Pranking time (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"Ayame's sadistic side speaking"

'Ayame's sadistic side thinking'



// sound effect or flash//

I don't own Assassination classroom nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in the last time part

Last time

Later on, after the lessons had finished, the class was walking down the mountain' when karma suddenly walked closer to Ayame and whispered something in her ear that made her smirk even more than she was before and whoever was the victim class 3-E was sorry for them because the most sadistic person in the world and someone that came from the most influential family was teaming up on a prank.


The next day

Class 3-E of kungigaoka high school

Karma and Ayame walked down a path towards the main campus, they were skipping the first lesson, but they didn't care as they were busy planning the execution of their biggest prank yet. They had meticulously planned this prank and set up their equipment ahead of time, they had paint bombs filled with a special type of 'paint', and embarrassing photos, mainly of the principal and his son but there was at least one embarrassing picture of at least everyone on the main campus, as well as glitter, rainbow coloured streamers that would all fall on the unsuspecting victim. When they reached the gate that would be watched by CCTV, a whisper broke the moment of silence between the pair "my father is currently at a meeting in Kyoto, he won't be back until at the very least tomorrow, he locks his office whenever he is away, but there is a spare key on the top of the door frame, only Gakushuu is supposed to know it's there, and neither know that I know of its presence" she whispered to Karma, the red-haired male smirked as he made his way onto the main campus.

Anybody who saw Karma simply assumed he was cutting class, so paid him no attention, when the red-haired boy disappeared from view they went back to listening to the lecture, not noticing the strawberry blonde-haired girl that managed to sneak in just a little bit later than the redhead, to avoid getting caught by her brother.

After they went into the main building, the two students had set up pranks above each of the classroom doors before sneaking into the principal's office to alter the security cameras of them ever being there and changing all of the supplies in the room to childish things and took a picture and made a few copies before printing them and making copies putting them up all around the school, seeing that they only had 15 minutes until class let up they quickly and quietly snuck back to the class 3-E campus, before they could get caught. When they reached E-Class all the students were outside for P.E.

Karasuma-sensei was teaching them more defensive and attack patterns to try and kill the octopus. Hearing laughter coming from the tree line everyone turned their heads to see both Karma and Ayame walk out of the tree line with sadistic smirks lacing their faces. Nagisa looked at them suspiciously, " what did you two do?" He only received a reply of " don't worry you will find out" as soon as the final word was voiced screaming could be heard from the main campus building, everyone looked back at the two students, who had innocent looks on their faces, everyone internally screaming 'they're anything but innocent!" Seconds later Karma pulled out his phone and showed Ayame, they both laughed.

Maehara asked, " hey, what are you guys looking at?" Karma told them to gather around, once everyone was In a position where they could see the phone screen, Karma played a video, showing how one or two students from every class got covered in glitter and paint, then rainbow streamers that said miss world on it. What made it even funnier, was that Gakushuu had been one of the unlucky victims and everyone started laughing, it only got louder when they saw the principal's office and said to the two prankers " if he finds out it was your doing, both of you are going to be in deep shit, you know that right" they both just shrugged it off and started walking into the building.

Just as the female was about to follow the red-haired boy into the building she heard her phone ringing, she looked at the caller ID before smirking, taking a deep breath to compose herself, she answered the call and said, " Hai, Onii-san what is it?" All the while a smirk was evident on her face. After a few words from her brother she nodded and said seriously" sorry to disappoint you Onii-san, but he has been in the class for the majority of the lesson left for about ten minutes but came back I hardly find that enough time to set up a mass prank on the entire school and get down and back up the mountain, do you?". Everyone was watching the girl and thought 'wow, she could be an actress'. After that she replied " will do, but don't expect many results, see you later, bye" before hanging up and started laughing so hard that she had to use the wall to keep her self standing.

Karma came up behind her and said" what's so funny" to which Ayame smirked and said " he already suspected you of doing it but I told him that you were in class only leaving for about ten minutes, he said he was going to check the CCTV camera's which will only show you go down to the main campus, get strawberry milk from the vending machine and come back to class 3-E campus just like you did yesterday. He also said for me to try and get information on who could have done it. *Karma started laughing* for a smart guy he really is stupid" the redhead nodded and walked back inside completely forgetting about the other E-class students, who were now thinking of ways to get the two pranksters together.

Later that day as the E-class walked down to the entrance to the mountain, they saw a florescent orangish-pink Gakushuu standing there, clearly pissed off and tried to stifle their laughter as he grabbed Ayame by her wrist and pulled her to the car. When he wasn't looking at her, she turned her head and smirked at the other E-class members, before being shoved into the car.

Upon reaching the house Gakushuu immediately went to shower and try to get the paint out, 30 minutes later he came out of the bathroom in new clothes, a slight pink tint to his hair which wasn't really that noticeable if you didn't know what his original hair colour was. After that, he sat down opposite Ayame in the living room. Gakushuu continually asked Ayame if anyone In E-class could have done it, she shook her head and said "all of them were in the lesson during the time when the prank would have been set up, did you find anything on the CCTV cameras that could lead you to your guilty party" to which the boy shook his head and said " no... I know Akabane did it, but I don't know how as even the CCTV showed me the exact same thing as what you said, so for the time being I have to say he is innocent... at least until proven guilty, since I have no evidence, I can't accuse him, so I am letting this go, after all, every little bit of paint has been cleaned now and the pictures of fathers office have been destroyed. From what I can guess, it was Akabane, I don't know how he managed it, but I'm sure it was him who got into fathers office last time and change all of his things" he shook his head and Ayame went to make dinner, she looked at her brother and said " you shouldn't worry too much or you'll get wrinkles like father" causing her brother to chuckle slightly, a light smirk adorning his face.

Later on in the evening

Just as Ayame was about to fall asleep, she heard a 'manly' scream coming from her brother's room. He ran into her room to rant to her about his hair, the room was still dark, so all Ayame could see was glow-in-the-dark pink hair bobbing around, she turned the light on and took a picture of her brother then turned it off again, taking another picture, she turned her phone off, locking it and going to sleep with a smirk on her face. while her brother left her room grumbling about annoying pranks and cheeky sisters.

The next morning everyone in E-class received a before and after picture from Ayame, the first half was of Gakushuu with pink tinted hair, which said before, then they looked at the other half, of the glow-in-the-dark pink hair and laughed while reading the caption that said this is what happens when you don't read instructions on hair dye. Everyone laughed even more and said to Ayame "that was awesome!" The ginger-haired girl and red-haired boy looked at each other, the girl smirked and said "oh don't worry there is still one prank that they haven't taken down yet" everyone looked at her confused until karma's face lit up in realization and said, "you mean that one, right?" Ayame nodded and said " yep and he is on his way to his office, right now" the girl went on her phone and tapped into the camera feed and everyone crowded around to see Gakuho walk into his office, turning the light on, he released a 'manly' scream, everyone looked at the screen in shock, never realizing the principal could scream at such a high frequency. Laughing, Ayame said " like father, like son" when they got confused by what she meant, she said " Gakushuu screamed just like that last night when he saw his hair luminescent pink, shortly before charged into my room crying about the fact his hair was glow in the dark" everyone started laughing. After a while, koro-sensei turned up and started the lesson.

All the while the two troublemakers were smiling at each other, which didn't go unnoticed by 3 people, who could see the two together in the future and snickered lightly before getting back to the lesson.

till next time

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