[holes in the sky.]

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44 | Holes in the Sky.

MY eyes fluttered open, and for the first time I understood. I had been in denial for long enough, it was time to face the truth. The harsh reality of my situation. All these hallucinations, were memories - real, authentic memories of my own. My name is not Frankenstein, and I am not just some code. I am not; 2935F.

I am Jolene Emery Carson.

I still did not know the full-story, which irritated me to no end, but I knew enough. I know that the chip in my brain is blocking me from who I truly am, my 'copy-cat' is actually just a figment of my inner mind trying to remind me. That 'copy-cat' is me.

Slowly, I sat up in Aro's bed and looked around. Aro, the man I am head over heels for, yet he still does not know who I truly am. What would I tell him? The truth, that's what. With newfound determination, I ripped myself away from the blankets - and got out of bed. I furrowed my brows when I saw the time.

Everyone had left over three hours ago, why did Aro not wake me up? I wanted to say good-bye. Then again, I would be mad too if Aro was lying as much as I am. With a sigh, I pathetically looked around feeling that determination fall - I guess I would need to wait to tell Aro when he got back.

Suddenly, my phone began ringing causing me to jump. I looked at the caller I.D. through narrowed eyes. Dr. Carson was calling - no, not Dr. Carson. Uncle Patrick, the man who's house I died in.

With anger slowly rising in me, I picked up the phone. In a sickly sweet voice, I said the words. "Hello uncle Patrick, it's been awhile."

I heard him choke on his words. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me! You really think my memories were going to stay gone forever! I know exactly who you are, and what you did!" I hissed.

"Frankie, please-" He was cut off by me.

I laughed humorlessly, "Frankie? What's that short for again? Frankenstein. I will tell you right now, that I am no, Frankenstein. I am not 2935F, you know just what my name is - and you will address me as such!" I roared, my anger sky-rocketing.

I could feel it. Unlike day's prior, I no longer held a familiarity toward the name Frankie. It sounded foreign for someone to address me as such. However, Jolene didn't quite fit either, it was like I was in the middle of both Frankie and Jolene.

I knew for a fact I was Jolene, yet I didn't have that mindset yet. It was like I had the memories from third person - they were mine and yet they felt foreign. I figured it had something to do with the chip, it must have been blocking that part of my brain off.

"Jolene, listen to me. I understand your anger, but you need to let me explain." Patrick tried in a calming tone.

"Start talking, pal." I growled, fury burning it's way through my body.

"Not over the phone. Listen, there's a flight set for Trinity Center Airport, departing in less than four hours from Florence, I need you to be on that flight. SHARE will call now, and set it up. Just tell them who you are, and they'll let you on." Patrick tried.

"No way. You want me to fly from Italy to California, in less than four hours? Are you out of your mind? Why California, and not West Virginia anyway. The facility is in, Elkins." I pointed out.

"I understand, but I can't explain this to you over the phone. All I know is you shouldn't remember this much, if you do then something is drastically wrong. You could put people at danger here Jolene, you need to come. Please." He stressed pacing about.

I realized he was speaking the truth. Despite my anger, if something really was wrong - I don't want anyone at risk. With a sigh I gave in. "Fine, but you still haven't told me why California."

"Because, it's where SHARE's main headquarters are, Trinity to be exact. Laura will pick you up from the airport, and Carlisle will already be here when you arrive. Besides it's where you grew up." He added softly.

My eyes widened at the last part. I hadn't know that California was where all those memories were created. "I'll see you in fourteen hours." I said, before hanging up the phone.

I sighed in stress, running a hand through my hair. I'd need to Taxi it from here to Florence, and pack a bag as fast as possible. I heaved a breath when I thought of Aro. Quickly, I tried calling him only to not get an answer. It made sense though, they were probably still in the air.

I cringed thinking that I was probably going to make him really mad, when he found out I was gone. It was an unspoken rule, that I don't leave the castle without anyone. Let alone, with no one even here. It didn't matter though, I had to be on that flight. I had to know exactly what was going on. With that in mind I quickly began packing a bag.


Fourteen hours later, I was landing in Trinity. As soon as we were on the ground, I checked my phone for any messages from Aro. I frowned when I saw that I hadn't gotten even one. Then I realized he probably didn't even take his phone. I mean him, Marcus, and Caius rarely ever used their cell phones.

I shook my head, turning my phone off and standing from my seat. Unsurprisingly, the flight wasn't busy, as not many people were fond of vacationing to Trinity. Trinity was considered the 'country' of California, making it somewhat unappealing for visits. Oh well, it worked in my favor at least I wasn't waiting forever to get off the plane.

The small carry on suitcase I had rolled behind me, as I walked following the signs. Eventually, I found my way to airport pick up where a dozen cars sat outside waiting. One car in particular caught my attention though. A ruby red Tesla, sat with dark tinted windows gaining a few people's attention. As soon as my eyes landed on it, the window rolled down.

"Hey Frankie." Laura called from the driver's seat, a huge smile splayed across her features.

I wasted no time in putting my suitcase in the trunk, and entering the passenger's seat. I couldn't lie it was odd being back in America after a few months. I was so used to thickly accented voices - that it came as a relief when I was able to understand someone perfectly.

"Hi Laura." I hugged her back, as she reached over.

I didn't bother correcting her on my name, as I was too caught up in my own nervous thoughts. She immediately sped off, her car no doubt going over the speed limit.

"New car?" I rose my brows at her.

"Yeah, the other one was in bad shape after the whole forest fight." She smirked at me.

"Why are you and uncle Patrick at headquarters?" I questioned, watching her freeze at how I referred to him.

She shook her head a smile growing on her face. "Patrick told me you were beginning to remember, I didn't believe it at first, but now I do. Anyway, the reason he's here is because of Maverick. Less than a week ago, our agents found him. HYDRA completely brainwashed him, all he know's is to follow order's. We're working on breaking whatever they did that fucked up his mind so bad, but it's not working so well." She sighed. "Carlisle's in the lab too, he just got in a little over two hour's ago. Patrick told him the truth about everything. He was frustrated at first, but he's helping in trying to figure out what's wrong." Laura admitted with a sigh.

I nodded trying to wrap my head around what I just learned. Despite knowing exactly who Maverick was, I still felt like a stranger toward him. I couldn't find it in myself to have a certain emotion about him being found. All I knew was I wanted this chip out of my brain.


"It would appear the chip is, breaking." Carlisle informed me, as him and Patrick overlooked an X-ray photo they had taken of the chip in my brain.

"Then take it out." I told Patrick urgently, who sighed in reply.

"Listen, we have no clue what could happen if we just 'took it out'. Jolene, think reasonably here - the last thing you want to do is make matter's worse." Patrick tried reasoning.

"How can matters possibly get worse!" My voice rose at him. "Why did you do it anyway? Huh. Someone broke into your house, and drowned me. I died in your arms, why did you bring me back? You didn't care enough to come when I yelled for you, so why care enough to rise me from the grave? Not only that, but you decide not to tell my family? Do you know the pain you put them through?" I rambled, feeling Carlisle place a soothing hand on my shoulder.

"How was I suppose to know you were drowning!" His yelled back, his voice breaking at the end. "I couldn't live with myself knowing the reason you were dead was because of me! I knew the connection you had with the dead would make the effects of the Venitilium stronger, I wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like that." He tried to defend himself. "I know the pain your family has went through, hell, they're still going through it! I would know because I need to face them everyday, and lie straight to their faces about what happened to their daughter! It hurt knowing that I could just bring them to West Virginia and there you would be! Guess what though, I couldn't do that! At least the knowledge of Maverick being found healed them somewhat!" He yelled.

I was trembling, on the verge of tears. Carlisle wrapped an arm around my shoulder's, mumbling words of comfort to me.

"Take it out, now!" I finally demanded.

When no one did anything, my sadness and anger only rose. "Take it out, or I swear I will go right to my dad, and have him do it!" I yelled.

Everyone froze at that. Anthony Carson was a smart and powerful man. There was no doubt that he would be able to do it just as well as Patrick could, if not better. Patrick's eye twitched, as he face burned in anger.

"You're bluffing." He tried.

"Am I?" I challenged, lowly.

He gave a huff of defeat, looking me in the eye dangerously. "Listen here, I will take it out. But, do not come crying to me if something terrible happens because the chip that has been in your brain since you were reborn, is gone - and it effects you horribly." He finished, the words haunting me.

I looked at him, coldly. Maybe I was being selfish, I mean the man saved me from death for Gods sake. But, at the same time he allowed me to not know about my past. Hell, he didn't even bother mentioning he was my uncle. How else am I suppose to react.

Gently, Carlisle guided me to an operating table in the middle of the room. I looked at them confused, was it really only those two who would be taking it out. They would be cutting into my skull, it seems like it would take more than just two people. Patrick noticed my expression and smirked.

"Having second thoughts?"

"No, but shouldn't it just be more than the two of you?" I asked.

"No, no one other than Anthony would be able to do this procedure successfully." Patrick answered as he began putting on white latex gloves.

I watched Carlisle do the same, the both of them putting on masks and getting the operating supplies ready. I breathed a sigh of stress when I realized how fast this was moving. Just yesterday I was in the throne room with Aro, now here I was about to truly get my memories back. About to truly become, Jolene. I couldn't help, but wonder if this is what the 'copy-cat' mean't by combined.

"Okay, I'm going to put you under heavy anesthetics now. I'll see you when you wake." Carlisle told me, as he slowly pushed a needle in my arm.

I watched as the substance disappeared from the needle, and into my arm. I gave Carlisle a friendly smile, before I was lulled into a deep sleep. At first I felt a slight pounding in my head before suddenly, everything exploded.

Color took over my eyes. Color's that I have never even seen before passed before I could comprehend. I could feel the warmth engulfing my body, as if it was trying to hug me. Sounds, whisper's that I couldn't make out tickled my ears. In a matter of seconds I could feel everything. I felt space, the air, the vibrations, the people. I can feel the gravity, the rotation of the Earth, the heat leaving my body, the blood in my veins. I could feel my brain the deepest parts of my memory.

I can remember the pain of scraping my knee, the feeling of my mother's hand on my head when I ran a fever, the feeling of how soft my blankets felt around me, I remember the taste of my mother's milk in my mouth. The room, the liquid, it was all there. Suddenly, I was staring at humanity through the ages. From the Navajo Indians riding horseback, all the way to the first Homo Sapien.

Before that was the dinosaurs, I could see them too. I watched the dinosaurs rise to the top of the food chain, and then fall into extinction. Then, I was going back further. I could see the Earth, and watched as a Mar's sized planet hit it. The destruction it caused was staggering. The fire, the lava, the death. I was jumping again, further into the universe. So many undiscovered planets, entities.

Suddenly, everything was there. In my mind. I knew who I was, I remembered everything as if I had lived through it - which I did. It wasn't like I thought it'd be. I didn't have any flashbacks, nor did memories pass before my eyes. It was all just there. Everything, including what it was like after death. Paradise. Heaven.

Peace, comfort, warmth, beauty. I was there, I was so happy. I met great people, people who were dead. I saw angels, interacted with them. I saw spirits that I had helped before. And, I saw him; God. I was overjoyed in death. It was gorgeous, so beautifully intricate - I couldn't even describe it. Then, I was shoved out of Heaven. Pulled away from it, from God. I was forced back into my body, without a clue on what happened. Now, I remembered, now I knew.

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