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I speak truthfully in stating that everyone has thanatophobia. The fear of death. However, death is a part of life. It cannot be avoided. It does not matter who you are, you will die eventually. And that thought scares people. Personally, I believe that it is not death which scares people, but the mystery surrounding it. Death is one huge mystery; it is classified as the unknown. Humans fear the unknown, and therefore that is why we fear Death. However, there is one exception to my theory, and that exception is me. I do not fear death. Why do I not fear death? The answer is quite simple, I have already experienced it. Yes, as of right now I'm the only 'known' person who has experienced death and lived to tell the tale. That's what they tell me at least.

Though in their eyes technically I am dead. Allow me to answer the question you are surely asking yourself as of now. Did it hurt? In all honesty I cannot remember all that well. All I recall was a feeling of tranquil sleep. Serenity at it's finest. Then, a sharp pain which was gone in a matter of seconds and suddenly I couldn't breathe. I was drowning, or so I thought. A bright light flashed and there I was staring into the eyes of my creator. That right there was my very first memory. I was diagnosed with memory-loss, a side effect of Death. Not that anyone knew what the terms of dying and coming back to life were, it was completely foreign.

No one had ever returned to the land of the living. It was almost comical when I was able to move things with my mind, another side effect of Death apparently. Along with sleeping, a lot. It doesn't stop there the list goes on and on, but I won't bore you with such details.

I am about to tell the story of how I met the Cullens, of how I met my 'soul-mate', and how I learned what love truly is. For I am about to tell you the tale of Frankenstein. Though, I prefer to be called Frankie. Take a seat, grab a snack, get comfortable, for this is quite the journey.

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