Abigya Sizziling Water Romance

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Hi guys this is sowji...now again back to ff. I hope everyone likes this plot...

He asked her how did you enter in this room...Pragya gesture him see there...abi asked through the window...I want to lock this window...Pragya smiled....she pulled his cheeks said cute kid....abi shows disgusting look towards her... Pragya goes towards the window...she used ladder...she came out from his room..abi said she is really irritating me...I slapped her...I scolded her...but still she never change her attitude towards me...sometimes, I feel she is good...sometimes I feel she is a really disgusting bitch...abi was standing in front of mirror...he look at his lips...he thinks about pragya...how she kissed his lips...abi said she is really wild cat...meow meow....pragya reached her home.....she goes towards her room...she said I escape from my mom...else she started to give her lecture...Pragya was standing in front of the mirror...she touched her lips...she blushed...she covered her face using her hand...she said when I saw his face...I can't control myself...I like to irritate him...I like to get a slap from his hand...she slapped me..but still I love him...one day, he will understand my feelings...I want to sleep now..good nit Pragya Abhishek...Pragya again blushed..she goes towards her bed...she dozed off slowly...next day morning 🌅...Pragya gets a call...she picks up that call..she said I am on the way...In abi home,abi said I wanna go to shoot....he saw his phone...oh shit...I forget to call purab......abi called him..Purab pick up his call...Purab asked abi where are you...abi said on the way...I will reach there in 15min... abi was driving his car...15minutes later..abi get down from his car.simultaneously Pragya car entered to parking area....abi saw pragya...he gave a disgusting look towards her...pragya smiled....abi reached producer cabin...pragya parked her car... Pragya entered the office...whole boys are ogling at her...pragya never look at anyone...she was walking towards producer cabin...abirab, group of people is talking with producer..pragya knocked the door...whole boys were stopped their talk...they look at pragya..pragya asked may I come in sir...abi see her...pragya looks very hot...they can't take off eyes from her...producer said hello miss pragya...we are waiting for you...u entered at right time...Pragya smiled...abi feel a little bit jealous...but he never shows in his face...Purab was ogling at pragya...purab said hey pragya...he come towards her...he hugged her...pragya said long time after we are seeing eachother...purab said sorry dear...I was strucked with my work...abi took some magazine...he behaved as he never noticed pragya behavior...but his eyes gaze on her...pragya never look at abi face...abi thinks in his mind...y she never look at me...she is really weird.. whenever solely with her...she was doing romance with me...now she never gaze at me...whatever it's I don't care about her...she is really disgusting bitch...some people are talking about pragya...it increases abi anger...producer asked shall we start our shoot...pragya said I am ready sir...producer give script to them...producer said today is romantic shoot in water fall...pragya feel very happy...but she never shows in her face.....camera man,abigya, purab, director, script writter,producer,all the technician,makeup artist,costume designer reached that shooting spot....designer give their attire...abi wore his attire...purab helped abi...purab said hey handsome u look so hot...abi smiled said don't flirt with me...they reached water falls...they are waiting for pragya arrival...pragya came out from van...whole boys kept their hand in their mouth...she looks very hot...abi turned...abi was stunned...he was ogling at her...pragya knows that...abi was ogling at her...she never look at abi face...she feel very happy..I always want his gaze towards me...purab whispered to abi..abi she looks very hot...I can't take off my eyes from her...abi feel jealous...abi scolded her in his mind...y she was wearing this kind of attire...everyone gaze on her...producer said Pragya u look hot in this attire.Pragya smiled....again abi scolded her in his mind...Pragya sees abi...abi turned his face..he is secretly ogling at her...director explained their shoot...abi was standing in the waterfall...water pours in his whole body. Pragya wrapped her hand around his shoulder...abi will speak his dialogue...after Pragya will speak her dialogue...Pragya thinks oh god ji...thank u so much...I will utilize this chance..he is mine.Pragya feels very happy...Pragya said k sir...director they reached that waterfall... Asked r u ready abi...purab asked sir I have any seen here...director said hey Purab today shoot is only for hero and heroine...purab pout his face...Pragya said don't worry purab...after that shoot we will take lots of pictures...abi think in his mind...it's really important to her life..he scolded her in his mind...Purab said wow..super pragya...you is right...I am waiting for the end of this shoot...abi think in his mind...I will never end this shoot...wait and watch...I don't like this bitch..but I don't know y??..I never like anyone close to her...no abi...don't think about her...she is really disgusting girl...purab touches his shoulder...abi come back to his sense...Purab asked where are you lost abi...I was calling you past 10minutes...abi saw pragya...abi said kuch nahi..pragya chuckled..director asked Mehra and Arora r u ready...they show thumb up...Pragya was standing in front of abi...abi was standing in his position...water fell down on them... Director said action...Pragya touched abi seduce manner...abi think in his mind, I am waiting for end day of this shoot...pragya whispered I will never allow you to go away from me...abi said you are challenging me...Pragya said no.I never challenging you...after she whispered in his ear..hey sexy...I can't control myself..your smell makes my hormones arousal....if I get a chance...I will do sex along with you...abi looks shocked..he looks at her eyes......Pragya winked her eyes..abi looks on... Pragya look at his eyes..both are eye lock(background plays Humsafar toh music)...abi started to say his dialogue "Tumhare ishq se bani hoon main...pehle zinda thi...ab jee rahi hoon main." Pragya looks on...Pragya hold abi shoulder very tightly...purab heard people gossip about this couple...they are a really amazing couple...Pragya whispered in his ear I love you...my aim is I want to die in your lap...I want to see your eyes till my last breath...abi looks stunned..immediately Pragya crushed her lips on him...today abi reacted for her kiss...it's like hunger kiss...Purab looks stunned...he kept his hand on his mouth....suddenly Pragya come back to her sense...she pushed abi...abi looks on...he gesture y did you stop this...she turned to go...again abi hold her hand..he pulled her towards him...Pragya turned...abi kept his chin on her shoulder...he hold her waist very tightly..she closed her eyes...Pragya blushed... the whole team clapped their hand..this is a really excellent shot...she opened her eyes.....Pragya looks mixed expression...abi noticed Pragya reaction...
Abi introduced to pragya...pragya she is my co-partner...miss pragya...she is styla..she is my fiance...Pragya asked oh really...congrats styla...abi looks shocked....he thinks what happened to her...I expected, she got angry with me...instead, she looks very cool...Pragya smiled...she touched his hand with her hand...no one noticed that...abi looks stunned...

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