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Rebecca immediately reaches for the large, clunky crossbow but Jared gives her a look.

"We're in a school. We don't know Mr. Harrison is even in the gym. Maybe best to be a bit discreet about it?"

"Eugh, fine," she takes a knife and puts it precariously in her vibrantly coloured belt. Then she picks up the pistol and holds it out to me. "You still know how to use one of these?"

Yes, a voice in my head tells me, we've got this.

Hesitantly I nod, grasping the cold metal. She passes me a silencer to attach to the barrel and ai do so. My heart thuds against my ribcage. I'm in a school, and I have a gun. This isn't right. But what Mr. Harrison is doing isn't right either. He killed Kerri. He's going to eat Gemma. He needs to be stopped.

Don't get scared. Get angry.

My grip tightens on the weapon.

"You know," says Rebecca thoughtfully, "If we're about to be attacked by bugs, maybe a giant fly swatter would be more useful..."

"If you want to go in there with nothing but a fly swatter then be my guest, Becs," says Jared, slipping on a couple of knuckle dusters and grabbing an old looking dagger, "But I'm going to stick with something pointier."

She grins.

"Fine. Shall we go rescue Gemma?"

We head out of the changing rooms and pause outside the gym. Rebecca peers through the window. She lets out a low whistle.

"Gemma's at the bottom of the climbing frame," she says. "The cheerleaders are all crowded round her. This is some seriously messed up shit."

My heart thuds. She looks over her shoulder at us.

"Remember, don't hurt the girls. Weapons are for demons only. We get Gemma out of there, then we go for Mr Harrison. And if the bugs start coming...don't let them get you."

I try to steady my breathing. I can't believe this is actually happening.

Rebecca opens the door.

"You are ugly. You are worthless. You are nothing. You are his." The chant fills the large gym hall, echoing off the high ceiling and circling the gym equipment - a wooden gymnastics horse in the centre of the space, and gym bar at the end of the room.

No-one turns when we enter. I feel a lurch in the pit of my gut as I see large, bulbous grey bugs attached to the cheerleader's backs. And as I stare at them, I realise they are whispering the same words too. The sound of Gemma sobbing is mixed in with the chanting.

"Jesus, have they been doing this to her all day?" Rebecca looks sick. Beside me Jared's fists clench, making the knuckle dusters more prominent. "I'll go get Gemma - keep an eye out for Mr. Harrison. He must be around somewhere."

She hurries toward the group of girls as they continue to chant monotonously. Suddenly Courtney takes a step towards Gemma and the climbing frame hanging from the wall.

"What are you?" she says.

The crowd move slightly and I see her, eyes red rimmed, crouched on the floor. She looks at Courtney.

"I am ugly. I am worthless. I am nothing. I am his."

With her choked up words all the cheerleaders look simultaneously upwards. Rebecca pauses behind the group, and Jared's jaw hardens.

Very slowly I follow their gaze. My stomach lurches and adrenalin fires through my body.

A tall, spindly grey creature is hanging from the ceiling, its needle filled mouth open, and its eyes a crimson red.

It's Mr. Harrison.

"Thank you, my Whispers," he says - his voice alarmingly human. His bulbous red eyes focus on Gemma, "Now, my child, come up to me. It is time."

Gemma stands up and begins to climb the frame towards the demon that wants to eat her. Rebecca yelps and pushes forwards through the cheerleaders - trying to get to Gemma to pull her back down. Mr. Harrison's eyes flash red and focus on her.

"Girls, take care of this one."

They turn toward Rebecca, advancing on her as she stands in the middle. She braces herself.

"Seriously, guys? We really going to do this?"

And then the brawl begins, the group of them swallowing her as she manages to throw out as many punches as she's able. Jared rushes forwards to pull her out of the fray but Mr. Harrison jerks his head towards us as he does. And something truly horrifying happens. He opens his mouth wider than should be possible and suddenly, from within, the bugs fly out. Ten of them swarm Jared and he falls to the floor. The rest move towards me - around twenty of them - some on the ground, some airborne. The gym is filled with the sound of buzzing wings, scuttling legs, and Jared's screams. The air feels heavy, it smells of sweat and fear and I feel like I'm choking on it.

Don't let them touch you Kerri's voice consumes my mind, it's up to you now. Don't let them touch you.

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