[earned it.]

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11 | Earned it.

EVEN Carlisle's Mercedes Benz could not compare to the shiny Cadillac Escalade limo we were taking to the airport. Demetri and Felix were driving while Alec, Jane, and Chelsea sat toward the front.

I was in the back sat across the three vampire kings. According to Felix, their private jet was at Yeager Airport which was all the way in Charleston giving us about a two hour drive. We'd been on the road for almost fifteen minutes sat in complete silence with Aro staring at me continuously.

"Frankie." Aro finally broke the silence, saying my name as if testing it. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he stared at me.

"Is it true you can read minds with just a simple touch?" I asked allowing my curiosity to get the better of me.

"Yes, it is true." Aro allowed a laugh to escape his lips.

Without hesitation I quickly stuck my hand out across the way so it was right in front of Aro. This action seemed to startle hims slightly as his eyes widened. "If it's not too much to ask will you please read my thoughts?" I questioned sheepishly upon seeing how I startled him.

I shyly began retracting my hand; however, Aro gripped it tight before I could giving me a large smile back. "I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me to read their minds for the fun of it." Aro laughed slightly before getting a focused look on his face.

His eyes soon narrowed in concentration as he held my hand. I couldn't help the tingles that shot up my arms, and caused for a small blush to form on my cheeks. After a few more moments, Aro's head shot up his eyes meeting my own.

I looked at him in innocent curiosity my head tilting to the side as I bit my lip. Aro's eyes drifted down to my lips, and his eyes began turning coal black. I knew vampire's eyes turned black when they were hungry, perhaps Aro was hungry.

"Are you hungry your eyes are black." I stated while moving my head closer to his trying to get a better look into his eyes.

Slowly Aro's gaze left my lips and travelled back to my eyes. I leaned in even more, so our foreheads were almost touching. I examined his eyes which were continuously drifting down to my lips as I slightly bit them.

"Yep, they're definitely black." I observed leaning back so I was again into a normal position. "Perhaps you should feed before we leave." I said concerned for Aro.

Aro cleared his throat letting go of my hand. "I just fed, I'm not hungry." He stated closing his eyes for a minute before opening them again.

I noticed right as he opened his eyes that they were red once more. I shrugged off the odd occurrence before a sudden thought hit me.

"Did you see anything!" I said excitedly leaning forward once more a huge smile lighting up my features.

Aro shook his head slightly as if trying to decide how to answer. "It was unusual, it was not like Isabella's mind where I saw nothing, I saw snippets of what you were thinking. I couldn't grasp any memories though I was able to hear random words; thoughts I suppose." Aro explained looking pensive on it.

"Oh." I said slightly put off now, I sort of wanted him to be able to read my mind.

"Though I have feeling the more I do it, the more I'll be able to see." Aro said once he saw the look on my face.

That put a smile back on my face. "What did you see?" I questioned now curious.

"That you are very tired." I gave a shy smile at that comment looking down. "Rest mi amore, I'll be here the whole time." Aro said gently.

Deciding on just giving into my tiresome state, I unbuckled myself so I was able to lay down across the seats. Bringing my hands under my head, I evened out my breathing. Faster than I thought possible I was sucked into a world made entirely of my own.


"Frankie, my love! Where are you!" I heard a familiar voice call, though I couldn't put a name to it. I laughed to myself ducking underneath a table.

A huge library filled to the brim with books which were coated in dust surrounded me. A short frilly pink dress adorned my body, while black stockings covered my legs. My long red hair tumbled down my shoulders in thick curls.

It was then I noticed that I was missing shoes as only the stockings covered my feet. I could hear footsteps coming my way and my eyes widened. Stealthily I began crawling under the desk, trying not to make a peep.

"I can see those lovely long stocking clad legs of your's, sweet." Just after the familiar voice spoke that sentence I could feel myself being pulled up at fast speeds.

Before I could comprehend anything, I was sat on the desk that I was once hiding under my legs dangling off with a figure between them. Aro stood just between my legs his face dangerously close to my.

Instead of the crimson eyes I was expecting, I was met with pure coal eyes. My arms rested on his shoulders, while his own stayed on my waist. "You found me, Aro." I whispered looking up to his coal eyes with an innocent look.

A growl ripped through Aro's lips at my words before his lips met mine fiercely. His lips were not by any means soft, they were cold and hard - alike to marble. Though it didn't bother me, it actually felt nice.

Our lips moved in sync, fast and rough. Aro's hands squeezed my waist before moving further down. A moan escaped me as I felt him latch onto my butt. He used this opportunity to slip his cold tongue into my mouth and begin exploring.

My hands moved from gripping his shoulder to his hair, weaving in and out of it. Aro moved away from my mouth and began trailing kisses down my neck. "There is no need for these." He mumbled against my neck while ripping my stockings down the side of my leg.

In a flash Aro had me pinned down to the table him on top of me, letting out predatory growls. A loud whimper came from me as his fingers began reaching up my dress and playing with the hem of my panties. "Mine, all mine." He sniffed at my neck before attaching his lips to it once more sucking and licking.

"Your's." I panted out hearing approving moans coming from him.


A large rumble shook the walls and floor around me causing my eyes to slowly open.  Cautiously I looked around only to see members of the Volturi scattered around. We were in a room of some kind. I was smack in the middle sprawled out on an expensive looking white couch with a television just across from it.

My head rested on a throne pillow, and my body covered with a thick fur blanket. My eyes flickered toward the back of the jet landing on Demetri who was playing a game of chess with Chelsea, and Felix who sat and observed the game.

On the opposite side at the front Alec and Jane sat with Caius, Marcus, and Aro all of them speaking to each other in low words of Italian. I stared at them for a few moments unable to make out a word they spoke.

I was somewhat surprised none of them knew I was awake, but then again I guess my breathing and heart rate didn't change whether I was awake or not. I allowed my gaze to travel around the expensive looking room, it was nice; however, it was shaped really oddly

Both Demetri and Chelsea's hands flew across the chess board at troubling speeds. I couldn't help but watch in amazement at how fast they were playing the game. Though my wonder didn't seem to be shared with Felix as he simply looked at them bored.

His eyesight soon began wandering the room aimlessly. The room once again shook causing me to jump slightly and give a pondering expression. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Felix staring intently at me with a highly amused look.

I waved enthusiastically at him a bright grin appearing on my face. Felix let out a small snort before walking over to me. He took a seat at the edge of the couch closest to my feet. I couldn't help but find the way he sat odd. His posture was a far too straight, he wasn't breathing, and he never blinked - not once.

"Have you never been on an airplane?" The question flew from his lips after a few moments of silence.

"No, not that I can remember at least." I told him scratching my head. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he gave me a slightly bewildered expression.

"Not that you can remember?" He said, in a tone that suggested he wanted to know more.

"Oh I assumed Aro already told you, but technically speaking I'm only one year old." I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

This comment gained the attention of both Demetri and Chelsea as they were at Felix's side immediately. Felix's mouth opened slightly confused.

"What?" Is all he managed to get out, but I could tell he wished for me to elaborate further.

"Well you see I was dead, and then Dr. Carson brought me back to life with a serum he made last year. Apparently I was dead for a total of three days, but I wouldn't know as I can't remember anything from before I woke up." I explained waving my hands.

They all had astounded faces. Felix and Demetri looked at each other with equally confused expressions, while Chelsea gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry, I know how you feel. I can't remember any of my human life either." She gave me a small smile.

"It's all good." I waved her off. "I can't miss something I don't remember. Besides I have my perks, like extra speed and strength, or being able to move things with my mind. And then there's my natural warfare instinct." I counted off all my abilities looking thoughtful.

"Warfare instinct?" Demetri questioned.

"Yeah, you know when you all saw that huge battle? Well, I was fighting purely on instinct, I've never been trained before."

"You're lying. There's no possible way you were able to do all that just on pure instinct." Demetri looked flabbergasted shaking his head.

"On the contrary it's true. I've never been taught to fight, I just sorta know how." I attempted to explain.

"That's phenomenal!"  Felix exclaimed looking slightly excited. "I can't believe you can do that just on instinct."

"It almost sounds like being turned into a vampire, you just know how to fight based on senses," Chelsea said. "I bet Athenodora is overjoyed to meet you." She added randomly.

"Caius's mate, right?"

"Yes, she's been quite depressed since Sulpicia passed." Chelsea sighed sadly.

Before I could say anything, Felix leaned in and took a huge whiff of me. Chelsea and Demetri gave him harsh glares, while I just looked at him oddly.

"You don't smell human, well I suppose you do - but you don't smell like ambrosia. Like, the thought of drinking your blood is the same as thinking about consuming Demetri's venom. Unappealing." Felix explained looking to the other two who nodded along in agreement.

"Wait, does Aro know this?" Demetri cut in.

"Yeah." I shrugged looking to Aro and the other's, who still had managed to not notice us. "I assume that's what he's explaining to them all." I pointed out them all talking in Italian.

"You're right, that's what he's explaining now," Chelsea confirmed my thoughts after listening to them for a few seconds. "Well, why the bloody hell are we not invited into that conversation, but they were?" Felix sourly said motioning to the twins who were in on the conversation.

"Because they're Aro's favorites," Demetri told him sarcastically earning a huff, in reply.

"Keep your voices down. Do you want the masters to hear you badmouthing them?" Chelsea scolded the two hitting them on the back of the heads. They nodded agreeing with Chelsea's statement.

"Hold on, you can move things with your mind?" Felix asked his attitude lifting up instantly.

"Yeah?" I said almost hesitantly.

"Will you lift this up?" Felix asked pointing to a pillow.

Barely even thinking about it the pillow began floating in mid-air. The three let out small laughs of amazement looking at the pillow. With a small smirk, I began lifting other random objects much to their entertainment.

After feeling the room shake again a gasp left my mouth and I quickly turned to the window which was covered with blinds. My eyes widened once I saw the clouds soaring past and the great ocean down below. Minutes past as I just gazed out the window.

Finally, I shut the blinds and turned to the other three vampires who were still highly amused by the floating objects. With a smile, I turned to the remaining members of the coven and watched as they spoke in quick fluent Italian.

I was shocked they still hadn't noticed us. As if I jinxed it Jane turned her head so she was facing all four of us. She gave me a blank look but glared at the other three behind me.

"Master." She stated in an almost angelic voice, switching from Italian to English in a matter of seconds.

Her voice seemed to strike them all as they almost immediately turned their conversation to her. "Yes, Jane?" Aro questioned in a concerned manner. She simply nodded her head in our direction causing for all of them to turn their heads to us.

I was the only one who noticed that their attention was now on us, for Demetri and Felix kept asking me to make stuff float.

"Can you do it to this cup?"

"How about the television?"

"What about the couch?"

"Let's make Demetri float!"

"What can't you float? I don't want to."

"Because you always steal my food!"

"It's not my fault you're too slow!"

"At least I'm not weak!"

"You know what why don't we just make Chelsea float."

"Good idea! She's always down talking to us anyway!"

"Don't bring me into this you Neanderthals!"

From there the three of them were immediately in each other's faces screaming. Both Jane and Alec delivered harsh glares in their direction, Marcus simply took out a book, Aro cringed at his guard's idiotic banter, and Caius looked completely enraged.

"All of you get back to your seats, now!" Caius roared at his guard whom all quickly scampered away at the command.

Alec and Jane calmly began conversing with each other, in Italian. Caius followed Marcus's lead and took out a rather large book, while Aro came to my side.

"I see you've met the royal guard," Aro spoke taking a seat by my legs. I leaned back placing my head on the throne pillow once more.

"Yeah, they're really nice." I smiled up at him.

"Other's don't seem to share your opinion, in fact, they think they are quite ruthless." Aro rose an eyebrow.

"They were nice to me." I allowed a yawn to slip past my lips. "How long was I out?"

"Six hours, the remainder of our drive, and the four hours we've been in the air."

"Oh." I nuzzled my head in the pillow. Everything that had previously been floating fell to the ground creating a small bang.

"I'll get it." I sleepily said beginning to push away from the covers

"No, you stay here and rest. I'll get it." In a flash, Aro had picked everything up and was back by my side.

"How long is the flight?"

"About eleven hours in total, but we only have seven hours left," Aro replied looking down at me.

As I looked into his crimson eyes, a sudden thought occurred. "I had a dream," I stated earning a smile from Aro.

"Hmm, whatever about." He questioned tenderly bringing his hand to my face moving a piece of hair away.

"You and I, we were in a library." I smiled remembering the nice dream.

"What were we doing?"

"Reading," I answered, not wanting to tell him exactly what happened when everyone could hear us.

He hummed thoughtfully playing with a piece of my red hair. "You're hair reminds of rose petals. Beautiful to look at, and soft to the touch."

I blushed looking at his hand. He had quite the effect on me. I felt like I was endlessly blushing around him.

"Do you mind if I sleep a little more?" I questioned closing my eyes briefly.

"It's alright rest, my love." He chuckled rubbing my head in an affectionate manner.

As I fell asleep one last thought consumed me. 'What was the Cullen's talking about when they said he was heartless?'

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