soon as Heidi pushed the door open, everyone's eyes were on us. Unfortunately for me Aro's eyes had in fact taken a darker turn upon seeing me. Him and the other leaders were sat in their thrones. Members of the Volturi were spread around waiting for their names to be called for secret Santa.

Damn you Aro.

"Told you." I could hear Miranda's voice in my ear, before she pulled away.

She quickly was at the large tree, taking presents from the base and passing them around. As fast as I could walk I made my way to Aro's throne, standing next to it.

"My, my don't you look ravishing." Aro purred in my ear, pulling me so I was sat in his lap.

I simply blushed leaning back enjoying his touch. In a matter of seconds Alexander had given us our secret Santa gifts, and Miranda was counting down until people could open it.

"Open!" She shouted ripping open her own large box, only to let out a squeal of excitement. 

She had gotten a brand new collection of shoes. I looked to my left only to see Marcus opening the gift I had gotten him. I crossed my fingers, hoping he would like it. He actually let emotion shine in his eyes, letting out a small chuckle at the gift. He held the slippers in his right hand, with the mix tape in his left.

My attention was caught to Aro ripping open his, in a slightly childish manner. Inside was a magnificent oil painting of Venice, Italy. The painting wasn't large, but it most definitely was not tiny. It looked as if it took ages to perfect, the detail it portrayed was unimaginable.

Aro's eyes gleamed in satisfaction as he looked over his new painting. He gave a nod of gratitude appreciating the grand texture it gave away. With a smile he placed the painting in Caius's hands, allowing him, Dora, and Marcus to overlook the wonderful painting. Caius examined the fine art, nodding in approval at it.

I shifted slightly in Aro's lap, so that he would be able to see what my gift was. His arm wrapped around me tighter, as he leaned his head in closer to mine. "Open it, my sweet." Aro held a excited edge to his voice.

Over the span of the few weeks I had lived here, I noticed more things about Aro. Such as his slightly childlike manner, in some situations. He was deliberate and patient by nature, but also could be impatient and possibly a bit immature at times. I could tell he was the most curious of the Volturi, as he would always spare a vampire with unusual gifts. He was not entirely cruel like most people believed, as I knew that he would avoid a fight or killing if possible.

Delicately I tore the paper off the box my eyes widening to the size of saucers at what I saw. Inside was a long, shiny Katana. The handle was made of a rich, brown leather, making it easy to keep hold of the weapon. My eyes found their way back to the shiny metal, it was then I recognized exactly what type of metal this was.

"Holy shit! This is Adamantium!" I exclaimed standing from Aro's lap, pulling the sword out of the box.

"Yep, I figured I should probably get you something big to make up for the whole attacking thing, and I heard you talking about Adamantium..." Elijah trailed off scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I quickly looked to where Elijah stood, a few feet away. He had a pair of nice looking loafers by his feet as he watched me examine the gift. "I hope this can make up for it."

"Are you kidding me! You didn't need to do this, I wasn't even upset! But this more than makes up for it! Thank you!" I yelled launching myself at him, pulling him into a large bear hug.

I could vaguely hear Aro growl, but payed no mind to it. After a few seconds I pulled away and swung the sword around a little. With mischief pooling in my gaze, I found Demetri looking at the sword in my hands wide-eyed.

"Should we see who's right about the Adamantium, Demetri?" I asked innocently walking toward him, swinging the powerful sword around threateningly.

Demetri visibly gulped, looking at the terrifying weapon in my hands. Unlike before, he seemed to feel slightly threatened while looking at this. "I yield, you win! Don't touch me with that thing!" Demetri yelled, racing to the other side of the room.

Miranda let out a loud laugh, along with Alexander upon seeing the look of Demetri's face. Caius only scowled, Marcus for once looked interested, and Aro - well he was certainly intrigued. "Demetri, you fool. That sword will only shatter if it comes in contact with our skin." Caius hissed at his guard member.

I couldn't stop the smirk that crossed my face, taking that as a challenge. In an instant I looked to Felix with a grin. He only gave a cocky look back - getting the gist and stepping forward. I made a motion as to tell him to come at me.

"May I back your cause, master Caius?" Felix questioned looking to Caius and Aro for approval.

Immediately Caius agreed, but Aro was a little more hesitant. "Do not hurt her, or else..." Aro trailed off, in a threatening warning tone.

"It won't be me getting hurt, Ro." I said, not pronouncing the A, a new nickname for Aro forming.

Aro turned his eyes to me slowly, looking bemused by the nickname I had gifted him with. Caius only narrowed his eyes at me, and Marcus he looked as if he was debating whether or not I'd come out as the victor.

As quick as lightning Felix charged at me, it was apparent he was going slightly slower than the average vampire - which I was grateful for, as it gave me time to respond. In a swift motion, I swung the sword at his right arm, successfully chopping it off. Felix let out a surprised pain filled scream as he froze in place.

Every vampire in there seemed to freeze, looking to Felix's arm on the floor. It looks like everybody in there underestimated Adamantium. I wasted no time in driving the Katana through Felix's other arm, earning an equally loud scream. Spinning around I stopped the Katana just so it was at the base of Felix's neck, stopping myself from cutting off his neck.

"I win." I announced proudly, pulling the Katana away from Felix watching as Miranda assisted in placing her father's arm's back on him.


"That is not how you do it, Miranda!" Alexander panicked, taking the olive oil away from Miranda.

"Of course it is! If we're making a true Italian Christmas dinner, than there needs to be a lot of oil!" Miranda exclaimed, taking the oil back.

"Wait!" Alexander tried, but was too late as Miranda simply poured the entirety of the bottle into the pan. I yelped as the pan burst into huge flames. Miranda screamed moving away from the flames which were rising at an extremely fast rate.

Smoke filled the large kitchen, and got into our lungs. Alexander reached for Miranda out of instinct, and together the two fled the kitchen, coughing. I bent over hacking, the smoke filling my lungs.

So much for Christmas dinner.

As fast as possible I stumbled out of the kitchen, my coughs echoing the area. Outside of the kitchen was Felix scolding the two of them, Demetri ran past me in a blur a fire hydrant in his hands.

"Thanks for leaving me." I spoke to my two friends sarcastically, another cough leaving me.

Alexander sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while Miranda simply mouthed the words 'sorry'. Before anyone could comprehend anything, Aro stood in front of Alexander and Miranda screaming at the two of them in quick paced Italian.

He motioned to the smoke leaving the kitchen, and then to my form his eyes blazing. The two of them paled, shrinking away from Aro the longer he screamed at them. "Un fuoco? Voi due siete degli idioti, lo giuro sugli dei, mi strapperò entrambe le teste da me stesso. Ora hai messo in pericolo il mio compagno! Non lo difenderò! Anche voi due avete triplicato i turni di guardia!"

As he screamed at them Caius, Athenodora, and Marcus appeared, overlooking the flames. A snarl escaped Caius's lips as he watched the the smoke trail out of the kitchen. Dora placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her eyes watching the smoke worriedly.

There attention, as well as mine was snapped to Aro who I could only assume was now screaming profanities at the pair.

"Brother, calm yourself. Not much harm was done, it was a simple accident." Marcus stated, walking over placing a hand on Aro's shoulder.

Aro took a deep breath closing his eyes for a moment. He opened them, revealing red irises. He handed the two a tight-lipped smile, muttering the words. "It's Christmas, you're pardoned."

Alexander and Miranda both looked to each other letting out a sigh of relief, before fleeing the room. Caius glared after the two before turning to Aro. "The two of you are to soft on them. For goodness sake Aro, they just endangered your mate!" Caius motioned to me, with a flabbergasted look. "And you allowed them to be pardoned." Caius shook, his head in disbelief before grabbing Dora and leaving the room.

Marcus looked at me, offering me a small almost invisible smile, as he walked out of the door. Aro took deep ragged breath's as he turned to face me. I knew he was attempting to real in his rage, so I hesitantly stepped forward. Gently I reached my arm, slowly gripping his wrist.

Aro's eyes flickered down to my hand placed on his wrist, before he looked at me. I flashed him a hundred watt smile, and eagerly tried pulling him for the door. "Let's go up to your room, so you can open the gift's I got you!" I exclaimed, tugging on his arm in an attempt at making him move.

Aro's anger seemed to diminish completely an equally large smile, taking way. Using his vampire speed Aro lifted me up flipping me, so I was on his back. A squeal left my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders tightly, and gripped my legs around his waist.

"I thought I told you not to get me anything, Frankie." Aro reprimanded in a playful tone.

"I could say the same." I told him back, tapping his shoulder as a sign to go.

A smirk tugged at my lips as an idea came to mind. Reaching down, I lightly smacked Aro's perfect butt. God, his butt must've been hand-crafted by angels. Like seriously, how do you get that perfect of a shape?

"Giddy up." I told him, holding back a laugh at the surprised look on his face.

"Do that again, and I may just end up taking that sweet, sweet innocence of your's right here, my love." Aro purred, flirtatiously.

My cheeks flamed pink, a small grin kicking on my lips. In an instant the two of us were speeding down the corridors at intense speeds. I let out a laugh as Aro dropped me on the bed, and raced around the room picking up five presents in total.

"Aro!" I said in a scolding voice my mouth falling open, at all the presents he got me for Christmas.

"Yes?" He questioned, in an innocent tone, placing the gifts down at the foot of the bed.

"You spoil me way too much! I most definitely do not need all this." I shook my head looking at the gifts.

"Think of it as me making up for the birthday which I wasn't there for." Aro smiled mischievously. "And I will always spoil you, there is nothing in this world that you cannot have!" Aro declared dramatically, earning a small fit of laughter from me.

I shook my head scooting towards the end of bed. Aro came and sat behind me, so my body was leaned against his form. I rose an eyebrow, at his loafer clad feet.

"Is that not uncomfortable?" I asked, referring to his expensive Italian loafers.

"Of course not." Aro laughed, as if the idea of being uncomfortable was preposterous.

I simply scoffed while reaching toward his feet and forcing the nice shoes off him. He didn't try to stop me, only watched in amusement. I chucked the hand-tailored shoes across the room with a scowl.

"Oh, how you amuse me." Aro laughed wrapping his arms around my body, leaning in more. "Open that one first." He pointed toward the gift closest to me.

Unable to hide my eagerness, I ripped open the nice gift. I could hear Aro laugh at me. "What was that about not wanting me to spoil you?" He hummed, arrogantly.

"Oh hush up." I playfully swatted at him. Under the wrapping paper, was a small velvet box. My hand came to my mouth as I opened the small jewelry box. Inside had to be the most beautiful, expensive earrings I had ever scene. "Aro, you didn't." I shook my head, whispering his name in shock.

The earrings were rimmed with gold, and small diamonds lining around the center jewel. A red ruby. I sniffed a bit tears gathering around my eyes, as I gazed at the Christmas gift. Damn these insane emotions!

"Merry Christmas." He spoke by my ear, that small sentence sending me into a fit of tears.

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" I turned around hugging him tight.

Aro stroked my hair, hugging me back. He let out a few chuckles when he saw I was crying over this. "You can't cry yet, you still have more to open." He laughed, when he saw my red eyes.

I took a step away sniffling lightly. "They're beautiful." I smiled at the expensive earrings.

"I thought you'd like them." He pulled me too him once more.

Gently, he took the earring box out of my hands and put it behind him. I watched as he grabbed another box and gave it to me. Slower this time I unwrapped the gift. I couldn't help but laugh at what was inside.

"I really don't need this, Aro." I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my features.

I lifted the now revealed iPad box in the air. Aro playfully glared at me. "I don't care, Renata told me this was a popular human present." He crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Hold on, can you even use this? Or are you too cold." My eyes widened in realization.

"Unfortunately no, we are stuck with the past technology that has buttons - but that is beside the point." That explained why the Cullen's all had blackberry's.

I set the iPad down, moving onto the next box. I pulled out an extremely nice looking pair of heels. They were high, around six inches tall and very fancy looking. The majority color was black black, but had pure gold strapping around the front.

They were very nice, but I was confused as I had no where to wear them too. Plus, I couldn't wear heels - because I think I'd fall and break something. However, they are gorgeous to say the least. With furrowed eyebrows I opened the next gift becoming even more confused. Inside was a magnificent navy blue dress. It was long, and would fall down covering my feet. It was definitely something worth a lot of money. The shoes and the dress, I couldn't even imagine how much the both of them cost.

"I love both of these, Aro! Thank you!" I told him giving him another hug - grateful but also slightly confused.

"I get the feeling you are confused, no?" Aro hugged me back, laughing slightly.

I simply shrugged - not wanting to come off as rude. Aro only chuckled in response, motioning to the last box - which was smaller than the rest, but bigger than the earring box. "The dress, and shoes correspond to this last present." He gave me a smile, handing me the box.

Slowly I unwrapped the gift, opening the box only to reveal an envelope. Tilting my head to the side, I looked at Aro - who held an avid expression on his face. "Open it." He nodded, an extremely excited grin forming on his face.

Lightly I tore open the envelope, only to reveal one golden ticket. I became even more confused as I examined the fancy-looking ticket. "Uh, I love it!" I exclaimed, still not knowing exactly what it was, but not wanting to let Aro down.

Aro only let out a loud laugh, his eyes twinkling in delight as he watched me. "How can you love it, if you don't know what it is?" He shook his head.

How did he know that? Then it occurred to me that his hand was still touching me, he still had the ability to read what was currently passing through my mind. "I will love it, once I know what it is." I immediately changed my answer, earning an amused look from him.

"It is a ticket to the Opera. Caius, Marcus, Athenodora, and I go yearly. I want you to come, hence why I bought you the dress and shoes." He smiled.

I squealed pulling him into a hug, earning a laugh in return. "Oh thank you - gosh, I love you so much! When and where is it? Did I tell you how much I love you?" I asked, firing questions off in a quick pace.

"Slow down, my sweet. It is taking place in Venice, in a week's time. And I love you so much more than you could ever imagine." He whispered the last part, leaning in some.

In a quick motion I leaned forward, and placed a long kiss to his lips. This was the first time I had been so forward with something like this. He made an immediate response in kissing back, but I pulled away soon - remembering he still had my gifts to open. He gave me an annoyed look as I raced off the bed, and ran to the closet.

"I still have gifts for you to open!" I yelled, taking the gifts from where I hid them in the closet - and bringing them to the edge of the bed where my newly opened gifts still sat.

In a delicate fashion I placed the beautiful earrings on the dresser, and put the shoes on the floor. I gently moved the dress so it was on the opposite side of the bed, and not in the way of Aro, so he could open his presents.

"This one first!" I pushed the present which contained the sweater at him.

He simply raised an eyebrow before opening the present in a quick pace, obviously eager to see what I got him. He pulled out the sweater, with a bemused expression. "I must say, you have impeccable taste." He muttered, nodding his head examining the sweater.

All I saw was a blur of movement, before his expensive suit jacket was thrown across the room, and the sweater was over him. He picked at the soft fabric of the sweater with grin at his face. The red sweater was gorgeous on him.

"You look really good in that." I said, a faint blush taking over my cheeks as I practically eye-raped him.

Aro smirked upon seeing this, and casually sighed. "I do love this sweater, thank you my sweet."

Remembering he had another four presents to open I quickly gave him the wrapped socks. "These go with that." I nodded toward the sweater.

He only rose his brows, as he opened the gift. He let out an animated laugh, pulling out the wool socks. He held them up, raising an eyebrow at me. "Is this why you were so determined to get my shoes off my feet?"

I shyly shrugged, before motioning him to put the socks on. "Come on put the socks on!" I eagerly exclaimed, giving him my most compelling look.

"Yes, yes I will. I don't think I could ever say no to that face." He sighed, pulling the wool socks on his pale feet.

"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't stop myself from yelling, covering my mouth. In an instant I had reached over and pulled the hair clip which was keeping his hair back out. I let out a small laugh as his hair fell down his back. It stopped just after his shoulders, falling in slight waves. It looked silky.

Aro glared at me as I ran my hands through his soft, silky hair messing it up. I only smiled back, crawling closer so I was sitting in his lap facing him. "I love your hair." I sighed.

"Everyone does." Aro replied instantly, sounding extremely cocky.

I only scoffed shaking my head, amused at his reply. At my scoff, Aro brought his hands tightly around my waist. He squeezed my hips, earning a small yelp of surprise from me. His lips grazed my ear causing goosebumps to arise on my arms.

"You still have have three gifts left, sorry." I said, before leaping out of his arms and off his lap.

An irritated growl left him, me only laughing in reply. As quick as I could I handed him the box which held the expensive pocket-watch. Moodily he began opening it, his features morphing into that of happiness once he pulled out the watch.

"I've been wanting to get another of these, something more modern. Exactly like this one." He smiled at me, swinging the pocket watch.

I wasted no time in handing him the last wrapped gift. He took the small present with a smile ripping it open. Inside had to be my own sort of personal joke. 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' was the first claymation I had ever seen. Last year in the facility Laura showed me the movie, knowing I would love it.

Which was true, even Peter Pan couldn't compete with The Nightmare Before Christmas. In some ways I related to Sally. The both of us were in sort of, created. Aro tilted his head, smiling. "I've only ever seen three movies in my existence, you know." Aro explained, gazing down at the movie.

"Well, we can watch this one together. Plus, the movie does sort of correspond with your next gift. If it it works." I muttered the last part, hoping to god my theory was correct.

Aro only gave me a perplexed look, wanting me to explain further. I only held out both my hands, a determined expression covering my features. Understanding that I wanted him to grab my hands, he complied gripping my warm hands, in his very cold ones. His large hands covered my own. His touch never ceased to send pleasurable tingles through my body.

"Merry Christmas, Aro." I said, as I closed my eyes - a focused expression on my face.

"Frankie?" I could hear him say my name, but I paid no mind to it - determined to make this work.

In a quick movement it was as if time completely stopped. My mind was working into overdrive attempting to go through a memory, second by second. At first I thought for sure it wouldn't work. But then I was sucked in, almost like a hallucination - but different because I wasn't in control. This was only a memory, and a memory had to be followed step by step.

I knew Aro came with me in this memory. This was the whole reason I did it. I wanted Aro to be able to know more about me - I wanted him to have a literal piece of me. What better way to do that than giving him one of my most prominent memories?

December 25, 2016: Eight weeks after rebirth

I don't know how to explain what was happening - but I'll do my best. It was odd. I was back in the facility sitting on my bed, with Laura next to me. I was intensely examining the ending credits of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.

My hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and the all white cotton clothes were delicate against my skin. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Aro. He was walking around trying to figure out what was going on. I wanted to say his name, reach and explain we were in a memory - but I couldn't. I could not control my movements at all, I could only think. It was because this was a memory that I couldn't do any of this, I could only follow.

Aro was in front of me using his vampire speed. He seemed different, transparent. Almost like I was talking to a hologram."Frankie! Frankie, my sweet! What is this, what is happening?" He feverishly questioned.

I wanted to reply, to explain. However, I could not. Aro was startled when he tried grabbing me, and his hand only went through my body. Like a ghost. At this revelation, his eyes seemed to light up in recognition.

"This is a memory isn't it." He thoughtfully muttered taking a look around. "You are giving me a memory, of course." He shook his head, one of the biggest grins I've seen from him taking over. He began gazing around the room, taking everything in - in a seemingly new light.

"That was an enjoyable film." The words escaped my mouth, without control.

My head automatically turned to Laura. I couldn't stop myself, I was naturally going along with the memory - doing nothing different than what actually happened. It was impossible for me to stop.

"Enjoyable? Frankie, this is one of the best movies of all time!" Laura sighed shaking her head.

"You are correct, I enjoyed this more than any other movies I have seen so far." I confirmed turning back to the ending credits.

"You've only seen seven movies, Frankie. And four of those were documentaries on our history." Laura deadpanned, giving me a blank look.

"Yes, and they were most enlightening! Hitler was a smart man, I mean who else could take over an entire country so fast?" I questioned, not believing that Adolf Hitler was able to make Germany succumb to all his beliefs.

"No! Frankie! Hitler was bad!" Laura's eyes widened, as she tried to explain that I should never compliment Hitler.

Of course I knew that. Hitler did terrible things, but at the same he managed to overtake an entire country. Things like that were almost impossible to achieve. A human being who did foul loathsome things, all because he was able to persuade a country.

"God, I need to talk to Patrick about showing you better documentaries. These one's have you all confused now." Laura shook her head, leaning back.

"I never said what he did was correct. I only stated he was 'smart'." I argued, crossing my arms unable to stop myself from pouting at her.

She looked at my face, and let out a loud laugh. "You remind of someone you know, someone who I used to be really close with." Laura stopped laughing giving me a thoughtful look.

I gave her a small look, wanting her to continue - which she did. "I used to know a girl. An unusual, untamable, free-spirit of girl. She had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing her, no fixed personality. Just an indecisiveness that was as wide and unwavering as the ocean." Laura paused a thoughtful looking forming on her features.

Aro had stopped studying the place, and had given us his full undivided attention. I listened to her - curious.

"She was the youngest of her four siblings, two sisters - one brother. In my eyes she was always closest to her brother, but she would never admit to it - claiming she was equally close to each member of her family. She loved her family, goodness, she loved her family more than anything. She was a daredevil by nature, always up for a new adventure." Laura laughed at that. "I'm a family-friend you see. I've been friends with her father, and her uncle for god only knows how long. The girl's father and uncle were competitive, they always had to best each other. It was only obvious once the older brother came up with an amazing invention the younger brother had to do the same. He spent years working on something that would be better than what his brother created. He eventually created it, something greater than what his brother did. Though it came at a price. The brother took his niece away from her home, leaving the family devastated. The family didn't know it was the brother that did it though, they only thought their youngest member was dead. On top of that the girl's brother had been kidnapped, the family was left broken and never the same." Laura stopped tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

I reached over gripping her hand, giving her a comforting smile. She smiled back sadly, and sniffled a bit.

"I'm telling you this Frankie, because ever since this has happened I've had a lot of guilt over it. Seeing this family be torn apart, yet I could help them if I only was able to face them with the truth. I suppose just admitting it to you takes away some of that guilt." Laura said.

Just as I was about to reply, everything was torn away. I couldn't stay in any longer, my chain of focus was broken. Before I could comprehend anything I was back and so was Aro. The two of sat in the same position we were before. I was pulled in by Aro, as he hugged me against him tight.

"Thank you." He muttered, kissing my forehead.

I knew then, just how much he liked it. Aro loved knowledge, learning new things. I could tell he was infatuated with the idea of being inside my head, just like he could be with everyone else. Now, he could if I was focused enough to allow him the access.


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