*insert creative title here*

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So ummmm.... hey.
I don't really have art, just some scribbles and something my niece/cousin/whatever you'd call her (she's the daughter of the daughter of the sister of my grandma so basically one generation after me. I dunno if that makes any sense to you?) drew for me (she never got to finish it tho):

(You know which one's mine because mine doesn't have clean lines and isn't coloured XD)
Anyway, just dropping in to tell you that i probably was be able to post art in the next days cuz my parents are on vacation and i have to take care of everything. Yeah, just thought I'd tell you so that you'd know I'm alright and stuff.
What have you been up to lately? (Sorry that i didn't go through the notifications i got over the weekend but i don't really have the time to go through 100+ notifications ;A; )

Love y'all! Bye! ^^

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