How Dare He??????

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Purab thinks I wanna kiss my Pragya like this way...he closed his eyes...he remembered about bulbul kiss on his lips...immediately he opened his eyes.. he looks on... Purab said oh god when I think about Pragya...but flight girl is appear in my Purab don't think about her...suddenly Purab get a call from an unknown number...he attend that call...he said hello...abi said hello Purab this is abi...Purab said hey abi how r u was the shoot...abi said yeah everything is good...what about you?.how is your work??. Purab said yeah good... they talked for a while minute..he asked about Pragya...abi smile faded....he retorted she is good...he never tells about her fiance..he never wanna talk about him to Purab. Purab smiled...he said k abi...take care..abirab finished their conversation...rabul are walking in the same road..few of People are walking there on that road. both are never seen each other face. Purab touched his heart as same as bulbul...rabul said y I feel very happy... One of bulbul classmate called her...her name is riyana...they are studying in the same class..she is a close friend of bulbul.....they recently become friends....riyana is USA citizen...she asked what are you doing here bulbul...bulbul claimed I don't know riya...y I feel very happy..she smiled...Riya said because you've come along with a beautiful girl like me...bulbul smirked...she said it's very funny...she started to tease her...riyana started to chase her...she is running in that road...suddenly Purab heard girls voice... He sees riyana face...he smiled...after he left from there...
Rahul asked what do u mean???.. Pragya asked bhai I will explain lets we go to my room...they go towards Pragya room...Rahul understands she will never reveal a secret in public they move towards the room..they reached their room...Rahul asked now tell... Pragya started to tell flashback to begin u know that. I went to my friend's marriage. I never expect dadi would ask me like this way...Pragya looks very pretty...she likes kids...she always spends some time along with kids...she is playing with kids...abi dadi noticed each reaction of pragya...she likes her...she started to admire her...suddenly one of guest told about pragya...dadi overheard their conversation...she is working as a model in Mumbai...she is very nice girl...they started praise about her...dadi asked about Pragya to groom family...dadi is neighbors of groom family...Pragya is neighbors bride family.....they were started praise her...she is working as the model...but she is very rich girl...dadi asked what...then y she worked as the model...groom mom claimed she has more money...but she doesn't like depending on others...she is only one daughter of Arora industry...I saw many girls in my life...but any girl in her position...they will surely use their money power...but she behaved as normal...she loves her family..our daughter in law father worked in her father company...Arora company treated their employees as their's all happened by her...actually her father changed everything for his daughter sake... a few days before, she lost her father...she came here to fulfill her father wish...dadi was impressed...she smiled...she thinks I wanna daughter in law like her for my grandson....bride and groom are happily married... Pragya arranged for their honeymoon trip...they thanked her...few days after,dadi sees Pragya again...she helped the old man to cross the road...again dadi impressed...dadi came to the temple...suddenly she got dizziness...Pragya sees dadi...she helped her...she Splashed water on her face...after she gives water to drink...dadi sees her...actually she came temple...She prayed to God..please god I want a good daughter in law for my grandson...please show her...when dadi opened her eyes...she sees pragya...after she look at god..she thanked her..pragya asked dadi r u k??..if you want anything...dadi nodded her head as no..pragya asked dadi please come with me...I will drop you in your home...dadi smiled. Pragya holds dadi shoulder..dadi likes her a lot...she decided she is perfect for abi...pragya is driving her car towards dadi home...dadi asked beta I need your help. pragya asked bolo dadi. I will help you..dadi asked I want you as my daughter in law. Pragya looks shocked...she stopped forcibly her car...She looks at dadi...dadi said I am sorry beta to ask you like this....but I like you a lot...I met you at my neighbor's marriage...I like your nature... I thought you are perfect for my grandson...dadi showed his grandson picture...dadi told her family issue... Pragya thinks in her mind
I thought to reject her proposal...I saw her face....she looks worried about my answer...I feel, I never wanna hurt her, I said dadi I need time to think about this...dadi nodded her head...dadi give her visiting card...after that, I dropped her...I went to my home...I was thinking about her Words... I don't know what to tell her...I feel stressed...I thought to relax...I went to a pub. I don't know I would face tragedy in my guy was mixing drink with intractable pills...I heard their conversation...they thought to kidnap rich girls...then they blackmail their family after that they can get money from them...I was shocked...I don't to save the girls..they chose me in their plan...I look shocked...I never show my fear in my face....after that, I was planning to escape from there...I covered myself with dupatta... one of his gang members recognized me...I hid my face...I was trying to escape from guy grabbed my hand. I look shocked...he holds my hand...I screaming help...flashback end...Rahul screamed how dare could he held my sister's hand... just show his face...I will kill him...Pragya smiled...she said that you are overreacting now...Rahul stared at her...he asked listen pragu if u think, I am overreacting...I don't care about that. I will never allow anyone to harm my sister..... Pragya hugged him...she said I know that that...You are wonderful would Protect me always....but see now I am k...if u anyone will try to harm me again...I will inform please we will have your favorite bitter guard juice...Rahul asked no I will have juice later...I wanna know what happened after did you escape from them...Pragya said bhai be patient...we will have our energy drink...after that, I will tell...Rahul claimed no pragu...u make me more restless...I wanna know...what happened after that...she smiled.....she thinks how much he cares about me...I got wonderful Bhai...thank god giving me such a wonderful Bhai...Pragya retorted k Bhai...I will reveal...please wait I feel hungry...I will order juice...after that, I will tell....she called room service guy..she informed she need 2 bitter guard same as abi feel very thirsty...he looks at water was he thought to have juice..he ordered 2 pineapple juice...he told his room number is 308...pragya room number is 318....they prepared their juice...he wrote abigya order in the same place....time passed ....still they both never received their order...Rahul saw pragya...she looks very dull...he asked pragu what happened..she said baiyya I feel very hungry...suddenly rahul called receptionist...he said this is rahul here...receptionist looks shocked..he said sir aap... immediately give phone to the manager...she informed to the manager...pragya thinks y he behaved as owner of this hotel...if he said like this...they will bring juice for us..rahul spoke his manager...he just nodded his head....the manager goes towards room service guy..he said rahul sir called us...he is here in our hotel...he stayed in pragya mam room...immediately bring bitter guard juice to that service guys looks confused...actually he already got 2 order..he reached abigya room...he look at room number 308 and 318....he thinks about the manager words..he understands wrongly bitter guard juice for 308 room number....he bring juice for them in trolley tray.....he goes towards abi room...he knocked his room...abi smiled...he thinks finally my juice came..he opened his room...he hold bitter guard juice tray in his hand...he thinks this is rahul sir...but where is Pragya mam...I think she is in washroom....abi asked finally you came along with my juice...that guy smiled..abi saw him...he smiled😊😊☺😆😃... Room services boy wrongly gave bitter guard juice to abi...abi spits out from his mouth..he scolded room services boy...what kind of juice is this?????. Room services boy asked Rahul only asked this....abi asked who is service boy asked you....abi laughed...he said I am not service claimed sorry sir...actually Pragya mam asked this...I wrongly bought here...abi asked what!!! why she asked this...Room services boy said yeah sir...actually Rahul sir liked this...she thought to have bitter guard juice along with him...abi thinks in his mind she is doing this to attract can she do this...i....I... Abi asked to wait a minute how do u know service guy told whole incident...abi think in his mind it means...he is the owner of this means she knows that...she is staying in his fiance hotel...At Pragya, she asked baiyya it means...this is our hotel.Rahul nodded his head...she looks surprised and shocked...
Abi knocked Pragya room...she opened the door......abi saw pragya...pragya looks on...Rahul screamed who is disturbing us at this time...abi heard his words...abi entered their room...he said it's me Mr.rahul...Rahul see abi...he look at Pragya...

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