Cover - False Impression

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So... I finished the cover for DanielleWharrie...

I really hope you'll like it cause I worked serval hours on it. If you won't use it as cover, guess that's fine, but just know that it took me not only much time but also very much willpower since I'm such a lazy person that can't really finish anything. I just really wanted to finish it cuz I hoped you'd make it your cover...

Anyways, here the cover:

If you don't like the background, I can understand that. it was just ripped off of Google cuz I can't do background even if my life depended on it.

Also, if you DO use it, please don't put my name at the VERY END of the description. That's really not cool. I want people to see that I drew this. so be as nice as to put it at the beginning of the description and maybe even on top of the first chapter (if you start of with a prolouge in the first chapter).
I hate to put my name on other people's covers, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be credited for my work...

Bye bye, people!
Also, I got an hour of free time so if your online right now, mind giving me some ideas of situations I could put Freak into? Like I did in the last chapter? Cause that#s fun for me and I'd love to do more of such sketches...

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