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The entrance hall is big and dark, filled with girls waiting to be told where to go. Their excited chatter echoes off the high ceiling of the cavernous space. I shudder. They don't know why they're really here.

On one side of the room is a black admissions desk, and beside it a roped of doorway leading into the depths of the wax museum. A musty aroma lingers in the air and it stirs some memory inside me that disappears before I can grasp onto it.

I pull the others immediately to the shadows by the wall, past where the open door of the entrance casts a beam of light onto the black linoleum floor. I don't want us to be seen. They'll know immediately that we don't belong here – that I don't belong here.

"Now what?" I hiss.

As Rebecca gazes around the room - for all intents and purposes like she's just a casual visitor at the museum rather than here to fight a demon – the door we came in through closes plunging us in darkness. I breathe in sharply, blinking hard as my eyes adjust to the dim light.

From the other side of the hall I hear the clicking of shoes against the floor, and I peer into the darkness. A spindly figure wearing a top hat has emerged from behind the cordoned off doorway.

"He's one of the demons..." I whisper.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious..." Rebecca whispers back.

"Shhh," whispers Jared.

The gentlemanly demon unlatches the rope then looks around at all the girls, congregated around the tall admission desk.

"Welcome," his voice booms about the space. "Please form an orderly line. You will be led through to the next room where you will be judged prior to preparation."

He makes to turn back through the door, but then suddenly looks in our direction. Rebecca pulls us both backwards against the wall. My heart thumps against my ribs as the demon seems to search the darkness. There's an excruciating moment when I'm sure he's seen us.

And then he turns and walks into the museum – a trail of girls following in his wake.

Rebecca, her hand still pinched around the sleeve of my denim jacket on one side, and Jared's leather jacket on the other, drags us forward after them. I pull against her at first. The part of me that still belongs to me has no desire to go any further into this wax museum of horrors.

But then I hear the voice in my head that doesn't belong to me.

Avenge me it says, avenge us all.

And so I take a deep breath and allow Rebecca to pull me into the darkness.

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