1 year Wattpad - Contest

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Okay. Today's the day that marks my joining of wattpad.
I'm actually surprised I wasn't insulted to death by now cause, just yesterday I started actually being on DA and I already got one person tgat writes me hate comments on about how shitty I and Germany is and that I have no right to exists. All because I said that I don't like fetish art yet I don't mind people posting it. Thanks dude, I missed the feeling of being scum, crap and worthless :D

Eh, what? Whatever, back to the theme: since today is my one year anniversary, I wanna make a contest.

So here's the theme:
Draw Freak with one (or more) additional body part / weapon / thing / power (while he uses it) / etc. or without body parts / sanity / etc.
(You get what I mean, right?)
And explain why he is like that now. You may change his backstory / personality / etc. A bit to fit the situation. (Reference of Freak can be found in my OC book)
This will not only be rated after art skills but also after creativity.
Points will be given on:
- visual design (your art skills)
- creativity
- performance (how you combined your art skills with your creativity)
- reasoning (how much sense your story makes)

Visual design: 20 points
Creativity: 10 points
Performance: 15 points
Reasoning: 5 points
Total: 50 points

Prizes (you know you want em):

1st place:
- a fully coloured, shaded and outlined picture of a character of your choice full body (doesn't have to be your character) and a simple background
- you can decide what my profile pic should be for the next 30 days (I dunno, I always wanted tgat as a prize in a contest XD)
- I'll read a book of your choice and will give constructive criticism as well as votes on the chapters/pictures I like (doesn't have to be your book. Just a wattpad book)
- a traditional copic (black, grey and white) drawn piece of a character of your choice (again, doesn't have to be your character)
- a big fat shout out and a recommendation

2nd place:
- a digital coloured piece that's either shaded or outlined (meaning, without outlines, it'll just be the sketch in coloured) of a character of your choice from the waist up (last time I repeat this: doesn't have to be your character) and a plain colour background
- I'll spam vote a book of your choice
- a traditional sketch of a character of your choice
- you can choose what header I have to use for the next 20 days
- a shout out

3rd place:
- a plain coloured digital sketch of a character of your choice from the waist up
- a traditional sketch of a character of your choice
- a tutorial on how I draw (insert theme). You can decide what theme (I suck at tutorial but I thought I had to spice things up a bit)
- a shout out

Honorable mentions:
-a digital sketch of a character of your choice, head shot
- a shout out

Everyone else that entered:
- a shout out

I think that sounds acceptable. I mean, it ain't much but I wanted a bit unique prizes and I've never seen anyone give the choice of their profile pic as prize so...
Also, to whoever wins 1rst and 2nd place, use your choice wisely. I expect something great from you.

Due date: november 22 2016

Ask if you got questions and please write in the comments whether you would participate or not. Thanks :)
Also, I'd appreciate if you'd share this with friends cuz... the more the merrier and I'm do excited to see drawings for this ^^

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