[little talks.]

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30 | Little Talks.

"HAPPY or sad endings?" I questioned Aro.

"Happy. Silk or cotton?" He answered, asking a question in return.

"Cotton." I said immediately, thinking up another question to ask. "What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?" The question seemed to catch Aro completely off guard.

"What? Where did you even come up with that sort of question?" Aro leaned back in the chair, letting out a loud laugh.

"Not important, now answer the question!" I spoke, eager to hear his reply.

I would be lying if I said I didn't love the Volturi's library. The library was where Aro and I had decided to come and hang out. Not that his chambers were boring, it was just that we kept getting caught up in each others mouths. Plus, I really wanted to learn more about Aro's preferences and such, so I suggested we play a question game. As you can see it's working out, better than I thought.

"In which case a book, I could never focus on reading if all I could hear was incessant tunes." Aro cringed slightly, as if the thought was dreadful. "What's your favorite color?"

I rose an eyebrow at the question. "My favorite color?" I spoke with a grin.

Aro rolled his eyes at my reply. "Yes, your favorite color. I would like to know exactly what color you prefer."

"Well, um... they are all nice." I answered, never having really thought about which color I liked the best.

"Frankie, that's not an answer." Aro scowled, bringing his ankle up to rest upon his other knee.

We sat across from each other at a small table in the library. The table was relatively close to a window, but alas it was one of those rare days in Italy where the sun was covered by clouds.

"I don't know! I've never thought about it before." I defensively said, getting flustered.

"Sweet, you must have a favorite color. Here, mine is red. See? Not that hard." Aro sighed.

I liked purple a lot. Purple looked good. "Purple." I answered him, gaining a smile back.

"I was thinking, and I realized that my relationship to both Athenodora and Didyme when she was alive was extremely close. You, are not close to either Marcus or Caius and I wish for that to change. Therefore I've made it so you will be spending half the day with Marcus, and the other half with Caius." My eyes widened, once I heard this.

Marcus was okay, but I couldn't help but be slightly scared of Caius. In my defense I don't think I've ever seen Caius be kind to anyone other than his wife!

"Caius is scary, though." I weakly tried to argue, my throat feeling like it was closing up.

"This is exactly why you should spend some time with him, I don't think it wise for my mate to fear my brother." Aro pointed out.

He did have a point. It wasn't like Athenodora was terrified of Marcus or Aro. In fact, I'm pretty sure she was close to both of them.

"Please tell me you will be there at least." I tried, my eyes pleading for him to say yes.

He gave me a sorry look before explaining. "Unfortunately, I have papers to do, but I will drop you off to both their chambers." He said.

"Aro please don't make me do this. Perhaps I could get close to more of the guard instead." I suggested hopefully.

"You're rather close to the guard, are you not?" He deadpanned, raising a single brow.

I groaned knowing there was no way I could get out of this.


"I don't understand this." I sighed, looking at the chess pieces.

It wasn't Marcus I was scared for, but rather Caius whom I had to spend time with later. Marcus was teaching me how to play chess, which was not working out very well. It was apparent that chess and I, did not mix.

"It takes time for someone to learn." Marcus wistfully said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't have that kind of time." I said, giving up.

Marcus gave me a ghost of a smile, placing the pieces of the board back where they belonged. Marcus's chambers were interesting. Aro's chambers were old-school, but Marcus's looked ancient. I mean the man didn't even have any real light bulbs, they were simply candles. Antiques were strewn across shelves, and the floor was pure stone - with only a bear rug covering it.

The part that I found most odd; however, were the ancient dresses hanging around the closet. Did he truly keep all of Didyme's things for so long?

"How long has it been, since you've redecorated your room?" I asked him, gazing about the room.

"Twelve-hundred years or so." Marcus replied instantly, as if the number had been imprinted in his brain.

I couldn't help but gape at that slightly.

"Why?" I questioned, shocked he'd go so long without any sort of renovations.

"Didyme. She always loved our chambers, I can't bear the thought of changing them." Marcus said, his eyes seemingly dazing off.

I had heard the tragedy of Didyme from so many people, but I wanted to know Marcus's side. He was after closest to her, Aro being second.

"If it's okay with you, will you please tell me your side of Didyme's story?" I questioned.

Marcus gave a sad sigh, before looking at me nodding. "Didyme was born several years after Aro. A decade and a half after Aro became a vampire, he transformed her into one as well, hoping she would show a useful talent similar to his. However, he was disappointed that her gift was simply to make those around her incredibly happy. This notwithstanding, Aro still planned to put such a power to use. Because of the aura of happiness, many people fell in love with her but she only ever reciprocated my feelings. We were incredibly happy together, and to such an end we no longer cared much about Aro's plans to gain control of the vampire world. After centuries with the Volturi, we made plans to leave. Aro gave his blessing, and we were too soon leave. One day I was out, and no one know's for sure, but we can only assume an enemy managed to slip inside the castle. We do not know who it was, but they beheaded Didyme and burned her body. I was the one who found her ashes. Without Didyme here, my life is incomplete." Marcus finished his story, with an air of depression.

I felt bad for him, he loved Didyme so much that he was even willing to leave his coven for her. I also felt bad for Aro, it couldn't be easy loosing your only sibling. The two didn't even know who it was that killed her, so there was no way they could execute the person.

A few seconds later, Aro appeared before us. He gave us both a smile, before ushering me out of the room. The two of us began making our way to Caius's chambers.

"I'm sorry about your sister, it must be hard loosing your only sibling." I solemnly told Aro.

Aro looked to me in surprise, tilting his head. "Yes, it was very hard, but I've had over a millennium to heal. Is that what you and Marcus were discussing?" He seemed slightly surprised.

"Yeah, he told me her story. Exactly how much younger was she than you?" I questioned him curious.

"If I remember correctly, nine years. Though I waited until she was exactly twenty-two to change her. So that only put three years in appearance between us." Aro explained.

"So, you were twenty-five when you were changed?" I asked, with a raised brow.

"Yes, as far as I'm concerned I was twenty-five." He chuckled, there was a slight pause before he asked me a question. "Frankie, how old were you when you died?" The question slipped from his lips in a gentle tone.

"Seventeen, that's what they've always told me." I answered straight away, looking at him with a smile.

"So young." He hummed to himself, shaking his head.

"I'm nervous, I don't think Caius likes me very much." I frantically told him, seeing as we were coming up at his chambers.

"Actually, Caius likes you a lot more than he likes most." Aro tittered, with a small laugh.

That did nothing to stop my nerves as he pushed open the doors, to his chambers. Caius's chambers were nothing like I expected. It was obvious Dora had helped out slightly as it had a sort of feminine touch to it. A multitude of blue's were splayed across the room, leading me to believe that was his favorite color. The room was more modern than Aro's or Marcus's, but not by much.

"Good evening, brother." Aro chirped, excitedly - dragging me away from studying the room.

Caius was sat at a large chair near the center of the room, reading an ancient book. Across from him was a small couch, colored a caramel brown.

"Hello." He greeted, flatly.

"I will back in no more than two hours." Aro said, kissing the top of my head before leaving the room.

"Sit." Is all Caius said, closing the book motioning to the open spot across from him.

Quickly, I walked to the couch and took a seat. Caius and I were drowned in silence, the both of us studying each other's features. Caius was no doubt the youngest of them all, he looked only to be the age of twenty, possibly twenty-one at the oldest. He was good-looking, for a vampire at least. Though, because he scowled all the time it kind of dimmed down that attractiveness he held.

"I am curious to exactly how it is you are able to best a new-born vampire as he is in a blood-frenzy, and cut off both arms to the strongest guard member here." Caius stated, leaning back in his chair, an intrigued expression crossing his features.

I decided that replying honestly was my best bet. "Well death did some pretty wacky things to me, as you already know. And well, that sword I used to cut off Felix's arms is made from Adamantium. Adamantium is the strongest metal on this planet, it's only logical that it's able to cut through your type skin. However, the only reason I was quick enough to do that to Felix was because of my enhanced speed." I explained to him.

Caius nodded, understanding. I had learned about Marcus's back story, I was curious to Caius's as well.

Shyly I looked at him biting my lip. I was debating whether or not to ask. Caius saw the look I was giving him, and rolled his eyes. "Yes?"

"Earlier Marcus told me about his past, I was wondering whether or not you could tell me your's." I questioned, tilting my head curiously.

"I suppose so..." Caius trailed off with a smirk, seemingly eager to be able to tell about his past. "Contrary to most belief, I am older than Aro and Marcus by at least a century." This took me by surprise as I had assumed that Aro was the oldest one here.

"I met Athenodora after running afoul of the Romanian coven, and we began traveling together as a bonded pair, with her later becoming my wife. When we came across Aro, I must admit I was quite taken of the his ambitious but long-ranged plans of domination. By the time we met, Aro had already formed a coven with Marcus. I was immediately attracted to the idea of joining forces with the gifted vampires. Though I have no psychic gift, Aro was drawn to my ambition and passionate capacity to hate." Caius let loose a sinister smirk, as he thought about it.

I was slightly shocked at his back-story. I had heard a lot about this Romanian coven, but I wasn't sure exactly who they were.

"Who are the Romanian coven?" I questioned Caius, shaking my head.

Caius scowled, at the thought of them before answering. "The Romanian coven is one of the oldest vampire covens in existence. The coven was located somewhere in Romania, known as Dacia at the time of its founding. It was the original ruling coven before we overthrew them with our supernaturally talented guards, in a war between 400 and 500 AD. After their loss of power, the coven now consists only of Vladimir and Stefan.

I nodded, intrigued at the long history the Volturi has acquired over the centuries. We were dowsed in a momentary silence before a random question peeked at my brain.

"Is it ever irritating not being able to use the new technology?" I questioned.

Caius glared at me before answering. "There is more to life than a screen."

"I heard you were quite the avid painter." I hummed upon seeing a portrait of the Tuscany country side hanging.

"Yes." He answered shortly before picking up the book he was once reading.

Before any of us could say anything, Aro came into the room with a smile. "Come, it is time to go now." Aro waved me over to the door.

Today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

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