Abigya Switzerland Shoot

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Pragya feel hot warm air inside her face.. she opened her eyes...she looks shocked..as same time abi opened his eyes...both are eye lock(background plays Allah warriyan).both are looking at each other eyes. Pragya moves towards abi...abi look at her eyes...Pragya clashes her forehead in abi forehead..abi screamed ouch...abi asked y r u clashes your forehead in my forehead...Pragya said shuhhh..shuhhh...abi asked what shuhhh...why you hit with my head..how dare you to clash with my forehead...Pragya closed abi mouth....she pushed him towards sit....abi looks on....abi again speak.Pragya keeps her hand in his mouth...Pragya cheek touched with abi cheek...abi feels warm..abi closed his eyes...Pragya whispered I am sorry...I never did anything intentionally...abi opened his eyes....he listens to her words...Pragya claimed I clash with your forehead when I wake up from my sleep...my dadi said we will never leave them with a single hit in the forehead...it's not good to that person...that's y I crash you again...anyway I am sorry...single hit is negativity thing..that's y I crash again...Pragya goes away from abi...she hold her ears.....she whispered I am sorry...Please don't scream. It disturbs everyone's sleep.....abi can see her innocent..abi think in his mind she is really cute...abi cupped her cheeks.Pragya looks shocked..abi said it's Ik...no problem...he softly pinched her cheeks..you look so cute when you ask sorry to me..abi left from there...Pragya touched her cheeks..she blushed..abi turned to look at her...he smiled...he went to freshen up...she opened compact powder....she look at her face in that mirror...she smiled thinks about abi...how softly he pinched her cheeks.Pragya said today I love myself...I want all morning like this... She covered her face with her hand....she blushed more..suddenly Pragya heard abi voice...she is shocked...Pragya slowly removed her hand from her face....she looks on....abi asked r u k??..Pragya gave sheepish smile..she nodded her head...abi could not understand her reactions.....it makes a smile in his face...Pragya said excuse me...Pragya reached washroom..she cursed herself....idiot donkey what I did..she scolded herself..suddenly someone saw her....that person give a weird look towards pragya....pragya gave sleepish smile towards that person...she said hello....that person smiled scared manner...after that Pragya freshen up....she reached her seat... that person murmured Pagal like...abi saw pragya....she never look at abi face....abi was trying to control his laugh...her each antic make smile in his face... Few hours later...they reached Switzerland...they get down from the flight....pragya take selfie in her mobile...she feel cool breeze...she posted that in her social account...abi noticed pragya each antics...again pragya take a image...suddenly someone hold pragya waist...she jerked...she look at that person...that was abi...abi asked u will take image without your co-star..pragya looks on...abi winked his eyes...pragya claimed I thought you will never take selfie with me...pragya acted as she looks upset...abi think in his mind y she looks upset...oh abi.. she is worrying about my words...abi asked what happened pragya...pragya said kuch nahi...lets we take selfie...suddenly whole team joined with them...pragya keep her hand in abi shoulder...she give pose like model.. abigya hold pragya waist...they took image...abi said nice picture...pragya said this picture took by me..so it will be nice...abi smirked...pragya raised her eyebrows ups and down..abi pinched pragya waist..pragya screamed in pain...all asked what happened pragya and pragya madam..pragya said kuch nahi...simply screamed😜😛..producer said pragya be careful...we are worrying about you...pragya said thank you sir and sorry sir..producer said it's k no problem...lets we go...he screamed lets we go...after pragya look at abi...abi chuckled..pragya stared at abi...abi never look at her..he blows whistle move on from there...pragya ran towards abi...she whispered I know that...you did that intentionally...abi look at her..he smirked...pragya give death glare towards abi...after they finished check out...they left from airport...pragya never talk with abi...she never look at his face...abi glares on pragya...suddenly pragya turned...abi raised his eyebrows...pragya give gape glare towards abi.. she turned curtly...abi smiled...they reached the hotel.. They already book the room for them...so they get a key....they leave to their respective room...Pragya room is opposite to abi room...when Pragya turn, he smiled at teasing manner...Pragya feel irked...she turned curtly...abi enjoyed her anger...pragya opened her room..abi turned towards her room...Pragya gave death glare towards abi...abi laughed...Pragya slammed her door...abi opened his room...he entered his room..he is very tired...he fell down on his bed... He closed his eyes.Pragya's face came...he smiled....he opened his eyes....he thinks in his mind she is really cute...when she gets angry, her button nose looks red...At Pragya room, Pragya blushed..she thinks about each moment spend with abi.....how he pinched her waist...she look at her waist...she covered her face with hand...she blushed....she looks at abi pic...that picture took in her last shoot...she blushed more(background plays tu meri jaan hai)...after both are thinking about eachother...they dozed off slowly in their bed...next day morning, abi wake up from his sleep...abi look at his alarm...time shows 8 am...abi screamed oh sit...he freshen up....he get ready from his rock star style....he takes his coolers...he wore it...he opened his door....he saw Pragya room...he thought to knock that door...but he stopped....he gets a call from producer....abi said I am on the way...producer said to come soon...abi knocked her room.... suddenly cameraman saw abi...camera man said hey abi...y r u waiting here...lets we go...abi thinks about pragya...he said this is Pragya room...cameraman asked what...you are waiting for pragya...abi said no. .I am not waiting for her...is she not opening her door...that's y I thought to knock her door...camera said I think she left..that's y she never opened her door....suddenly they heard some sound...Pragya looks very hot...she saw abi and cameraman standing in front of her door...cameraman said hi pragya...finally u came...we thought you left from here...Pragya looks at abi...abi remove his coolers from his face...Pragya wore her coolers(background plays Allah warriyan)...Pragya asked shall we go?..camera said yeah sure...they reached shooting spot...director explained that scene...abi was ogling at her...pragya enjoyed his gaze on her.but she never looks at his face... After Pragya goes towards abi...she whispered get ready pati dev...abi looks on...Pragya smiled...costume designer said sir I kept your attire in your van...just change your attire...abi nodded his head...he smiled thinks about Pragya words...they exchanged their cloth...director asked r u ready...abigya said yeah sir...they reached their shooting spot... Director screamed action!! Abi said I will teach you...how to wear this saree..r u ready???...Pragya nodded her head...suddenly abi hold Pragya waist... Pragya closed her eyes....she feels the electric shock in her body...abi saw pragya....pragya clutched abi shoulder firmly... Abi takes Pragya hand....he keeps her hand in his shoulder...abigya look at eachother...abi taught how to wear this saree...Pragya admire him...it increases their closeness...it looks like they are ready to kiss their lips...suddenly director screamed cut...abigya come back their sense...Pragya looks shy..abi feel weird... Abigya reached their van...Pragya said whenever he comes nearby me, my heartbeat fluttered more...oh god...I can't control my feelings...abi said what I was trying to do her...abi looks confused... Purab packed his stuff...he got a blessing from dadi...dadi blessed him...she said I really miss you beta...abi left me...now u...purab hugged dadi..he said dadi...just 2 days wait for me...I will be back soon.. dadi looks upset...purab consoled dadi...he said hey beautiful granny...smile please...he kissed dadi...dadi smiled...after he reached airport..one girl was talking with her phone...she said maa I reached airport...don't worry maa...I will be back soon..Purab comes the same direction.Purab was walking behind that girl..suddenly that girl stopped...purab never noticed that...he was chatting with pragya...he hurriedly clashes with that girl...purab fell down towards the floor...she never noticed his leg... she clashes with his leg...she slipped...she screamed aahaah..she fell down on him..Purab screamed what the hell...that girl look at his face.
One guy was trying to touch the Pragya body. Pragya feels weird feeling..abi look at Pragya face...she looks very upset...Pragya was trying to concentrate....suddenly he excuse herself..she reached her van...abi looks on...abi think in his mind what happened to her...

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