Chapter Five: Their Friends

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The next morning didn't go any better.

Taylor hadn't talked to her yet. The mouse from last night was eaten but Feather couldn't tell if a rouge had come and stolen the mouse or if it was Taylor. Feather's patch was only starting to lose its potency... but she didn't feel like changing it.

Today was Sunday. The day she might finally get help. Maybe then she could finally find where was meant to be.

Because this isn't it.

"Ollie! Whisker! Thanks for coming!" Taylor ran out of the barn to greet two cats in a barrelled hug.

"Nice to see you too, bud!" The orange, black and white calico exclaimed with warm green-yellow eyes.

"It's our normal meeting day right...?" The other, quieter grey tabby molly murmured, Feather could barely hear her speak. "Did we come early?"

"It's the day those twolegs love to ring that bell, so of course it's the right day." The calico licked the tabby's head. They seemed to be mates...

Feather sighed, getting to her paws and walking out of the barn. "These are your friends? They can help, right?"

"Yeah, they can help you, alright! They know everyone in town, so they'll be able to know who you--" Taylor started.

"Who's she?" The calico asked.

Feather's heart dropped as she flattened her ears. "Should have guessed.."

The tabby blinked, but she looked at Taylor. "Should we know her?"

Taylor's tail dropped, but they nodded. "Guys, this is Feather, she woke up near my barn with no memories. She's trying to find out where she was from and we were hoping you could help."

Feather whispered, "What are their names though?"

"Oh!" Taylor blanked, coming back to reality. "Whisker is the quiet tabby, and Oliver is her wife."

"Ollie is fine!" the calico mewed, looking cheeky as she nuzzled Whisker. "But yep, best wife I have!"

"I'm the only wife you have." Whisper giggled.

"Doesn't make it any less true!" Ollie grinned.

Feather looked longingly at them, she wished she had someone like that, that she could rely on. Feather shook her head, I don't think of Taylor that way, we still are angry at each other. Feather thought.

"We should probably get inside," Taylor said, observing oncoming rain clouds, "Just in case, if we can get some clues?"

Ollie looked cheeky but didn't say much as Whisper nodded, Taylor followed them in next. Feather shook her head, foolish and bubbly thoughts filling her head. No, you certainly don't want that! Feather huffed, feeling not as good as she could be as she walked in.

The barn was suddenly full of life, Whisker curled up on a little haybale, Taylor was grooming their face as Ollie was pacing.

As soon as Feather came in, Ollie ran towards her.

"Okay so, you're a flame-point siamese. Pretty rare breed, although with your strange eyes, that may be indicating you may be mixed, but that may rule out.... Hmm... You're a molly, right?" Ollie went on, her green-yellow eyes beaming and full of energy. "That eliminates being related to Sage, since he never had any kids and his family was sent off. You may be a kittypet but I know for a fact, I've met everyone and know their names. Firey, Ember, Hotshot-- They're all funny cats but not very helpful!" Ollie thought aloud. "Hmm, maybe you could have been dragged from somewhere else? Where exactly did you wake up?"

"I woke up next to a river, Taylor knows exactly where it was." Feather replied, trying hard to remember, "I remembered... fighting... and falling into the river. I got out somehow, anyway."

Ollie looked at Taylor, "Where did she wake up?"

"By the East river in the Hazel forest cat territory," Taylor explained, "Near our usual spot."

"Hmmmm...." The calico thought hard.

"If it helps, I think I've seen you before." Whisker said, "But it was a long time ago and-"

Feather looked at Whisker, "You did?"

"It was by the-" Whisper started, but Feather was already in the grey tabby's face.

"Do you know if I had a family? My name?" Feather emphasized. "Where do I come from?"

Whisker squeaked, closing her eyes and shivering. Ollie came over and pushed Feather back.

"Hey, don't do that!" She growled,

"Well sorry for wanting answers!" Feather shoved her paw into Ollie's face, "You have a perfect life already so if she knows something, I need to know!"

"You should be sorry!" Ollie shoved Feather's paw away and lashed their tail.

"I should not be! I should already know this! I didn't ask for this!"

"Then don't take it out on us! That's your problem!"

A loud crash of thunder sounded outside, as Ollie and Feather continued to bicker. Whisker had backed herself into a haybale, looking terrified.

"You two! Stop fighting!" Taylor growled, pushing the two away and looking at Feather. "I expected better of you... both of you." They looked at Ollie.

Feather fumed, turning to Whisker. "Where did you see me?" Feather hissed.

"I- the gorge! Just west of here! You were with someone else but I don't know anything else." Whisker yelped, covering her head. "Please don't bite me!"

Feather turned and started to storm out, her tail lashing.

"Where are you going?" Taylor called, running up in front of Feather. "You cause a scene then storm off without a word? What is wrong with you?"

"You hate me, I feel terrible around you..." Feather locked her eyes with Taylor, her voice solemn. "I don't have anything left here."

"That's..." Taylor stepped back, looking terribly heartbroken, "I care enough to not let you die. There's a storm brewing! And that eye isn't going to heal if you stress it--"

"I. Don't. Care." Feather yelled, "I thought you could help me! You can't! Your friends can't! The only cat I can rely on is myself."

"I care.."

"No, you don't."

And with that, she was gone.

Taylor sat down, an absolute wreck.

I thought she felt the same... I thought we could maybe work it out... after Longhorn... I thought I could finally start moving on.

- 8/6/22 (960 Words)

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