Abirab Comes To Pragya Home

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

The cameraman said she never talked anything wrong...actually she helped you...abi scolded him...abi said I know...what I doing...don't teach any lessons to me...I never asked any help from her...pragya goes towards washroom...she is crying... Suddenly someone entered to washroom...pragya wiped her tears...one girl asked mam to you ok??..pragya nodded her head...pragya said excuse me...she leave from the washroom..that girl goes towards producer cabin...the producer asked sheela what happened...sheela said sir pragya mam left from the office...she is crying..she said she is unwell..she will talk with you in phone about shoot...purab looks upset...he got anger on abi...he never utter any word...he left from the cabin..pragya reached her home...she never talk with anyone...abi think in his mind I got anger on her unnecessarily...it's all happened by purab...that's whoy I showed my temper with her...abi get up from his place...he said lets we continue our meeting...it increased whole team anger...one guy whispered to another guy it's all happened by him...she gave suggestions to him...he don't like her suggestions...he would ignore that...y he scolded her...he is not a rock star...he is an arrogant star...another guy pacified him...he said pragya is very hot model...she is nice girl...he doesn't like her...then y did he kiss her...he is....another guy said just cool...I hope, she will be k...we will talk with her later...keep calm...producer said abi now meeting is over.....I will call you to inform about this shoot...abi wore his coolers said k fine...we will meet on shoot.....producer think in his mind what happened to him...he is not that type of guy...he gives respect to all...but why he scolded her...as a producer, I can't understand them...sometimes I feel, they are the best couple...now, I can't predict it...still can't understand what's going between them.At Pragya home, Pragya locked her room...she was standing in front of the mirror... she laughed loudly...she scolded me.I like his anger towards me...we show our anger only with our loved one...I am his loved one...Abi thinks in his mind.I was overreacted...it hurt her a lot...actually she helped me...but I scolded her....it's all happened by purab... Purab comes towards abi room...Purab asked what u think about yourself Bhai...abi asked what do you mean purab...purab said she helped me...why did you scold her...why you don't like her...abi said nothing like that Purab.I accept that...she helped me...but I never ask any help from her...who is she...she is just a co-partner for my movie..that's it...we don't have any relationship...purab said bhai she is my friend...she has all rights on me...abi asked you will go against me because of her...purab said I will never go against you...if you never like her suggestions..you just told...why did you scold her...your words hurt her a lot...abi murmured it will never hurt her...she is acting...I scolded her many times..she never takes that as serious...Purab asked what Bhai. Abi said it's not my mistake...it's all happened by her...she is responsible for everything...Purab said Bhai...why you don't like her...I like her...Praise her for my sake...don't scold her...abi said Purab I have no problem with her...I just told, it's not my mistake...purab think in his mind I can't understand what problem between them...Purab said Bhai...hereafter she will never give any suggestions to you...just chill...now she needs someone to console her...I am going to her home...abi looks shocked...abi said Purab she is not a kid...she is not crying...Purab said Bhai...she is my friend...I wanna know is she is ok or not?..abi said ok fine, I will also come along with you...Purab looks on... Purab said no Bhai...I wanna meet her alone...abi said why??..I will also come along with you..what's the problem?.Purab was trying to stop abi...abi never allow him to meet her alone...abi and Purab were sitting in the car...purab was trying to stop abi...but abi never listen to his words...they reached Pragya home...purab knocked Pragya home...Sarala opened the door...purab introduced himself...Sarala said you are abi...sarala knows about abi..she is her co partner...abi smirked...abi said namstey, Aunty...Sarala welcomed them...Purab asked maa where is pragya..pragya was in her room...Purab asked maa shall I meet her...sarala said sure beta...sarala shows the path for Pragya room...purab knocked Pragya room...Pragya screamed maa leave me alone for a while minute...abi think in his mind is she really upset??..y I feel, it's her acting...Purab said Pragya it's me purab...pragya was blinking her eyes...she said what he is doing here...he is abi brother...I wanna act in front of him...Pragya asked Purab aap...pragya applied artificial teardrops in her eyes...it changed her eyes into red eyes.... it looks like she cried...she hide that teary drops in her drawer...she opened her room..she looks surprised...abi and Purab were standing in front of her room...Purab asked Pragya are you ok??.. Pragya said yeah I am ok...abi think in his mind, Is she really acting or crying??..abi looks confused...purab feel pity for pragya...pragya think in her mind my game begins...
The producer asked where is our heroin....abi was taking a selfie with their fans...suddenly abi turned...Pragya was standing in front of him...she was wearing burka...she said sir I am your big fan...shall I take a selfie along with you...abi said sure..abi feel a familiar connection towards that girl...abi saw her eyes...both are eye lock...

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