It's All Over

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Hi guys this is sowji... thank you for your support... let's move to ff...

Abi said i never wanna hear anything from your hurted played with my brother accepted my proposal.In your life,how many boys are there.I thought,you are a good family cheap girl you are. Pragya shouted Shut up!!Mr.abishek prem mehra.Abi looks shocked.Abi Again Speak.Pragya gesture him stop!!.Abi looks on.Pragya said u never ready to hear the truth.I was standing calm when you accused me.But I shouldn't calm when you speak about my character.u know what!!I loved you truly.I never loved anyone in my life except you.u misunderstood our brother loved me.I never loved your thought me as shameful woman.Today you hurted my feelings.I should never forget this day in my life.i should never forgive you in my life.I never thought u would blame me like this way.I never did anything to your brother.Hereafter I couldn't tolerate your accusation against me. Screenshift to purab guest house, purab said that's y I lied with you.I loved Pragya.she is also beautiful woman.both are really stupid.whatever I told,you girls believed it.immediately purab heard some sound.he hold his cheeks.yes,Bulbul slapped his cheeks.purab screamed how dare you to slap me.Again Bulbul slapped his other cheeks.Bulbul shouted enough!!Mr.purab.purab tried to speak.she screamed sssshhhhhhhh!!!.Bulbul shouted what you said.both are really stupid.yes!!you are right.we are really stupid. That's y we trusted you.she believed your words.I too believed your stupid words.we doesn't know your real faces.I did very big sin in my life.that's y I got you as my lover in my life.purab looks on.Bulbul said I blindly love with you.whatever you shared with me,I believed your words.Because I loved you truely and blindly.Everyone says "love is blind.Today I realized how blind I am!!. Our Heart doesn't always love the right people at the right time.sometimes,we hurt the one love as the most and sometimes we love the ones that don't deserve love at all".Today I realized my love for you is blind And You,she pointed her index finger towards purab.she shouted It's all over now.You never deserve my,I never feel sad.I feel very happy.I really feel ashamed to love you in my life.Don't forgot this important sentence in your life."Karma is a boomerang". hereafter I will never come to see your face.I don't want to see you in my life.I hate you.she is leaving from there.Suddenly purab hold Bulbul hand.purab said you slapped me.I keep shouted at me.I am silent.but now I couldn't keep calm.Bulbul is trying to take her hand from his hand.purab never ready to leave from her hand.Bulbul shouted just leave my hand.Purab shouted I will never leave your hand till my last breath.Bulbul looks on. At Abi Guest House,Abi said If you speak like this way.If you think I could melt in your words.Pragya never utter any word.She looks shattered.she thinks in her mind how could he think me as cheap girl.I never loved anyone except you.Your doubted misunderstood my conversation with your brother.I want to show you.What we talked in that room.It's only solution for us.I am doing this for me not for you.Abi is speaking continuously with Pragya.Pragya goes towards tv.Abi screamed what are you doing.I told you,just leave from here.Pragya said I will leave before I wanna show you something.After that I will never disturb you in my life.when she played her conversation with purab.Abi heard whole conversation between them.he looks shattered.he understood how much he hurted her.when he turned.Pragya is not present there.she left from his house.Pragya is driving her car.her eyes filled with tears.she never utter any word.she is crying continuously.she never expected Abi would hurt her feelings and her love like this way.She reached her home.when sarala noticed her.she call her.she never utter any word.she never responded to her mom words.she locked her room.she is crying like vulnerable doll.she reminisces each moment spent with abi(background plays female version hamari adhuri kahani).Abi is totally broke down into tears.he understood how much pain she is having now.he immediately take Pragya mobile.he drives his car towards Pragya home.sarala knocked Pragya room.Pragya screamed Maa I want to be alone for a while minutes.please maa leave me alone.tears are slowly fell down from her eyes.Sarala asked Pragya what happened.Is anything happened between you and Abi.Pragya hided her talks between Abi.she said nothing like that maa.please maa I wanna be alone for a while minute.Don't ask me any questions.Give me some time.I am really tired.Sarala said k beta take rest.If you want any help from me immediately.Pragya said k maa.sarala thinks I wanna talk with Abi.At Abi car,he is driving his car.sarala called Abi.he pick up her calls.she asked Abi beta where are you.Abi said maa I am on the way to your home.sarala asked k beta come soon.I am waiting for you.He enquired about Pragya.sarala shared her conversation with Pragya.he realized she hided her pain.she lied with her maa.they ended their conversation.he thinks I am sorry's all my mistakes.I was scared to lose you.he is my brother.I misunderstood your conversation.I am really stupid,when you asked me to give a chance.I never gave you chance to speak instead I hurted you.I don't know how to see your face.I love you my are my jaan.i promise you,hereafter I will never give any pain and i will never hurt you till my life.he engrossed in his thoughts.few minutes after,he reached her home.He screamed Pragya.sarala asked abi,what happened Abi.y she looks so dull.he lied with her maa.he asked maa,I want to meet her.where is she?.sarala said she is in her room.Abi asked maa if you don't mind shall I talk with her.sarala nodded her head.sarala gives some privacy time for them.she understands something happened between them.they need a time to solve their she gave permission to meet her daughter.sarala smiled.she thinks,they will sort out to their problem.Abi knocked her door.she said maa I told you.Abi screamed hey Pragu it's me.please open the door.Pragya thinks I never want mom to know about our fights.Pragya wiped her tears.she opened the door.she never look at Abi face.she turned her face.Abi entered to her room.he locked the door.At purab house,Bulbul said can you please leave my hand.I never wanna hear any words from your mouth.purab leave her shoulder.Bulbul is trying move from there.he pulled her.he kissed her passionately in her lips.Bulbul never responded instead she pushed him.she slapped his cheeks.purab hold his cheeks.he never get anger on her instead he smiled.Bulbul looks very angry.purab said I want you.Don't try to escape from are mine.No one love me like you loved.I like the way you loves me.Bulbul screamed shut up!how dare you to kiss me.Stop your drama.if you think,I am blind to trust you again in my life.enough!! Your talk.Bulbul is leaving from there.purab ran behind Bulbul.Bulbul reached near by door.purab pulled Bulbul hand.she fell down on his chest.he tightly hold her waist.Bulbul screamed leave me.purab whispered in her ears dear my love,now I completely fall in love with you.Few years before to till ago,I played with your feelings.but now I started to love the way you express your feelings for me.because I want someone to care me like you.Y I should find someone so better I find you. Hereafter you are my jaan. Sorry jaan, I love you.Bulbul looks stunned.she thinks in her mind no Bulbul,don't believe his words.he again trying to trap you.Don't fell in his web.he will never change.Bulbul said I hate you.purab smiled.she pushed him.she left from there.he thinks,how cute she is.I really love the way she express her feelings for me.that's y I confessed my feelings with her.At Pragya home - In Pragya room,Abi touched Pragya shoulder.Pragya turned.Immediately Abi hugged her.Pragya never reciprocate to his hug.she is standing like statue.Abi said I am sorry Pragu. I hurted you.I am really sorry.I am really such an idiot.please forgive me.his eyes filled with tears.Pragya can't control her emotions and her tears.she couldn't see his tears.still she is really care for him.but he told as cheap woman.she is really hurt by his words.whatever they fight,how can he call me as cheap he is trying to regret for his mistakes.I told him.please listen to me once.he never give me a chance to speak.he scolded me.he shouted me.he never ready to listen my words.Pragya break his hug.she said It's all over Mr.Abishek.Abi looks on.Abi Asked what are you saying.I accept that,I hurted you.I libeled talk about you.It's my mistakes.please scold me and punish me.please don't end our relationship.Pragya shouted u called me as cheap woman.yes,I am a cheap woman.these cheap woman loves you truly and madly.but u never trusted my words instead you doubted talk ill about my character.Mr.abishek,I am also a human being like you.I am also having feelings.She is crying like vulnerable doll.Abi couldn't see her tears.she faced this situation because of his mistakes.when she call him as Mr.abishek.It hurts him a lot.Pragya said It's all over Mr.abishek.Hereafter we don't wanna meet with each other.This is our last meeting.u just officially announce this news to media,our families.just tell them,I am a cheap woman.I am not suitable wife for you.Now please from here.he looks shattered.Pragya turned.her eyes filled with lots of emotions. Abi said k I will announce officially announce our break up.But before that,can you please return back all my memories I shared with you.Pragya looks clueless.she turned.she asked what do u mean that.Abi come towards her.Abi said just return back my kiss,my love.Pragya asked how could I return back.Abi said u want to settle down everything.whatever you give to me.I will return back to you.whatever I give to will return back to me.Pragya asked what!!!I can't do this.I told you,It's leave from here.Abi said if you never agree,It doesn't over.I should never accept this break up.I should never announce this breakup news to others.Pragya got anger.She said don't behave like a child.Abi come forwarded.Pragya goes backwards.she finally reached edge of the wall.he said you scared to do this.Because still you loves me.Pragya closed his mouth.she whispered in his ears.I am ready to do this.Abi said k fine now it's my turn.Abi kissed all over face.Pragya melted in his kiss.she feels vibration in her body.Pragya said enough.Now it's my turn.Abi asked i gave you 500 kiss in your cheeks,200kiss in your forehead.Pragya did whatever he told.Abi is completely enjoying romance with her.Pragya feels very happy.still she worries about his ill words about her.she never expected from her Abi to do this with her.Abi said now my lips.Pragya said no.Abi said else it doesn't over.Pragya claimed I kissed you more than you kissed me.Abi chuckled thinks about her cute anger.Abi said k fine.I will kiss you.Pragya said no!!! Abi said else kiss me.Pragya stared him.he enjoyed her antics.Pragya smiled said fine this is final kiss.Pragya initiated their kiss. she passionately kissed in his lips. Abi never ready to leave her.he kissed her.both feel dominance in their kiss.Abi pressed her breast to increase her romance mood.Pragya melted in his kiss.both are suffocate to breath.It's long kiss.she claimed I settle down everything.Abi said u still never settle down everything.pragya looks on

Abi and their movie crew having dinner in the director's house. Abi touched Pragya thigh. Pragya looks on. Pragya look at Abi.he winked his eyes.

Guys, I am totally disappointed. My previous ff never reached target votes. If I get my target votes then only I will post my next ff for this story. I hope, you will enjoy this track. Target votes for this ff 50. Keep Support and vote, comment for this ff. I gave a lengthy ff for these episodes. I miss my regular supporters and their votes. thank u who one voted and supported this ff in the last year 2018 likewise give your support, love, vote, comment on this year 2019.thank u all your love, vote, positive comment, and support. Rectify my mistakes.share with me through your comments. It will help me to improve myself. I hope u will enjoy this ff. Read it and vote it and comment on it. Happy new year to all. This year will bring you more success and more happiness in all your life. Have a wonderful year.

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