[Realistic] My Hand

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Yeah. I needed an excuse to post this. Any other questions?

So, before you get to see the pic, please read this. I kinda need help.

Some of you might know that I can talk more freely on the internet than irl.
I'm feeling a bit down because four peeps from Wattpad that I really liked just left me within three days. I'm sad and lonely, no doubt. But I won't go crying my eys out to you. I should've known this would happen. I can't make friends, more less keep them if I make some.

Anyways, now the reason I wanted to talk. Or rather, I want someone to talk. I'll be confirmed next october. And I have a lot of religious as well as normal questions to ask. This doesn't mean you have to be confirmed already. You just have to not judge me, be monotheistic (only believe in the one god) and try to understand me. Even though I am - as I said already - more open on the internet, those are some very personal questions to me and I don't want to share them to all of the world.
I don't want to ask Angel (and I'd appreciate if you just don't ask me bout this either, Angel) because those are personal and I feel like I just want an opinion of someone who doesn't know me irl.

So... if you think you could help me, please pm me. Just know, if you share what I tell you, act different to me because of that orwon't take me seriously, I'll surely break the contact to you. I'm really broken and this all reminds me of unpleasent stuff. I trust you and I expect you to appreciate that trust because I never trusted anyone with this before (not even fully with Angel).
*sigh* sorry if that sounded mean
.... I just don't know what to do anymore...

I doubt anyone read this cuz... there are only three peeps commenting on this book lately. Maybe even they don't read the text and just comment about the pic.
Anyways, now I'll show you what I drew because...... reasons. I don't liike not posting art in an art book. This pic is just and excuse for this chapter.

I didn't even do the nails. Wow.
Btw, this is a phone drawing. Don't judge its crappiness (is that even a word?) please.

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