[heavy in your arms.]

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33 | Heavy in your arms.

NEVER have I hated Aro Volturi more than I do now.

The reason behind this? He said it was okay for Heidi and Miranda to get me ready for tonight. Now, I'm sure you're thinking that's not a big deal, right? Wrong. Allow me to rephrase what I said. Heidi and Miranda. The two of them teamed up on me is possibly one of the worst scenarios I could ask for.

I was sat at the vanity in Miranda and Alexander's room, the two female's getting me ready. Miranda was on makeup duty, while Heidi was in charge of hair. I jumped when Heidi pulled really hard on my hair.

"Sorry, you just have so much hair." She muttered, focused on her work.

"Pucker your lips for me." Miranda ordered, biting her tongue as she painted my lips.

"Okay, and the hair is done!" Heidi exclaimed stepping away from me.

Miranda smiled, looking over my face. "Same for the makeup." She said.

Eagerly I looked in the vanity mirror and gaped at the fine work they had done. As conceited as it may sound, I looked beautiful. My curled flaming hair was pinned down - out of my face, with the exception of two pieces of hair curled down the sides. The makeup was phenomenal, it made me look almost like one of those graceful porcelain dolls. Suddenly the anger I felt toward Aro had diminished and was replaced with gratitude.

"Now for the dress!" Heidi excitedly said, holding up the navy blue dress Aro had gifted me with for Christmas.

After shimming my way into the dress, and the struggle it took to put the stilettos on - I was now ready for the evening of Opera. Apparently it would only be Caius, Dora, Marcus, Aro, and myself attending. Though Felix and Demetri were to come for protection as well.

"You look beautiful, Frankie." Heidi smiled at me, as the two of us walked toward the garage.

"Thank you, though these heels." I cut myself off by stumbling slightly. Heidi quickly grabbed my arm to keep me from falling. I blushed standing upright - continued walking. "Are really hard to walk in." I finished the sentence.

Heidi laughed, looking down at the heels. "Yes, but master Aro sure does have a gorgeous taste in clothing." She looked back up to me.

It was true. Aro did know how to shop for clothes. I only laughed in response, keeping pace as the two of us made our way through the corridor. Once we made it into the garage we were greeted by the sight of everyone.

Aro, Marcus, and Caius were all dressed in impeccable black tuxedos - increasing their already outstanding beauty. My attention was only on Aro's beauty though. He was the only one out of them who wore a bow tie, which I found suited him well. The waist coat he had underneath the jacket was only slightly visible. In all, the suit hugged his body in the correct fashion that made him look even more handsome.

Stood next to Caius was Dora, who looked just lovely. She wore a long dress - which was a bit older-fashioned, but gorgeous nonetheless. It was a sky-blue with gold littered around the entire thing. Her long thick hair fell down her body, and her beautiful figure seemed to be highlighted. In some ways I thought Athenodora looked similar to how people envisioned angels. The snow-hair, and heavenly features mainly are what gave someone the impression of an angel.

I noticed that Dora was actually shorter than me. I don't know why I hadn't noticed this before, but she was shorter than me. Not that it was bad thing, it was just quite interesting how I hadn't much noticed before. It was probably because I was wearing the heels which put me so I was almost equal in height to Aro. I smiled at that, happy I didn't need to go on my toes to kiss him with these heels on.

"My sweet, you look absolutely beautiful." Aro was in front me, placing a butterfly kiss on my forehead.

I smiled up at him, the two of us taking in each-other's stupendous figures.

"You look quite handsome yourself." I said, bringing my eyes back up to meet his own.

He gave me a grin, placing a quick kiss to my cheek before moving to my side looping his arm with my own. Athenodora immediately gave me a large smile. "You look stunning." She complimented.

I blushed, happy that I had gained her approval. "You look lovely as usual." I said, and I swear if vampires could blush she'd be looking like a tomato.

Caius noticed this as well, and chuckled wrapping Dora up in his arms - inhaling her scent. We were lead to a large limo that held Demetri and Felix up front. The five of us got in the back. Marcus sat at the end, Aro and I on one side, with Caius and Athenodora on the other.

"How long is the drive?" I asked Aro.

"A little more than an hour." He said back.

Unfortunately for me it seemed like the four enjoyed talking in Greece more than any other language. At this point I figured that it was such a natural language - they hardly even registered when they were doing it. Hence why they began talking in it, not meaning to, but leaving me out of the conversation.

"What do you mean it's not working Felix?" My attention was taken to the two up front.

I had noticed we hadn't yet left the garage. I looked to the window leading to the front seat with a raised brow, the two were arguing about something.

"I mean this damn limo needs to get navigation which isn't touch screen." Felix sighed in frustration.

"We've made this trip for the past fifteen years straight, I'm sure we have the way memorized by now." Demetri pointed out.

"I know, but the navigation tells me the way which we won't get stuck in traffic. I really don't feel like going a way we'll run into traffic." Felix sighed in defeat, before starting up the engine.

"Um, if I may give you some assistance." I said, leaving Aro's side and going to the window.

I had successfully managed to gain the attention of the entire car. Demetri and Felix looked back to me with a questioning gaze. "I'm warm enough to use touch screen." I pointed out making Felix's eyes light up in realization.

In an instant he was shoving the system my way. I grabbed from him, turning it on. "Thank goodness you're here, Frankie. I'm really not in the mood to get stuck in Florence night traffic." Felix thanked me.

I powered the navigation on hoping that it was simple, and I'd be able to figure it out. "What's the address?" I asked Demetri.

"What's the address, Felix?" Demetri immediately turned to Felix.

"I don't know, I only know how to drive there." Felix shrugged.

"For gods sake! It's 766 S Middle drive, Florence, Italy!" Caius yelled at the two.

They cringed at his anger, and I quickly began putting in the address. Aro held a hand up at Caius to calm him down, and Dora only placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Here you go!" I exclaimed happily, handing Demetri the machine.

"Starting route to Opera house, proceed onto castle drive." The robotic navigation system said.

"Ha! I do love some of these modern inventions." Aro hummed, looking at the navigation curiously.

"You've said that for the past ten years straight." I could hear Caius mumble to himself.

As I sat back in my spot, Aro put an arm across my waist. Quickly the car pulled out of the garage, and made it's way to Florence.


The Opera place was huge, and so fancy! As soon as the five us made our way inside we had a bunch of heads turn in our direction, and whispers followed. Of course I could hear all the whispers relatively clearly, but I couldn't understand what they were saying as it was all in Italian.

The only words I managed to pick up were 'kings', and 'Volturi'. Apparently the kings were well known around here. Not only that but I'm sure their enhanced beauty helped a lot in that.

Tall marble columns lined the building, and many people adorned in their most fancy outfits walked around.

It was dark out, so they didn't need to stick to the shadows or wear cloaks like usual. Dora walked in front of Caius, practically dragging him around. It was obvious she was excited about this, but I thought it was more on the fact that she got out of the castle. Caius only chuckled at her excitement and followed without complaint.

I was taking small hesitant steps, not wanting to trip. Note to self: Never wear heels this tall again. Aro noticed my lack of speed and turned around with a raised brow. He crossed his arms, standing still watching as I diligently made my way to him.

"Goodness, aren't you slow today." Aro said, when I was still a good five feet from him.

"Not my fault, I've never walked in contraptions like this."

"Contraptions?" He replied looking confused.

"The shoes!" I exclaimed, motioning toward the shoes.

Aro laughed, clapping his hands. He stopped once he realized I was dead serious. "Remind me to never buy you heels again." He said to me, earning a nod in return.

In a few small steps he was in front of me. He bent down bringing one arm under my knee, the other on my lower back scooping me in his arms. I squeaked and threw my arms around Aro tightly. A few curious glances were thrown our way, probably wondering why such an attractive man was carrying someone like me.

"Because you are absolutely gorgeous, love. And you're all mine." Aro said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blushed when I realized he was able to hear my thoughts. Aro carried me through the crowds all the way to the private box they had for this event. We were high up, the entire stage being visible from the seats. Gently Aro placed me in one of the cushion seats, taking the spot next to me - on my right.

I was at the end so no one was on my left, but next to Aro was Marcus, after Marcus was Caius, then finally Dora. Demetri and Felix stood by the door leading into the room on guard. Not that they needed to be - as I'm sure that the four vampires were completely capable of fending for themselves.

As soon as we all settled a knock on the box's door was heard. Everyone turned their head as Felix opened it revealing a male waiter. The guy was young - probably in college and was out of breath. He stood with a tray full of champagne glasses, and hair an unruly mess. The waiter walked in thanking Felix for opening the door.

He took a breath and smiled at all of us apologetically. "Sorry, about the wait we admittedly have more people attending tonight than we have in a while." He said with a thick Italian accent, placing a champagne glass in each of the cup holders of the chairs.

"Is that suppose to be an excuse? I came expecting top service, and what do I get? A late waiter." Caius scowled threateningly at the man, causing him to take a gulp of air.

The funny part about this is Caius didn't even notice he was late, before he said anything about it. Not only that, but why would it matter if he was late. They don't even eat!

"Calm brother." Aro soothed from his spot, seeing the scared look on the waiter's face. "It is pardoned, and I am terribly sorry for my brother's behavior." Aro smiled, charmingly at the man.

The man gave him a thankful smile, nodding in gratitude. It was obvious now that Aro was his favorite of the bunch of us.

"What can I get you started with?" He questioned everyone.

I was in shock when Marcus asked for a meal, along with everyone else. Once he got to me I was taken out of my shock. I quickly looked at the menu and narrowed my eyes. Everything was in Italian!

"Why is it in Italian?" I sighed in frustration, placing the menu in Aro's hands. "What do I want to eat?" I questioned Aro, my cheeks turning red.

He chuckled looking at the menu once more. He looked to the waiter and pointed to a food on the menu pronouncing the Italian words. The waiter nodded and took our menu's leaving.

I looked to the champagne in the cup holder curiously. However, my attention was quickly fixated on the stage as the lights began going out. Dramatic opera music began playing, as soon as the first person came out on stage I realized none of this was in English.

"Are you kidding me, right now?" I flailed my arms out, glaring at the stage.

I could hear Felix and Demetri snicker. Caius was no doubt glaring at me, Dora laughed quietly to herself, Marcus - was Marcus, and Aro gave me an apologetic look. He soothingly rubbed my arm with his hand, calming me down enough so I could actually watch the play.

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't too hard to be entertained. Despite having no clue on what was happening the dramatics were enough. Somewhere in there the food came, and I was pleasantly surprised when a steak arrived for me.

"I thought you would enjoy it." Aro quietly muttered, in my ear.

"Thanks." I whispered back. I figured the food they had ordered was just for show, as none of them even touched their plates.

The champagne was the only beverage available, pushing me to take a drink of it. The alcoholic beverage was surprisingly good. I had went through three glasses by the time the intermission came. Aro looked to the three empty glasses then to me with a raised brow. I only shrugged with a smile.

"I'm going to use the restroom I'll be right back." I excused myself going to find the restroom.

I stumbled slightly the heels and alcohol not a very good combination. Luckily for me there was a restroom somewhat close to the box. Entering the restroom there was no on in there - which I found sort of odd. After using one of the stalls I made my way to the sinks in order to wash my hands.

I hummed a random tune while scrubbing my hands. I felt light, like if someone were to push me I'd fall right over. Maybe I had a few too many drinks? After drying my hands I looked to the large mirror. My makeup and hair were still perfectly intact making me smile. The dress Aro had bought was gorgeous.

A small churning in my stomach caught my attention. I groaned lightly placing my hands on my abdomen. The pain moved to my head causing my to grip it tight. I let out a pained breath - my hands falling to clutch the edge of the sink.

The pain went away and I was left confused. I sighed shaking my head looking up. My eyes went wide and my mouth fell agape at what I saw in the mirror. Where I should've been staring back at myself in the mirror was someone else.

A familiar little girl looking at me nervously, her eyes shifting left and right. Her flaming red hair fell down to her shoulders, and her green eyes twinkled with joy. This was the little girl I had seen in my hallucinations.

"Hello." She said, quietly.

I took a shaky breath in shock. This was impossible.

"I know you are confused, but you need help." The little girl told me.

"Help with what?" I hesitantly questioned taking a step away from the mirror.

"You can't stray away from them for too long. They're getting restless for your attention, and restless can lead to dangerous things." She continued.

"Who are you? How are you in the mirror?" I demanded not wanting to yell, and chance Aro hearing me.

Suddenly the little girl began morphing, her body growing larger. The pretty features going into something sinister. Standing in the little girl's place was now a tall, black shadow. It started to let out evil cackles, scaring me to my core. So, I did the first thing that came to mind. I punched the mirror.

As hard as possible, my fist met the black shadow's face. The glass shattered into a thousand little tiny pieces the noise of this no doubt drawing some attention. I pulled my fist back looking at how bad the cut was.

It'd be gone in a few minutes, I could tell. For a normal person it'd probably take days, but for me a good fifteen minutes was all I needed. I cleared my head quickly, the last thing I needed was for Aro to see my crazy episode. Quickly I walked out of the bathroom, watching as workers fled in there to assess the damage.

When I went back in the box Aro was looking around worriedly, with Dora trying to calm him. Aro saw me and his face went into relief. In an instant I was in his arms.

"What's wrong?" I questioned him, as he held me.

"We heard glass shatter and Aro got worried for you. I told him it was probably some klutz in the kitchens, and if it was you - you would scream." Caius rolled his eyes at Aro, earning a small elbow in the side from Dora.

"I'm fine." I smiled at him, consciously hiding my cut up hand from his view.

I made sure to use all my will power in order to block that memory from him. It wasn't hard considering Aro could barely read my thoughts as it was.

"I know." Aro smiled, at me leading me back to the seats. "Athenodora convinced me not to go check on you - since apparently it is the 'lady's room'. But when has something so insignificant ever stopped me before." Aro tittered shaking his head.

I only laughed watching as the lights dimmed once again. I couldn't even somewhat focus on the opera as my thoughts kept going back to whatever it was I saw. I blamed it on the alcohol, making my mind all fuzzy. Though considering Champagne seemed to be the only beverage there I drank two more glasses.

"Let's go somewhere else!" I exclaimed, on the way home from the opera.

Everyone chuckled at my drunken state. "And where are we to go?" Dora asked, with a laugh.

"The grocery store!" I yelled, slamming my hands to the roof off the car creating a small dent in it.

I looked at it wide-eyed. The other four doing the same.

"That was already there." I tried.

"Perhaps you should sleep." Aro gently brought my head down so it was resting on his shoulder.

"But my feet hurt." I whined, looking to my heel-clad feet.

In seconds my feet were bare, thrown to the other side of the car.

"Okay, I'm asleep now." I said loudly.

I could hear Aro shake in silent laughter.

After a few moments of silence a sudden thought occurred to me. "Caius!" I screamed, turning my head to look at him

He jumped at the sudden noise, and Dora giggled to herself. With a sigh he looked at me. "Yes?"

"You look like a Jace."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means your name should be Jace, not Caius." I stubbornly muttered to myself.

"She's right, I'm going to start calling you Jace now." Dora said, earning a glare from her mate.

"Do not." He seethed at her.

"Okay." Athenodora smiled, watching Caius calm down. "Jace." She added after a second, earning a growl of irritation from him.

Aro and Marcus laughed in amusement, obviously finding this funny. I made a point to stay quiet for a few minutes listening to them talk in Greece, pretending to be asleep. They wouldn't be able to tell, since my heart rate didn't change whether I was asleep or awake.

"Aro! I love you!" I jumped up, turning my face so I was nose to nose with Aro.

His eyes widened in surprised, but before he could do anything I placed a sloppy kiss on his mouth. He wasted no time in kissing me back, just as harsh.

"Can the two of you please refrain from doing such pastimes in the presence of others." Caius yelled, frustration leaking in his tone.

We pulled away, myself going back to leaning on Aro. He kissed my head with a lazy smirk. "I love you too."

After a couple of seconds I loudly whispered Aro's name acting as if the whole car couldn't hear me. "Psss, Aro."

"Yes?" He decided to loudly whisper back as well, making me smile.

"We should have sex when we get back, I'm feeling extremely horn-" I was cut off by Aro placing a hand over my mouth.

"For Gods sake, Aro! Make her stop!" Caius cried out.

Dora and Marcus looked highly amused, while I could hear Demetri and Felix laughing from the front. I could tell Aro was a little flustered, but he kept a convincing calm facade on. I laid back so the lower half off my body was on the seat, and the upper half on Aro.

Aro's cold hand was still covering my mouth, and I was ready to lick it, but stopped myself. Instead I did something far more amusing to myself.

"I'm so heavy! Heavy in your arms!" I sang out, my voice muffled by Aro's hand.

This only caused for everyone, even Caius to laugh. I tried singing clearly, but Aro's hand wouldn't let go. After about two minutes of singing, exhaustion crept and I was out like a light. The oddest part was that I can't remember ever hearing that song anywhere.

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