[my blood.]

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05 | My Blood.

"CARLISLE?" I questioned as the two of us drove to SHARE.


"Does my blood appeal to you guys?" I had been wondering that since Edward told me none of their 'gifts' worked on me. Carlisle seemed to think on the question a bit before sighing.

"No." He answered simply. In an honest voice, he continued, "Generally when we smell a human their blood scent draws us in, but with you, it's like you have no scent. Your blood does not call to us in any way, if anything you smell more like a vampire. However, it changes when you actually bleed, I've never smelled anything like it. It doesn't stink, but it naturally repels us."

"Really?" I looked curiously. "I'm hoping that's a good thing, right?"

"Yes, it's a very good thing." Carlisle chuckled at the smile prominent on my face. My eyes moved themselves to the wilderness on the outside of the Mercedes Benz. The car flew by as it ascended up the mountain and neared the facility.

I turned my head back to Carlisle wanting to ask him a question, but I didn't want to come off as rude. His fingers lightly drummed his steering wheel along to the classical music playing softly in the background.

He looked at me briefly before he brought his gaze back to the road once more. A smile danced at his lips. "Yes?"

"How old are you?" The question slipped out before I could stop myself.

"I was bitten at twenty-three years old, but I've been this way for over three hundred years." Carlisle let out a small laugh at the look on my face.

"Whoa," I muttered looking at him a new light. "You're so old."


"I have a theory." Dr. Carson stated looking down at his clipboard. Carlisle came over with the scanner in his hand and lifted up my hair. I felt him scan the barcode on my neck after this the familiar 'ding' came from Dr. Carson's computer. The notification stating 'Project 2935F, checked in' popped up.

"What's your theory?" Carlisle questioned as he walked back to his computer typing in data of some kind.

"For the past year, we've been scanning her brain checking for any slight changes. You see as a person dies their brain gives an extreme spike in Neural activity. It's the most active point a human's brain ever is and will be. This is what causes the 'life flashing before my eyes' scenario and the 'out of body experience'. Once, Frankie was revived we immediately noticed her brain came back as it was in its last moments, essentially when it was at it's most active. Not only that but her brain stayed in that active state, it still is as we speak, and isn't showing any signs of slowing down. In my opinion that could be the reason for her strength, speed, being able to move things with her mind. However, before her revival, we placed a computer chip in her brain which essentially helps keep her under control. That chip can be controlled manually, and I have a hunch that if I turn some of that chip off, Frankie will be able to do more." Dr. Carson spoke in one breath.

Carlisle looked absolutely gobsmacked. "I'm sorry, what was that about a computer chip?"

"Oh yeah sorry, I forget you weren't here when she was revived. Essentially there's a computer chip currently implanted in her brain that's keeping everything at bay as best it can. We weren't expecting for her brain waves to come back so strong, so it does fail in some aspects, but turning off that chip could unlock so much more." Dr. Carson mumbled shaking his head his eyes wide in wonder.

"I suppose so..." Carlisle trailed off obviously still cautious about the whole thing. However, Dr. Carson acted as if he hadn't noticed. "Okay, come along you two." Dr. Carson spoke grabbing his laptop and heading out the door.

Obediently I followed my creator out the door, Carlisle not too far behind. The three of us stepped into an elevator which led to the basement level. Just as the doors were about to close an arm got in the way. As the doors opened up again the figure of Agent Laura Marshall was revealed.

"Hello, I saw you three headed down to the basement, and decided to be noisy and join you guys." The spunky agent stated earning a groan from Dr. Carson. "What have I told you about sticking your nose where it doesn't belong Laura." Dr. Carson questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"What have I told you about my thoughts on anal sex? It doesn't seem to stop you then." Laura fired back as the elevator descended. Carlisle choked on his breath staring at his colleagues wide-eyed.

"Are you two..." Carlisle awkwardly questioned earning a laugh from Laura.

"More like friends with benefits," Laura explained casually causing Dr. Carson to glare at her. "I thought we were to never speak of that?" He growled out looking at the firetruck redhead.

"Dr. Carson don't worry it's healthy to feel the need of exploiting your genital regions," I commented looking into the eyes of my creator. Laura burst out laughing leaning against the wall for support while Carlisle attempted, but failed at keeping his laughter in.

Dr. Carson held his hands to face while shaking his head. I watched as a pink blush crawled up his neck while he kept mumbling to himself. "Dear god Frankie, please never say anything like that again." The doctor begged, letting out a few chuckles himself.

"Oh my goodness, I love you, Frankie." Laura was now leaning on Carlisle for support as they laughed at Dr. Carson.

The doors opened revealing a long hallway with multiple heavy metal doors, adorning both walls. The four of us walked down the long hallway presumably to the end with the two doctors filling Laura in on what was happening.

At the very end, we came upon a door a heavy set door with guards lining either side of it. "Agents." Laura greeted earning nods in return as they stayed stoned face staring straight ahead.

As we entered the room we were greeted with a metal table surrounded by a multitude of different equipment. I had never been in the room and it was apparent neither Laura or Carlisle had either. They both looked around while slowly walking in.

Dr. Carson simply strolled in as if it was his own home. He quickly grabbed a plain white shirt, white pants, and a pair of white sneakers. He pushed the outfit toward me, telling me to put it on.

The clothes were familiar as these were all I had worn, for the first six months of my new life. The texture was a very soft cotton, I couldn't help but compare them to pajamas. With a shrug of my shoulders, I began taking off my current clothing.

Carlisle being the gentleman he is turned around, so he wasn't looking. Laura and Dr. Carson faced away from me studying and conversing about some sort of graphs on his computer. After I had changed and slipped on the shoes I walked over to where Dr. Carson was.

"Here, lay down on the table." He directed me gently. As I laid on the table two thoughts swam across my mind.

1. Would turning this chip off change me?

2. What was Aro Volturi like?

Aro Volturi had been in the forefront of my head since the Cullen's informed me of him. As the Cullen's said that a mate was supposed to love you eternally, I wanted that. Of course, I had the Cullen's who I love, but I wanted someone who I could hold cherish and get the same in return.

Over the past twelve hours, I had heard multiple stuff about Aro from the Cullen's. A majority of it; unfortunately, being negative. One thing that stuck out most to me was when I asked whether or not he had ever been married.

Apparently, he had, but to a woman who was not his true mate. Around three years ago, there was an attack on their home, specifically targeting the wives of Caius and Aro. Athenodora luckily survived, Sulpicia, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.

In Alice's words, Aro had been more angry than sad. He was angry the attackers were able to get past their guards so easily and take something which was his. He got his revenge as he apparently had Jane torture the entire coven before slaughtering them all himself.

Rosalie had added that because Sulpicia was not his true mate he wasn't affected as much. 'I bet he misses the sex, but other than that he probably doesn't care that much.' Are the exact words Rosalie had said.

"Okay this may feel a bit foreign, but I'm about to switch it off." Dr. Carson informed me.

Carlisle gave me a reassuring smile before stepping next to Dr. Carson. Laura stood in the corner watching passive faced. "So everything's being switched off?" I questioned.

"Yes, everything but safety command which isn't that important is being switched off. Don't worry." Dr. Carson smiled at me. With a nod of my head, I gazed at the high ceiling feeling slight fear.

This chip had been implanted in my brain for basically my entire life, how would it feel when it was switched off? "Okay, I'm going in 3, 2, 1!" I heard the ding of his laptop before my entire world froze. It was like everything was moving in slow motion, and a burning in my skull registered.

I couldn't breathe!

Where was I?

I think I'm drowning?

It hurt.

Something's touching me, it's trying to take me!

Death is that you?

He can't take me, I'm stuck.

They've glued me to the land of the living.

They want me to come back.

Go back where?

I don't know.

I can't remember.

Why can't I breathe?

Somebody help me!

I think I enjoy horses.

I love the sun.

Someone hurt me.

It was so beautiful.

Why am I here?

I don't think I'm supposed to be.

Suddenly I could breathe, and the world around me became so much more clear. Then everything returned to normal once more. The first thing I heard was a beautiful melody playing exactly one floor above, the second Dr. Carson's voice.

"Frankie? Frankie? Frankenstein!" Dr. Carson walked over touching my shoulder. However, as soon as he touched my shoulder he slid back.

It was then I realized I had accidentally pushed him back with my mind. "Sorry," I replied breathlessly gazing around. I felt like I could run a marathon!

Carlisle and Laura were quickly at the doctor's side. However, he shrugged them off and gave a huge grin. "Brilliant!" He cried out looking at me again.

"Why'd you do that?" Dr. Carson questioned only earning a shrug in response.

"I do not know. I didn't mean to do it." I replied honestly earning a nod from him in return. "Can we go to the shooting range?"


Minutes later we were in the agent training part of the facility, lead by Agent Laura Marshall herself. "Okay Frankie, you said you wanted to shoot a gun?" Dr. Carson questioned excitedly.

Carlisle had been slightly against the idea, but curious all the same. I had never shot a bullet in my short life, so why did I want to now? I wasn't sure.

"Here let's start simple, a pistol." Laura handed me the pistol.

With no hesitation, I walked over so I was standing about fifteen yards away from the target. As quick as a whip I had shot five bullets each landing in their designated spot, bullseye. I turned to see the three gaping at me

"How did you do that?" Carlisle questioned.

"I don't know it just feels kind of natural. Like an instinct of some sort." I explained not completely understanding the feeling myself.

"Of course. The chip must've been blocking primal instincts. I don't understand why shooting a gun is an instinct, but that must be what it is. You probably have even more instinct's we have yet to uncover, this is so much new data." Dr. Carson smiled eagerly delving into his own thoughts.

No comment was made as Laura handed me a rifle. "You think you can handle?" She questioned. I gave her an innocent smile before taking the rifle and cocking it. "I think I can handle."

Spinning around facing the targets once more I began shooting. This time though I went as far as to start changing targets, I hit a bullseye on every one. My personality felt the same, nothing about it felt different. However, I felt like I had new primal instincts. As if I could take on ten people at once.

After hitting each target at least five times the bullets finally ran out. I turned back around handing Carlisle the gun. Carlisle took it with raised eyebrows before questioning. "Do you feel any major differences?"

I mulled over his question a bit before shaking my head. "No, I don't really. For example, I still want to go home and watch Pocahontas," They all gave smiles at that. "But my hearing and sight are more clear if that makes any sense. Before it was good, but it almost felt covered. Now though, it feels explicit." I told them, biting my lip, trying to explain the differences.

They all nodded seemingly understanding. "Can I shoot some more? It's fun."

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