Chapter 6

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TW: drinking/alcohol

The group arrived back at the frat around 7. Alex headed upstairs to write for a bit, and John headed back to his room.

Thomas was in their bathroom when John got back, so John sat down on his bed and opened up a book he had been re-reading, Animal Farm. John might just be the only person who actively enjoyed books he read in high school English.

"Oh, you're back," Thomas said, walking out of the bathroom looking bored. He scanned his eyes up and down John. "You look nice."

"Thanks," John said quietly, not looking up from his book. He didn't want to admit it, but he wasn't really looking forward to the party. Drunk Thomas wasn't exactly his favorite version of his boyfriend.

"Hey." Thomas took John's book from his hand and tossed it aside on the bed. "You sticking with me tonight?"

"Um, yes, probably," John said, reaching for his book. Thomas smacked his hand away.


"Well yeah, I have some other friends I want to hang out with too," John responded, feeling his heartbeat quicken. "I might not even stay for that long, either."

"And why is that?" Thomas asked in a dangerously low voice.

"I- I'm just kind of tired today, okay?" John lied.

Thomas backed up and looked at his skeptically.

"Fine," he said. "But don't get too comfortable with anyone else, okay?"

John nodded, but in his head he was thinking, Like you are with Madison? He shook the thought away and picked up his book again, thankful that Thomas was being pretty calm tonight.

*time skip*

At around 9:15, Alex, Laf, and Herc (after locking their room) headed down as people started trickling in. They were greeted by the Schuylers and Maria.

"Hey!" Maria called out. The boys waved and headed over, as more and more surges of people came in the doors. The lights were down low, and music was blasting louder than anyone could even think. Herc and Laf were swept away by the crowds fairly quickly, as were the Schuylers and Maria, about five minutes after talking to the guys.

Alex looked around nervously. He wasn't always a huge fan of parties. He certainly wasn't a huge fan of alcohol. He promised himself that he'd stay until at least 10, and if he was talking or hanging out with anyone by then, he'd stay longer.

"Hi Alex!"

Alex turned to catch a glimpse of John waving at him before John was pulled away by Thomas into the crowd.

"Hi John!" Alex called back. Did that sound too eager? Dammit, I bet that sounded too eager.

Alex hoped John had missed the eagerness in his voice over the pounding music and decided to put himself into the crowd. He made his way into the group of sweaty bodies and tried to find John, but he was lost within everyone else.


Alex turned to see Aaron and a pretty young woman with him, who he assumed was Theodosia.

"Hey Aaron!" Alex said, relieved to see a familiar face. "How are you?"

"Good!" Aaron called back over the music. "This is Theodosia by the way," he said, gesturing the girl with him. She smiled at waved.



Alex smiled and looked away for a second, trying to see if he could find John, then turned back to talk to Aaron and Theo some more, but they had both disappeared.

Alex sighed and decided to head over the refreshment table. He wanted to get some punch, but he doubted there was anything on that table that wasn't spiked.

"Hey Alex!"

Alex looked up and saw John, smiling shyly at him.

"John!" he practically shouted, relieved. "Thank god you're here, I feel like everyone's been disappearing around me left and right."

John laughed.

"Completely understandable," he said, getting two beers out of a cooler below the table.

"Hey, um, do you want to hang around for a bit?" Alex asked nervously. "It's totally okay if you're already with a group! I just wanted to know because I don't have anyone to hang out with and I'm afraid someone is screwing in my room and I-"

John laughed.

"Yeah, I can hang around for a bit," he said, smiling, but throwing a nervous glance back into the crowd behind him. He turned back. "It's totally fine!"

Alex smiled and sighed happily. Finally, something was going right for him. The two went to the side of the room and sat down against a wall. They both turned red at the sight of two people making out drunkenly 5 feet away from them.

"You look really nice," Alex said quickly, looking down at his hands.

"Thank you," John said, blushing. "You do too."

"Well, you did design the outfit, so of course it looks good," Alex laughed.

"Not everyone can pull it off that well," John said quietly.


"Oh- uh, I just said thank you, I enjoy doing fashion design."

"How did you learn to do makeup so well?" Alex asked, finally being able to see John's sharp eyeliner up close.

"My sister taught me," John said. "I- um, also used to teach a makeup class for trans women and trans feminine people in high school."

"What? That's awesome!" Alex said. Just when he didn't think he could like John any more, John had to go and say something else amazing about himself. "Well, if you ever want a blank palate to practice on, my face is free."

John grinned. "I'll keep that in mind!"

"Oh, there you are."

A voice slurred from above Alex and John. They looked up to see Thomas, completely shit-faced and drunk.

"Where s'ma drinks?" he asked, looking upset.

John stood up quickly.

"Uh, right here, sorry," John said, looking down and handing over the beers.

"When I say I want somethin, I mean NOW!" Thomas said angrily, grabbing the bottles aggressively from John, causing John to flinch.

"I'm sorry, I was just-"


"Hey, man, you're drunk. Calm down," Alex said, standing up and stepping ahead of John.

"I don think you got anythin to do with this," Thomas said, stepping towards Alex. Alex stepped towards Thomas and was about to say something when John butted in.

"It's fine, Alex," John said quickly. "Thomas, please don't drink too much more."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "I'll do whatever the hell I want," he said. "Be in the room by 1," he continued. James Madison came over, only half as drunk as Thomas, and the two headed back into the crowd. John and Alex just stood there, Alex stunned and John red in the face.

"Um, I think I'm gonna head upstairs and chill out for a while," John said, moving away. "Thanks for hanging out, Alex. I'm sorry about him." Before Alex could say another word, John was hurrying up the stairs.

Part two of the party coming tomorrow! Sorry to stop it at this point, I just didn't want to make a super super long chapter and I wanted to make sure I had an idea all set and ready for tomorrow. Thanks guys! Love you!

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